![Mountain Goats Raja Vocative at ZOOP II Mountain Goats Raja Vocative at ZOOP II](http://web.archive.org./web/20110804074158im_/http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3-v1YrS4F0Q/0.jpg)
- Order:
- Duration: 1:52
- Published: 04 Aug 2009
- Uploaded: 21 Jan 2011
- Author: alectherins
Historically, the vocative case was an element of the Indo-European system of cases, and existed in Latin, Sanskrit, and Classical Greek. Although it has been lost by many modern Indo-European languages, some languages have retained the vocative case to this day. Examples are Modern Greek, Albanian, Baltic languages such as Lithuanian and Latvian, Slavic languages such as Polish, Czech, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, and the modern Celtic languages such as Scottish Gaelic and Irish. Among the Romance languages the vocative was preserved in Romanian: it is also visible sometimes, in languages such as Catalan or Portuguese which employ the personal article but drop it in front of vocative forms. In Extremaduran and Fala language, some post-tonical vowels open in vocative forms of nouns, but it is a new development which doesn't come from the Latin vocative case. It also occurs in some non-Indo-European languages, such as Georgian.
Historically, or in poetic or rhetorical speech, the vocative role in English may also be shown by prefacing the noun or noun phrase with the English word "O". This is often seen in the King James Version of the Bible: for example, "O ye of little faith" (in Matthew 8:26). Another well-known example is the recurrent use of the vocative phrase, O (my) Best Beloved, by Rudyard Kipling in his Just So Stories. This use of O may be considered a form of clitic, and should not be confused with the interjection "Oh" (The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, section 5.197). However, as the Oxford English Dictionary points out, "O" and "Oh" were originally used interchangeably. With the advent of "Oh" as a written interjection, however, "O" is the preferred modern spelling of the vocative in English.
See also Apostrophe (figure of speech).
Nouns ending in -ius have distinct vocatives, but instead of the expected ending -ie they simply end with -ī. Thus, Julius becomes Julī and filius becomes filī. This shortening does not shift the accent, so the vocative of Vergilius is Vergilī, with accent on the first i, even though it is short. Nouns ending in -aius and -eius have vocatives ending in -aī or -eī even though the i is consonantal in the stem.
First and second declension adjectives also have distinct vocative forms in the masculine singular whenever the nominative ends in -us, with the ending -e. Adjectives ending in -ius have vocatives in -ie; thus the vocative of eximius is eximie.
Nouns and adjectives ending in -eus do not follow the rules above. Meus forms the vocative irregularly as mī, while deus does not have a distinct vocative, and retains the form deus. "My God!" in Latin is thus mī deus!, though Jerome's Vulgate consistently (and in deviation from classical use) uses deus meus as a vocative.
{| border=2 !Nominative case !Vocative case |- | Feminine |- |Pani Ewa (Ms Eve) |Pani Ewo! (Ms Eve!) |- |Ewusia (diminutive form of Ewa) |Ewusiu! |- |ciemność (darkness) |ciemności! |- |książka (book) |książko! |- | Masculine |- |Pan profesor (Mr. Professor) |Panie profesorze! (Mr. Professor!) |- |Krzysztof (Christopher) |Krzysztofie! (Christopher!) |- |Krzyś (Chris) |Krzysiu! (Chris!) |- |wilk (wolf) |wilku! |- |} In informal neutral speech, the nominative is increasingly used in place of the vocative. An opposite phenomenon also occurs – in informal conversations, the vocative form sometimes takes the place of the nominative, e.g. "Józiu przyszedł" instead of "Józio przyszedł" (Joe came). In addition, the vocative remains prevalent:
{| border=2 !Nominative case !Vocative case |- |paní Eva (Ms Eve) |paní Evo! (Ms Eve!) |- |pan profesor (Mr Professor) |pane profesore! (Mr Professor!) |- |Kryštof (Christoph) |Kryštofe! (Christoph!) |- |Marek (Mark) |Marku! |- |knížka (book) |knížko! |- |} In informal speech, it is usual that the male surname (see also Czech name) is in nominative when addressing men, e.g. pane Novák! instead of pane Nováku! (Female surnames are adjectives, thus they are the same in the nominative as well as in the vocative - see Czech declension). Teachers often address their pupils with the surname in nominative. However, such addressing can seem impolite. Using the appropriate vocative is strongly recommended in the official and written styles.
