
Many of the body's most basic functions are regulated by the endocrine system—eight different glands located throughout the body. The endocrine system constantly and quietly does its work—secreting liquid chemical messengers called hormones. These chemicals manage muscle growth and digestion, as well as energy, reproduction, and more. Here in the pancreas, a hormone called insulin is produced and secreted into the blood. When levels of blood glucose —or sugar— become too high, the pancreas increases production of insulin. Chemicals in the insulin cause body cells to open up, allowing more glucose from the blood to enter cells—stabilizing the amount of glucose in the blood and maintaining adequate energy in the cells. This is just one example of how the endocrine system regulates a number of important body functions.

9 Months Hormones "TRANSGENDER" HRT
9 Months Hormones "TRANSGENDER" HRT
This is a video of the effects of 9 months on HRT

Body Hair After Hormones/HRT MtF
Body Hair After Hormones/HRT MtF
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com This is how body hair changes after taking hormone replacement therapy. Thetransbrothers - www.youtube.com

7 Months Hormones "Transgender" HRT
7 Months Hormones "Transgender" HRT
I promise I'll get better at making these video blogs haha

Maximum The Hormone - Rock In Japan 2006
Maximum The Hormone - Rock In Japan 2006
Setlist : 04:16 01 - Rokkinpo Goroshi 08:19 02 - Koi No Sweet Kuso Meriken 12:00 03 - Houchou Hasami Cutter Knife Dosu Kiri 14:38 04 - Nigire Tsutsu Official Website : www.55mth.com Facebook Fanwebsite : www.facebook.com Fansite : www.maximumthehormone.net Forum : www.maximumthehormone.net

MTF Transsexual: My Hormone Regimen/Doses
MTF Transsexual: My Hormone Regimen/Doses
AMAZON WISHLIST: www.amazon.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com THETRANSBROTHERS: www.youtube.com HOW TO INJECT HORMONES:

Electrolysis and Hormones
Electrolysis and Hormones
:) this video was suppose to have been uploaded yesterday, sorry for the delay.

Maximum The Hormone - Rising Sun Rock Festival 2009
Maximum The Hormone - Rising Sun Rock Festival 2009
Setlist : 00:01 01 - Houchou Hasami Cutter Knife Dosu Kiri 02:51 02 - Zetsubou Billy Official Website : www.55mth.com Facebook Fanwebsite : www.facebook.com Fansite : www.maximumthehormone.net Forum : www.maximumthehormone.net

The Endocrine System
The Endocrine System
Paul Andersen explains the major elements in the endocrine system. He explains how glands produce hormones which target cells. He differentiates between water soluble and lipid soluble hormones. He then describes the hormones and actions of ten glands; pineal, anterior pituitary, posterior pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, testes and ovaries.

Hormone FAQ // My Experience
Hormone FAQ // My Experience
facebook.com twitter.com ediekershaw.tumblr.com http a little about DIY mones, my experience, and about them in general 1) my mindset did not change and hasn't since i started them which is why i didn't go over psychological effects 2) i had already been ~*~living dis way~*~ for a year before mones so that sort of thing didn't change and i'm treated about the same as before

i like beans. twitter: www.twitter.com facebook: www.facebook.com

Freeza- Maximum The Hormone
Freeza- Maximum The Hormone
Lyrics: Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise Poise Poi! Poise...

2012 Pro Hormone Review
2012 Pro Hormone Review
26 Different "Top-Tier" pro hormones, mostly underground - reviewed and information for you to consider before purchasing.

8 months on hormones
8 months on hormones
Just a collection on pics from over the last 4 months. Plus my favourite song in the world! x

Raging Hormones
Raging Hormones
viewster.com - watch MORE free movies on http College-bound Peter Broadhurst is quickly taken off course when his beautiful sex-crazed neighbor decides to use him as her personal sex toy. Peter thinks he's landed in the most amazing fantasy a teen could ever imagine until his mother catches him and all hell breaks loose.

19 weeks on hormones
19 weeks on hormones
Hi everyone! So sorry it's been so long since my last update. I've been on hormones for 19 weeks and thought I'd check in xxx