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Police are out in force these Easter holidays.

Police are out in force these Easter holidays.

Feature Interview

Police Urge Drivers to Behave

While the behaviour of most drivers has been good over the holiday period, police say they're disappointed at the amount of people being caught drink driving. Police are hoping drivers continue their good behaviour for the remainder of the Easter break.

Show Highlights

Breakthrough research


4BC Drive: World first discovery sheds new light on congenital birth defects. Gary Hardgrave spoke to Professor Sally Dunwoodie, head of Embryology at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute about this break through research. Listen here now.

Fight for them

war 4BC Mornings: Why are veterans being duped on pensions? Retired Air Vice Marshal Peter Criss speaks with Greg Cary about Operation Aware to help veterans get fair pay. You can watch the video at www.standto.org.

Chocolate vs candy

Chocolate eggs 4BC Breakfast: It seems chocolate is the choice for Easter egg buyers, despite a resurgence by candy eggs. Peter and Mary from 4BC Breakfast looked at the market with Tom Jeanes from Tom’s Confectionery Warehouse at Nundah.

Last meal

Titanic 4BC Afternoons: It was the last meal that many first class passengers on the Titanic enjoyed, but Brent Farrell, chef-owner of Brent’s The Dining Experience, is giving diners the chance to try. Moyd and Loretta spoke with Brent about the Edwardian degustation menu.

Fuel high

petrol 4BC Mornings: With fuel prices currently at their peak, mototrist are struggling to cover the cost. Geoff Trotter from Fuel Track talked with Chris Adams and told listeners where to get the best fuel prices if you need to fill up over the Easter Break

Learn with Dr Rip

Dr Rip 4BC Mornings: Are you going to the beach this Easter Week end? If so, watch out for the swells! Senior Lecturer at School Environmental Science at University of NSW, Dr Rob Brander talks with Chris Adams about the dangers inexperienced swimmers face.

Product recall

nuts 4BC Mornings: A health debacle has occurred with some chocolates being incorrectly labelled, that may contain nuts. Coles and Woollies have recalled the brands and Dr Carol Hungerford talks with Chris Adams about the dangers.

Rehouse a Collie

border_collie 4BC Breakfast: A stolen Border Collie is looking for a new home after being returned to a Capalaba pet store. Sharon Clarkson from Pet Superstore had the details for Peter and Mary from 4BC Breakfast.

Full moon

Full moon 4BC Mornings: Does the Full Moon send us a little crazy? Astro Guru, Dave Reneke, has done some investigation and tells Chris Adams he believes it’s because more people are out and about enjoying the bright moonlit night.

New house for the Taufa family


4BC Breakfast: A brand new house has been handed over to the Taufa family of Slacks Creek, after they were hit by a fire tragedy last year. It’s been built in record time, and David Hanna from the BLF talked to Peter and Mary from 4BC Breakfast.

A sure thing ...

Horse Racing 4BC Drive: Racing QLD Chairman Bob Bentley has been exposed after a taxpayer funded golden hand shake worth $1M, was given to four executives before the body was dismantled by the LNP government. Journalist Nathan Exelby, joins the show.

Abbott calls for immediate brief

Craig 4BC DRIVE: Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott joined Gary Hardgrave as news broke the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions can not investigate the report on the Health Services union released by Fair Work Australia. Mr Abbott who just finished the Polly Peddle for Carers Australia called for an immediate brief.

Would you Lock the Gate?

Clive Palmer, National Treasure

4BC Mornings: Would you Lock the Gate? Drew Hutton is in the studio and speaks with Greg Cary about Clive Palmers remarks, the CSG issue and some of the other social justice issues he has been involved in.

Gym junkie granny


4BC Breakfast: A Melbourne great grandmother is a gym junkie, making time for aerobics or dancing nearly every day of the week.

Edna Sheppard talked to Peter and Mary from 4BC Breakfast. Listen now.

Tech helps blind surf web


4BC Mornings: Blind software developers are developing a speech to text program that will assist the blind use the internet.  Blind Software developer with NVDA project Michael Curren speaks with Greg Cary.

Beatles 2.0

sean 4BC Afternoons: The sons of the Beatles are hinting that there might be a second generation Beatles band — Beatles: The Next Generation. Moyd and Loretta caught up with music historian, Glenn A. Baker, about generational talent.

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