First Dog on the Moon

I am using this forum as it would be illegal for me to express these views in Australia…

The dignity of work and the sanctity of the family: The truth!

Literally the most excellent of of all the premier cultural literary awards

Autumn will not shut up

The war on drugs…

First Dog’s Time Machine! On this day in 2009

Today’s cartoon is from April 2, 2009 and is titled “Some things are lost”:

Tonight on Gaffe Watch: Heavyweight Champion Tony Abbott

The 3rd Annual Green Oration… Interpreted!

The legend of Captain Rupert, scourge of the seven seas…

Democracy: How you like it all up in your grill now mofos?

Queensland: Beautiful one day, charnel house of democracy the next

I was a teenage teenager: The Emily Onthemoon Story

Hell in a Cell: Jersey Shore’s Snooki vs Federal Senator Bob Carr

Was Clive Palmer the Quoll on the Knoll?

You wouldn’t download a Predator Drone…

It’s not appendicitis, it’s a holiday!

The overlooking of Peter

It’s a surf and turf war

Climate Change: Is it making us all numpties?

Corazon Salvage (Wild Heart) Episode 4!

Deep fried passion and intrigue!

Lest we forget…

Won’t somebody think of the memes?

Exclusive Scandal Shock: Trained Killers Are Not Very Nice People

The Female Eunuch and I

Australia: are we too stupid to live in it?