In everyday use, the Czech vocative is sometimes retrofitted to certain words, such as
Another type of vernacular vocative is emerging, presumably under the influence of the Hungarian language for certain family members or proper names, such as
Traditional male names usually have a vocative case.
:Иван (nominative case) :Иване (vocative case)
:Петър :Петре
:Тодор :Тодоре
More recent names and foreign names may have a vocative form but it is not used (Ричарде, instead of simply Ричард (Richard) sounds strange and funny).
Vocative phrases like господин министре (Mr. Minister) have almost completely given place to the corresponding common case forms, especially in official writings.
Proper nouns usually also have vocative forms, even though they are used less frequently. The following are examples of proper nouns that are frequently used in vocative:
:бог (god) :боже ([,] God[,])
:господ (lord) :господи ([,] Lord[,])
:Иисус, Иисус Христос (Jesus, Jesus Christ) :Иисусе, Иисусе Христе
:другар (comrade) :друgарю
:поп (priest) :попе
:жаба (frog) :жабо ([,] Frog[,])
:глупак (fool) :глупако (you, fool!)
Vocative case forms also normally exist for female given names: :Елена :Елено
:Пена :Пено
:Елица :Елице
:Радка :Радке
Except for the forms ending in -е, these are considered rude and are normally avoided. Exception are female kinship terms, whose vocative is always used: баба - бабо (Granny), мама - мамо (Mom), леля - лельо (aunt), сестра - сестро (sister).
Such usage differs from historical vocative (which would be "Leno" in the example above) and is not related to such historical usage.
-as "vyras" (m) – "vyre" (man, husband)
-ias, -ys "svečias" (m), "gaidys" (m) – "svety" (guest), "gaidy" (rooster)
-is "brolis" (m) – "broli" (brother)
Exceptions: nouns ending in -ėjas, such as "vėjas" – "vėjau" (wind) and "siuvėjas" – "siuvėjau" (sewer).
Male names belonging to this declension have an -ai ending in the vocative case: "Jonas" – "Jonai". Diminutive forms are normally used without an ending ("broliuk") (little brother), but a full form is also valid ("broliukai").
-a "galva" (f) – "galva" (head)
-ia "vyšnia" (f) – "vyšnia" (cherry)
-i "marti" (f) – "marčia/marti" (daughter-in-law)
Female names, such as Rasa, Rūta, etc., are spelled in the same way in the vocative case, but undergo a stress change. In the nominative case the last syllable needs to be stressed; in the vocative case, the second last: Ilona (nominative) – Ilona (vocative).
-ė "katė" (f) – "kate" (cat)
Some nouns of this declension (both proper ones and not) are also stressed differently: "aikštė" – "aikšte" (square). The ending of diminutive forms is usually omitted: "sesutė" – "sesut" (little sister).
-us "sūnus" (m) – "sūnau" (son)
-is "dantis" (m), "avis" (f) – "dantie" (tooth), "avie" (sheep)
-uo "vanduo" (m), "sesuo" (f) – "vandenie" (water), "seserie" (sister)
-ė "duktė" (f) – "dukterie" (daughter)
{| border=2 |Nominative case |Vocative case |- |Caitrìona |a Chaitrìona |- |Domhnull |a Dhomhnuill |- |Màiri |a Mhàiri |- |Seumas |a Sheumais |- |Una |Una |- |} The name “Hamish” is just the English spelling of “Sheumais”, and thus is actually a Gaelic vocative. Likewise, the name “Vairi” is an English spelling of “Mhàiri”.
