MOBA Training Wheels

MOBAs really are accessible.

10 Great Action RPGs

The best since Diablo 2.

EA's Paid "Shortcuts" Stink

Did the new patch ruin BF3?

An authentic dungeon crawler.
We try out co-op on a prettier, deadlier Pandora.
The Aliens game we've been waiting for?
All its troubles aren't so far away.

More Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Footage Has Leaked

By Kat Bailey | PC News | Apr 4, 2012 12:07 PM | Comment

Remember Star Wars: Battlefront III? Reportedly under development by Free Radical Design -- now Crytek UK -- the unconfirmed sequel was rumored to have been canned way back in 2008. But thanks to what looks like leaked footage of the pre-alpha build and some unexpected screenshots, the long lost Battlefront is back in the news. Read More »

More Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Footage Has Leaked

No Joke: Indie Royale April Fools Bundle Offers 5 Games for Under $5

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Apr 4, 2012 8:46 AM | Comment

So many bundles, so little time. I imagine you could spend the majority of your waking hours doing nothing but playing the games offered in the various indie bundle programs that have cropped up over the past year. And if you are the independently wealthy type trying to do just that, 1) let me know if you ever want to swap places, Prince and the Pauper style, and 2) the Indie Royale April Fools Bundle is now ready for your generous donation. Read More »

Indie Royale April Fools Bundle Goes Live

Legend of Grimrock Review

By Jason Wilson | PC Reviews | Apr 4, 2012 7:15 AM | Comment

It would be easy to dismiss Legend of Grimrock as little more than a first-person party-based RPG nostalgia trip. A group of adventurers. A dungeon. The promise of loot. Magic, monsters, and mayhem. You wouldn't know it by looking at the likes of Mass Effect 3, but in what seems like an age ago, this was all you needed in a roleplaying game. This adaptation of the old Dungeon Master formula (which dates back to 1987) shows that this sort of RPG can not only exist in the fancy-schmancy era of modern RPGS, but succeed as well. Read More »

Legend of Grimrock Review

Travel to the Teeth of Naros in Next Reckoning DLC

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Apr 4, 2012 7:07 AM | Comment

Finished hunting down that undead pirate on Gallows End yet? If not, you've got two weeks to take out the yo-ho-hoing marauder before Big Huge Games opens the door to another massive new region in Amalur. It's the Teeth of Naros DLC, and it will be ready for action-RPGing on April 17. Read More »

EA Announces Next Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning DLC

Q Infiltrates Quantum Conundrum

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Apr 4, 2012 6:34 AM | Comment

He claims to be actor John de Lancie, and this time around, he says he's here to give voice to Professor Fitz Quadwrangle in the upcoming puzzle platformer, Quantum Conundrum. But I've been the victim of your elaborate ruses enough times to recognize that maniacal gleam in your eye, and I see straight through your guise. Yes, I know your true identity and your real name... Q. Read More »

Q Infiltrates Quantum Conundrum

Hands On With Aliens: Colonial Marines

By Mike Nelson | PC Previews | Apr 4, 2012 6:00 AM | Comment

"This is the sequel to Aliens that we've all be waiting for, that I've been waiting to play since I saw that film so many years ago," says Gearbox President Randy Pitchford.

Moments ago I saw a brief campaign mission from Aliens: Colonial Marines, the first time I've seen it in action since the proof-of-concept E3 demo almost a year ago. And while Gearbox has done an amazing job of capturing the look of the classic films, going so far as to to have a camera filter in place to replicate the film stock Aliens director James Cameron used in the 1986 classic, and bringing Syd Mead in to help replicate his movie sets, the make-or-break point for me will be Gearbox's ability to tell a good story, something that is (debatably) not one of the studio's strong suits. Read More »

Hands On With Aliens: Colonial Marines

Hands On With Borderlands 2 Co-Op

By Dan Stapleton | PC Previews | Apr 4, 2012 5:56 AM | Comment

After that swooning love letter a little while back, in which Claptrap promised to sweep us PC gamers off our feet and carry us over the threshold, I was a little disappointed that my first hands-on experience with Borderlands 2 had to be with an Xbox 360 gamepad (because the PC controls weren't ready). But this shooter certainly ran beautifully on an Alienware X51 PC -- a sly setup that let Gearbox and 2K demonstrate Borderlands 2 to Xbox and PlayStation gamers where it looks far better than it ever will on those platforms. In true 1920x1080 resolution and with high-definition textures, it really does look good -- improvements over the first game are subtle but noticeable, and even more so than before every frame looks ripped from the pages of a stylish graphic novel about guns, explosions, and loot on an untamed alien world. Read More »

