
[Algodoo]Algodoo Simple Hydrodynamics lesson
[Algodoo]Algodoo Simple Hydrodynamics lesson
This is a basic scene that i made, to demonstrate how certain shapes move through water easily. Hydrodynamics in this game are simple at best, but still, it demonstrates a point :) Dare to be different? I do :D

Hydrodynamics Marching Songs
Hydrodynamics Marching Songs
Hydrodynamics is the show that my school band is going to play next year. The songs are water, steam, and ice

Voith Turbo Fluid Coupling - Hydrodynamics
Voith Turbo Fluid Coupling - Hydrodynamics
Explanation of the principle of hydrodynamic power transmission in Voith fill-controlled fluid couplings. For more information visit: www.voithturbo.com/startup-components

Course Introduction | Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics, Spring 2003
Course Introduction | Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics, Spring 2003
This course is an introduction to numerical methods: interpolation, differentiation, integration, and systems of linear equations. It covers the solution of differential equations by numerical integration, as well as partial differential equations of inviscid hydrodynamics: finite difference methods, boundary integral equation panel methods. Also addressed are introductory numerical lifting surface computations, fast Fourier transforms, the numerical representation of deterministic and random sea waves, as well as integral boundary layer equations and numerical solutions. See the complete course at: ocw.mit.edu License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ocw.mit.edu More courses at ocw.mit.edu

physics animations - Vector Fields and Hydrodynamics
physics animations - Vector Fields and Hydrodynamics
REMEMBER: these are not sequels, they are only cuts, from full videos, with the one purpose: show the different kinds of great animations we can use to define and explain anything in science!

Lecture - 40 Rudder Hydrodynamics
Lecture - 40 Rudder Hydrodynamics
Lecture Series on Performance of Marine Vehicles At Sea by Prof.SC Misra and Prof.D.Sen, Department of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture, IIT Kharagpur. For More details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

The Hydrodynamics of Wine Swirling
The Hydrodynamics of Wine Swirling
A crucial step in wine tasting is the so called swirling, necessary to release the bouquet of the wine: a gentle circular movement of the glass generates a wave propagating along the glass walls, enhancing oxygenation and mixing. Although being used in a large variety of other applications (eg cells cultures in orbital shaken bioreactors) this motion is not yet well understood. In this fluid dynamics video we show the large variety of waves shapes generated by this simple movement, and we identify a group of dimensionless parameters governing the flow. Credits: Martino Reclari, Matthieu Dreyer, Stephanie Tissot, Danail Obreschkow, Florian Wurm, Mohamed Farhat Read the paper here: arxiv.org See more videos like this on my blog: astronasty.blogspot.com

Blender Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Problematic Deflections
Blender Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Problematic Deflections
Demonstration of a bug in Blender's particle system in combination with SPH-Fluids.

HydroDynamic Buggy Hammers 2011 Waterfall.wmv
HydroDynamic Buggy Hammers 2011 Waterfall.wmv
Full hydraulic rock buggy testing at the Hammers

GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics using CUDA, Test scene 3
GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics using CUDA, Test scene 3
A video demonstrating my GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) implementation using CUDA to achieve extremely high performance. The video shows the real-time performance of the implementation, more than 100 FPS (dt=0.002) is achieved on a NVIDIA Geforce GTX 470 (Fermi). In this scene a water-like fluid is simulated using a SPH model described by Mueller in "Particle-Based Fluid Simulation for Interactive Applications". Test scene 3, 128K particles and hue-based color gradient for particle velocity. This work is part of my masters thesis in computer science at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). NTNU HPC-lab website: www.idi.ntnu.no The code and my masters thesis can be found at code.google.com

Drexciya - Quantum Hydrodynamics
Drexciya - Quantum Hydrodynamics
Drexciya - Hydro Doorways ---------------- Tresor 137- Vinyl, 12", 33 ⅓ RPM- Germany-Feb 2000 Genre: Electronic Style: Techno, Electro ---- Neptune's Lair CD, Album. Tresor 129 www.discogs.com

The HydroDynamics buggy
The HydroDynamics buggy
just a quick shot I took of it passing by at KOH

Yamaha Banshee Hydrodynamics Front Suspension Review
Yamaha Banshee Hydrodynamics Front Suspension Review
Best upgrade you can do to a banshee by FAR!

GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics using CUDA, Test scene 1
GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics using CUDA, Test scene 1
A video demonstrating my GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) implementation using CUDA to achieve extremely high performance. The video shows the real-time performance of the implementation, more than 100 FPS (dt=0.002) is achieved on a NVIDIA Geforce GTX 470 (Fermi). In this scene a water-like fluid is simulated using a SPH model described by Mueller in "Particle-Based Fluid Simulation for Interactive Applications". Test scene 1, 128K particles and hue-based color gradient for particle velocity. This work is part of my masters thesis in computer science at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). NTNU HPC-lab website: www.idi.ntnu.no The code and my masters thesis can be found at code.google.com

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics 2
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics 2
cg.skeelogy.com Modified the usual Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) fluid simulation method for easier implementation, better performance and more control. Done using Microsoft XNA 2.0.

Hybrid Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Hybrid Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
This is the accompanying video for the paper presented at the Symposium of Computer Animation (SCA 2011): Hybrid Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Karthik Raveendran, Chris Wojtan, Greg Turk Project: www.endingcredits.com By combining a pressure projection on a coarse Eulerian grid with SPH, we can take larger timesteps and maintain near uniform particle density. This method is 2-4x faster than typical SPH simulators without exhibiting noticeable compression artifacts.