In the singular there is no special form except for first declension nouns. These are masculine nouns ending in a 'broad', i.e. non-palatal, consonant which is made 'slender', i.e. palatal, to form the singular vocative (as well as the singular genitive and plural nominative). Adjectives are also lenited. In many cases this means that (in the singular) masculine vocative expressions resemble the genitive and feminine vocative expressions resemble the nominative.
The vocative plural is usually the same as the nominative plural except once again for first declension nouns which show the vocative plural by adding -a.
{| border=2 | colspan=2 |Gender |colspan=2, align=center |masculine |colspan=2, align=center |feminine |align=center |m |align=center |f |- | colspan=2 |English |the big man |the big boy |the big woman |the big hen |John |Mary |- | rowspan=3, align=center |Sg. |Nominative |an fear mór |an buachaill mór |an bhean mhór |an chearc mhór |Seán |Máire |- |Genitive |an fhir mhóir |an bhuachalla mhóir |na mná móire |na circe móire |Sheáin |Mháire |- |Vocative |a fhir mhóir |a bhuachaill mhóir |a bhean mhór |a chearc mhór |a Sheáin |a Mháire |- | rowspan=3, align=center |Pl. |Nominative |na fir móra |na buachaillí móra |na mná móra |na cearca móra |colspan=2, rowspan=3 | |- |Genitive |na bhfear mór |na mbuachaillí móra |na mban mór |na gcearc mór |- |Vocative |a fheara móra |a bhuachaillí móra |a mhná móra |a chearca móra |- |}
The native words sonur ("son") and vinur ("friend") also sometimes appear in the shoretened forms son and vin in vocative phrases. Additionally, adjectives in vocative phrases are always weakly declined, whereas elsewhere with proper nouns, they would usually be declined strongly.
Often in formal speech the vocative simply copies the nominative/accusative form, even when it does have its own. This happens because the vocative is often perceived as very direct and thus can seem rude.
The (presence/absence of the) personal article in feminine proper names also distinguishes the vocative case from predicates, differently from the definite article ła of common nouns which is dropped even in predicative constructions.
In some vernacular German, where it is common to use the (gender-)appropriate article before a person's name, the article is, as in Venetian, omitted when calling the person.
Adjectives are also declined in the vocative case. Just like nouns, consonant final stem adjectives take the suffix -o in the vocative case, and the vowel final stems are not changed. Compare:
:lamazi kali "beautiful woman" (nominative case) :lamazo kalo! "beautiful woman!" (vocative case)
In the second phrase, both the adjective and the noun are declined. The second singular and plural personal pronouns are also declined in the vocative case. Shen you(singular) and tkven you (plural) in the vocative case become, she! and tkve!, with the drop of the final -n. Therefore one could, for instance, say,
She lamazo kalo! "you beautiful woman!"
with the declination of all the elements.
미진은 집에 가겠어? (Mijin-eun chibe kagesseo?) "Is Mijin going home?"
미진아, 집에 가겠어? (Mijin-a, chibe kagesseo?) "Mijin, are you going home?
동배 뭐 해? (Dongbae meo hae?) What is Dongbae doing?
동배야, 뭐 해? (Dongbae-ya, meo hae?) "Dongbae, what are you doing?
:田中さんは部長を訪問してくださる (Mr. Tanaka shall visit the boss)
:田中さん、 部長を訪問してください (Mr. Tanaka, [please] visit the boss)
The particle は marks the subject of the first sentence, i.e. it is the nominative case marker; the particle を marks the object, i.e. it is the accusative case marker. In the second sentence, there is no particle following 田中さん thus making it vocative.
Note that particles は and が are also frequently omitted in colloquial speech without making a word vocative. Example: 田中さん部長を訪問 Mr. Tanaka visits the boss.
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