Hands On With Borderlands 2 Co-Op

Notch Announces Unpronounceable Game: 0x10c

By Dan Stapleton | PC News | Apr 3, 2012 5:57 PM | Comment

After making noise recently about wanting to make a Firefly-inspired space game (and thus capturing the hearts and minds of browncoats everywhere), it seems that Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson was a little further along with that plan than he'd let on. Today he offered us the first inklings of what it is he's got in store: a website full of vague info and a name that makes math nerds sit at attention. Also: it's effectively a subscription-based MMO. Read More »

Notch Announces New, Unpronounceable Space Game: 0x10c

Stuart Black Details His New Shooter, Enemy Front

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Apr 3, 2012 2:32 PM | Comment

If you're a fan of WWII adventure flick Where Eagles Dare, feel free to proceed through this checkpoint to Manville. You'll find Stuart Black there, the designer behind Criterion's stylized 2006 FPS, Black. He's smoking a cigar, drinking whiskey, and chatting about his latest manly endeavor, Enemy Front. It's a throwback WWII shooter, and it just so happens to use the aforementioned Clint Eastwood classic as its template. When to learn more? Come on in and leave your regenerating health at the door. Read More »

Details on WWII FPS Enemy Front

The New Steam Version of Microsoft Flight is Cheaper than on -- Updated

By Mike Nelson | PC News | Apr 3, 2012 12:52 PM | Comment

Update: The Microsoft Flight team got back to us regarding the differences (if any) between the versions of Microsoft Flight.

Original Story: Microsoft Flight was released a little over a month ago, and while I applauded Flight for what it's trying to do (introduce flight sims to a casual audience), its Free-to-Play model was a lot to be desired. When you consider the upcoming Alaska DLC could be released at a presumed $19.99 (same price as the currently available Hawaiian Islands), Flight's content would put it in the $60+ range -- that's a lot to ask for any flight simulator. All that seems to be changing with Flight's release on Steam earlier today. Read More »

New Steam Version of Microsoft Flight is Cheaper than on -- Updated

I Just Turned My Neighborhood into a Tower Defense Game -- Thanks MapsTD!

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Apr 3, 2012 12:38 PM | Comment

I shall defend Faneuil Hall to the last! While I look forward to using that line while playing the Boston-based missions in Assassin's Creed 3, I'm cheerfully putting it to use right now in a clever little creation that transforms Google Maps views into pixelated, tower defense levels. It's called MapsTD, and it's a fantastic way to forgot all about whatever it is you were supposed to be getting done. Read More »

MapsTD Turns Google Maps into a Tower Defense Generator

Blacklight: Retribution Official Release Goes Live

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Apr 3, 2012 11:59 AM | Comment

Let's all bow our heads for a moment in honor of the 13 million Agents who sacrificed their digital lives to bring us a polished version of Blacklight: Retribution. Zombie Studios took its time crafting the successor to Tango Down, keeping Retribution in beta for months -- a period in which players racked up a ridiculous 1.3 million headshots (according to info porn from publisher Perfect World). Now everyone has the chance to see the results of all that gratuitous online gunplay. Blacklight: Retribution is officially live. Read More »

Blacklight: Retribution Official Release Goes Live

Yesterday Review

By Richard Cobbett | PC Reviews | Apr 3, 2012 10:58 AM | Comment

Even with its cliches, Yesterday probably looked good on paper. It's a comic-book-style thriller about a mysterious amnesiac (take a shot), which takes the graphical charm of the Runaway games and pushes them into the service of a much darker story full of mystery, murder, torture, and ancient conspiracies. All good stuff. In another life, it might even have worked. Unfortunately, in this one, the real dark secret has nothing to do with our hero John Yesterday's past. It's that his game is really, really stupid. Read More »

Yesterday Review

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Hits PC in June Without Ubisoft's Draconian DRM

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Apr 3, 2012 10:07 AM | Comment

I just made like Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein (that's Fronk-en-steen): It's aliiive! Ubisoft says it will reanimate the corpse of the PC version of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on June 12. Yes, the on again off again PC shooter is now officially on with a release date. But that's not why I'm spontaneously quoting a film made way back when Nixon was president. Future Soldier is alive again to me for one big reason: Ubisoft will not shackle the game with its always-online DRM. Read More »

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Hits PC in June Without Ubisoft's Draconian DRM

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery Confirmed for PC

By Mike Sharkey | PC News | Apr 3, 2012 7:31 AM | Comment

Long trapped within the glass Phantom Zone prison of the iPad like General Zod and his followers, Sword & Sworcery has broken free. The touchscreen throwback adventure game will get all point and clicky on PC and Mac, Superbrothers has confirmed, with the Steam launch coming "before the next dark moon." That's Sworcery talk for "very soon." Read More »

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery Confirmed for PC


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