The Rationalist Society of Australia

Apr 12th
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As a fringe event to the Global Atheist Convetion commencing Friday 13 April, the RSA is proud to support the above debate.  Click here to purchase tickets.



Saturday April 14 at Embiggen Books, 197 - 203 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne, commencing 10 am

Cost: $5 including coffee and muffins.  Bookings via 03 9662 2062 or instore essential.

The_Good_Book Meet author A.C. Grayling and hear him talk about "The Good Book"

A.C. Grayling is to philosophy what Carl Sagan was to science.  His ability to illuminate philosophy and ethics for the lay person is unparalleled.  He has written extensively on a staggering array of subjects; the ethics of war crimes, secularism, human rights, religion, euthanasia, drug use and, perhaps most importantly, how to live.  This ability to comment and write knowledgeably across such wide ranging areas of popular concern has made him one of the most important public intellectual of our time.








What's going on at VCAT?

In Victoria, three courageous parents have stood up against the Victorian Education Department, arguing against the requirement that they must choose between the lesser of two unpalatable options: to opt their children into Special Religious Instruction and risk exposure to unacceptable religious indoctrination, or to opt their children out and risk detriment to their children.  Read more here.

Not pushing our children into a school based religious experience is in line with the ojbectives of the Rationalist Society of Australia, specifically "to promote a secular and ethical system of education", so the more support we can muster, the more we can show parents they are not alone in wanting public schools to be for the public.



The Rationalist Society wrote an Open Letter to the Minister for Education, the Hon. Martin Dixon, calling for an end to the divisive and discriminatory Special Religious Instruction in Victorian government schools.

Click here to see what happened in January 2012 when the Atheist, Secularist & Humanist Society at the University College of London put up a "Jesus and Mo" cartoon to advertise a weekly pub social.

Click here to see where we're at with RSA project 1. Supporting a high quality, universal and secular education system.


Below is an idea for a t-shirt from President Emeritus, Ian Robinson
