Kathy Jackson fights on, but can’t win a HSU ballot

Health Services Union national secretary Kathy Jackson would suffer a massive defeat if the union’s members heeded her call for fresh elections to clean out its current leadership group.

Budget surplus: why everyone agreed to the wrong path

Wayne Swan’s 2012-13 budget will be Australia’s sharpest fiscal U-turn since the dramatic rebalancing of Treasury finances in 1951. And there’s no stopping the bipartisan approach, says Rob Burgess of Business Spectator.

Sydney’s second airport has all sides of politics in trouble

If you were a stranger in Sydney this morning in a taxi that had just endured the congestion at its small, dysfunctional airport, you’d be blasted by talkback radio in full frenzy over its second Sydney airport saga.

Race to find financier as Gunns pulp mill faces facts

Tasmanian timber company Gunns’ proposed $2.3 billion Bell Bay Pulp Mill — still reeling from the withdrawal of a key financier — could be facing an uncertain future at the hands of throat-cutting global competitors, a major industry conference has heard.

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The White House easter egg roll.


QLD election

Covering the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.



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The 2012 presidential election.

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  • HSU boss Williamson to remain for months

    It will take months to remove accused embezzler Michael Williamson from his Health Services Union post even though the vast majority of the union’s national executive want him gone, reports Matthew Knott.

  • Is North Korea gearing up another nuclear test?

    According to South Korean intelligence officials, North Korea is preparing for a new nuclear test to follow a contentious rocket launch later this week, reports Paula Hancocks and Jethro Mullen.

  • Is Hunter Moore the world’s greatest troller?

    He is despised by politicians, celebrities, hacker groups and, well, virtually everybody under the sun. Camille Dodero profiles Hunter Moore, the “revenge poor profiteer” who founded the reviled blog Is Anyone Up.

  • Travel by the book: literary tourism

    Last week, Lisa Dempster walked the halls of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, once again a literary tourist in a foreign city. Just like shopping, eating or sightseeing abroad can reveal a lot about a place, so too can its literary culture.

  • The Climate Commission: one year on

    Australians are concerned about climate change and think Australians should take action to reduce carbon emissions, says the Climate Commission in its first “year in review,” reports Amber Jamieson.

  • Lyon: my mate Jimma

    AFL and youth work legend Jim Stynes passed away yesterday morning after a long battle with illness. Garry Lyon discusses their final months together as mates talking about life, love and the rules of pool in a lovely tribute to his mate.

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