An Important Message
Hi Truthseekers, Mike Malloy here. 

We want to thank you all for your incredible show of support of our independent broadcasting efforts these three years we’ve been out on our own.  It hasn’t been easy, but we’ve managed to survive without a parent network and the kind of infrastructure other radio programs enjoy, and that’s because we have a secret weapon – listeners like you who appreciate the unvarnished, uncompromised truth.

But now more than ever we need your help. 

Progressive talk, especially the take-no-prisoners presentation I bring, comes with a cost.  In simple terms, there are powerful forces out there who have targeted this program for destruction and without your assistance, they will win.  If it is possible for you to sponsor an hour of the program, or purchase or donate a podcast, or make a paypal donation, it could make it possible for us to keep that fire lit a little bit longer. The stakes have never been higher for this program,

Truthseekers, and you can make a difference.  We sincerely thank you for helping us spread the message you will never hear from the corporate media. 

You are the reason for this program.
Mike's Blog

Knit One, Purl YOU!

Hallelujah, Truthseekers!  It’s Wednesday night prayer meeting on the Malloy Show!  What are the holy Santorum supporters going to do now that the Chosen One is looking, let’s say, less ordained by GOD to be President?

How to explain his fall from Grace? Is there a chance at redemption in May? 

Speaking of ungodly messes, the Ryan budget is poised to destroy the last vestiges of our weakened social safety net.  Social Darwinism doesn’t go far enough to describe the implications of the heartless legislation.  Where is the compassion in these Christian conservatives?

Also on the meeting agenda tonight, the controversy over gay marriage again hits the courts, the Supremes continue their deliberation over the Affordable Care Act, and the war on women’s reporductive rights continues, with an interesting twist . . .

A group of Texas women are mad as hell and they’re “knot” gonna take it any more.  Taking up their knitting needles (get it?) to protest the recent spate of misogynistic hate-filled attacks on women’s reproductive rights, privacy, and access to medical care, they are knitting uteruses – yes, uteruses – to send to members of Congress to let them know they’d like them to keep their hands off their internal organs. 

Go get em’ ladies!  I might be inspired to throw in a needlepoint pair of ovaries myself!

Grab your prayer towel and paper fan, it’s going to be a HOT one tonight around the sacred campfire!  877-996-2556 LIVE at 9PM ET!

Hot Coffee Trailer