Hydrodynamics Tuning: Tunnel Cam
Hydrodynamics Tuning: Tunnel Cam
Watch how we fine tune our boats using advanced water-proof cameras. In this clip you can see the water being compressed.

Two Log Pontoon hydrodynamics, ventilation & wake characteristics at various speeds
Two Log Pontoon hydrodynamics, ventilation & wake characteristics at various speeds
My endeavor to catalog and video typical hydrodynamics seen in Pontoon Operation. Benefits: 1. Why BIG FOOT gearcases exist 2. Why Ventilation in turns occurs 3. Why Performance Strakes, Specialized Nose Cones and Spray shields vary, along with Underdeck Skins. It will also illustrate that a mere 5 mph difference is quite a difference! This first video installment is: (2) two-log Pontoon Boat operation. Video endeavors to show 0 mph, 5 mph, 10 mph, 15 mph & 20 mph shots, with detailed speed variations that focus on cone design, cone spray shield, and motor pod design. (Test vehicle was a 20ft pontoon boat with 25inch logs, no Performance Strakes, No Underbelly "WaveTamer" skin, a pretty common pontoon design in 2011) Our next video installments will show two-log pontoons with WaveTamer and Performance Strakes, and even later a triple-log tri-toon operation, and how they vary in spray and turbulence. We hope that the audience will observe and recognize that pontoons, unlike V-Hull boats, squeeze the water and spray inward. This causes a great deal of turbulence. So a motor must reach down deeper into the water to escape the aerated water, or it is forced to ventilate in the aeration. Moreover, higher speeds above 15mph begin to benefit from lifting strakes and underbelly skin. Even there, we'll endeavor to show the differences in design, cause & effect between strakes and WaveTamer underbelly skin.

GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics using CUDA, Test scene 2
GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics using CUDA, Test scene 2
A video demonstrating my GPU-based Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) implementation using CUDA to achieve extremely high performance. The video shows the real-time performance of the implementation, more than 100 FPS (dt=0.002) is achieved on a NVIDIA Geforce GTX 470 (Fermi). In this scene a water-like fluid is simulated using a SPH model described by Mueller in "Particle-Based Fluid Simulation for Interactive Applications". Test scene 2, 128K particles and hue-based color gradient for particle velocity. This work is part of my masters thesis in computer science at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). NTNU HPC-lab website: www.idi.ntnu.no The code and my masters thesis can be found at code.google.com

Project Torpedalo - Final Hydrodynamics Test
Project Torpedalo - Final Hydrodynamics Test
The third and final hydrodynamics test at Newcastle University's MAST towing tank. The aims of the test were to evaluate the drag curve of the now finished hull shape, determine the drag induced by the drivetrain(s) and collect some data to help decide on rudder size. It was also a good chance to test our waterproof video camera! This work wouldn't have been possible without the unwavering support of John Burn Ltd, CGI, Bentley Motors and Newcastle University. Thanks to all those who have made this testing a success. We're still crunching through the data, but the numbers are looking very, very good!

MHD generator
MHD generator
MHD generatorMagnetohydrodynamic generator, or MHD generator, is a device for generating electric power. This installation transforms energy of a moving actuating medium into electric power.So what is an actuating medium?In this case this is a current-conducting medium. This can be a liquid metal, an electrolyte, or plasma. Movement of these media is characterized by magnetic hydrodynamics. So this is why the generator has such name. Its operating principle and design are relatively simple.The principle idea is to let the actuating medium pass through the channel in a magnetic field which is generated by an electromagnet. The medium moves at a high speed which can be supersonic. In this case the external magnetic field "sorts out" negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions of the actuating medium by directing them into different trajectories.Direction of force effect can be determined with the help of the left-hand rule. As a result positively charged ions settle on the cathode while negatively charged ones settle on the anode. Electromotive force occurs between electrodes since they acquire unlike charges. In this case electric current will flow through the conductor which connects electrodes.The generator has a nice feature as it does not have such moving parts as a rotor. Theoretically this allows to generate great power - ie of thousand megawatts. In general power is proportional to conductivity of the actuating medium, as well as to square values of its <b>...</b>

Viktor Schauberger : Hydrodynamics - Temperature Difference Gradient (Gas Exchange)
Viktor Schauberger : Hydrodynamics - Temperature Difference Gradient (Gas Exchange)
Epistemology - By: (Me) Nicholas Ellis @ www.Youtube.com/sn1pe352 Fast-Forward Click 1:00 and also 3:30 "You must look at the processes of motion in the macrocosmos and microcosmos accurately, and copy them!" * Implosion Magazine, No. 14, p.19 LOOK up at the sky. Almost everything out there is spinning around: stars, galaxies, planets, moons - they are all rotating. Yet physicists believe that the universe itself is not revolving. Why? Mazur, a physicist at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, is one of a number who think it is entirely possible that our universe is spinning on an axis. You could stop worrying about the big problems in cosmology: the origin of the big bang, the nature of dark energy and maybe dark matter too, also superfast period of expansion known as inflation. Is it so hard to let the cosmos spin? This Paradigm is in line with James Clerk Maxwell's concept that the universe is existing in a dynamic medium that has many properties very much like those found in fluids such as water or the Earth's atmosphere, with respect to the energy movements found there. "Implosion is no invention in the conventional sense, but rather the renaissance of ancient knowledge, lost over the course of time." * Implosion Magazine, No. 83, p.16 "You must learn to think one octave higher. Only then will you learn how implosion energy works." * Implosion Magazine, No. 83, p.2 "According to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in <b>...</b>