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Watch Baseball
By Dave Golokhov

How To Watch Baseball Without Being Bored

Are you unable to comprehend the appeal of baseball? With Opening Day upon us, here's a guide to get you interested.

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Six Beers For MLB's Opening Day
By Nate Steere

Six Extra-Tasty Beers For MLB's Opening Day

Some things are just meant to go together - like beer and baseball. Here are our humble recommendations for your next pairing.

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London's Crazy New Olympic Project

Here's an innovative way for the city to deal with the influx of traffic.

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Move Over, Christina Hendricks

Megan Draper is our new favorite character on Mad Men, and with a costar like Christina Hendricks, that's saying a lot. 

Kim Keeps It Klassy In Response To Jon Hamm's Diss

Kim Kardashian took to Twitter to voice her retort.

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James Cameron Is Most Definitely The Man Right Now

People say he's hard to work with. But those people haven't done a solo mission to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. 

George Clooney Is Arrested

George Clooney was arrested for protesting outside the Sudanese embassy in Washington, D.C.

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