USA MILITARY MARCH The Washington Post
USA MILITARY MARCH The Washington Post
USA MILITARY MARCH The Washington Post
The Washington Post App for iPad
The Washington Post App for iPad
Ben Bradlee reveals the wonders of The Post's new iPad to Bob Woodward. DOWNLOAD the iPad app here: bit.ly
Washington Post March
Washington Post March
Performance by the St. Luke's Bottle Band. St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Park Ridge, Illinois, May 6, 2007. For best viewing quality, click the "actual size" icon below the image. www.bottleband.org
Stop and Hear the Music
Stop and Hear the Music
Will one of the nation's greatest violinists be noticed in a DC Metro stop during rush hour? Joshua Bell experimented for Gene Weingarten's story in The Washington Post: wpo.st (Video by John W. Poole)
Fallout 3 Soundtrack - The Washington Post
Fallout 3 Soundtrack - The Washington Post
The song The Washington Post of the Fallout 3 Soundtrack. You can hear this song on Enclave Radio. Image by Duoae from Deviantart.
The Washington Post March: John King ukulele
The Washington Post March: John King ukulele
Ukulele virtuoso John King performs a classic John Philip Sousa march, The Washington Post.
Joshua Bell "Stop and Hear the Music" by the Washington Post
Joshua Bell "Stop and Hear the Music" by the Washington Post
tinyurl.com From the Washington Post: Pearls Before Breakfast Can one of the nation's great musicians cut through the fog of a DC rush hour? Let's find out. By Gene Weingarten Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, April 8, 2007; Page W10 HE EMERGED FROM THE METRO AT THE L'ENFANT PLAZA STATION AND POSITIONED HIMSELF AGAINST A WALL BESIDE A TRASH BASKET. By most measures, he was nondescript: a youngish white man in jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a Washington Nationals baseball cap. From a small case, he removed a violin. Placing the open case at his feet, he shrewdly threw in a few dollars and pocket change as seed money, swiveled it to face pedestrian traffic, and began to play. It was 7:51 am on Friday, January 12, the middle of the morning rush hour. In the next 43 minutes, as the violinist performed six classical pieces, 1097 people passed by. Almost all of them were on the way to work, which meant, for almost all of them, a government job. L'Enfant Plaza is at the nucleus of federal Washington, and these were mostly mid-level bureaucrats with those indeterminate, oddly fungible titles: policy analyst, project manager, budget officer, specialist, facilitator, consultant. ...for the rest of the article go to: www.washingtonpost.com
The Washington Post March
The Washington Post March
Linda Margetts, organist Mormon Tabernacle Organ The Washington Post March John Philip Sousa; arr. Joseph Linger
Washington Post abuses students
Washington Post abuses students
According to investigative journalists at the Huffington Post, the Washington Post's subsidiary Kaplan Higher Education has tarnished the Post's image forever by raking in money from powerless students and those desperate for a higher education. Huffington Post reporter Peter Goodman says The largest source of profits for the Washington Post Company is Kaplan Higher Education, which is a whole bunch of courses with traditional campuses offering college degrees.
Nora Roberts at The Washington Post
Nora Roberts at The Washington Post
Nora Roberts spoke to a crowd of 550 people at The Washington Post on July 14, 2009.
Washington Post WebCom Walkthrough
Washington Post WebCom Walkthrough
Patrick Thornton walks users through The Washington Post's new user-moderated commenting system, WebCom. This new Flash-based commenting system aims to increase the quality of conversations by visually highlighting the highest rated comments and the comments that spur the most discussion. WebCom displays comments in a radically new way.
My Choice - John Philip Sousa: Washington Post March
My Choice - John Philip Sousa: Washington Post March
"The Washington Post" is a patriotic march composed by John Philip Sousa in 1889. Since then, it has remained as one of his most popular marches throughout the United States and many countries abroad. We're showing scenery photos of the US and a few soldiers. In 1889 owners of The Washington Post newspaper requested that John Philip Sousa, the leader of the United States Marine Corps Band, compose a march for the newspaper's essay contest awards ceremony. Sousa obliged; "The Washington Post March" was introduced at the ceremony on June 15, 1889, and it became quite popular.[1] It led to a British journalist dubbing Sousa "The March King." Sousa is honored in The Washington Post building for his contribution to the newspaper and his country. Music is copyrighted by its corresponding owners. No infringement of copyright is meant and if it does infringe, please message me and I'll remove it. ----------------------------------------------------------- Our Youtube Channels are: MYCHOICE MUSIC VIDEOS mychoicegrech1 Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com mychoicealfred2 Youtube Channel www.youtube.com mychoicealfred3 Youtube Channel www.youtube.com mychoicealfred4 Youtube Channel www.youtube.com mychoicealfred5 Youtube Channel www.youtube.com MALPEN04 MUSIC VIDEOS (Older Channel) malpen04 "My Choice" series MASTER Links: (Music videos) www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com MALPEN04 MISCELLANEOUS (Non music video) www.youtube.com MALTA, MALAYSIA & OTHER <b>...</b>
John Philip Sousa: Washington Post (Bill Coale, organist)
John Philip Sousa: Washington Post (Bill Coale, organist)
More fun at the organ...someday I would like to become a REAL organist!
Top Secret America - Washington Post Reveals Massive Outsourced US Intelligence System
Top Secret America - Washington Post Reveals Massive Outsourced US Intelligence System
more info here - s1.zetaboards.com A conversation with Coleen Rowley concerning "Why Top Secret America Misfires" - The Washington Post's indepth story on "Top Secret America" researched by Dana Priest & William M. Arkin - Intelligence Failures, - Media Failures - New York Times Bill Keller - Huffington Post Arianna Huffington - September 11, 2001 - The Lies that Led to the Iraq war - Valerie Plame, Plamegate, Joe Wilson YellowCake, Niger - Pentagon Papers Daniel Ellsberg - Wikileaks - Bradley Manning - Bush laws - CIA, FBI, DIA, Rumsefeld, Cheney, Tenet, Rice, Mueller, Freeh, Perle, Powell, Condoleezza Rice - 9/11 Foreknowledge - Afghanistan - Libya - Middle East Protests - NSA Illegal Wiretapping on America - False Data - War on Terrorism - Out of Control Agencies - Defense Spending - Security - Freedom - Liberty - Corruption...
Brass Band
Brass Band
A five piece semi British style Brass Band wondering around town annoying people, whilst performing the Washington Post March composed by American Marines Band Director John Philip Sousa (circa 1900).
The Real Scandal : The Washington Post & Health Care Reform
The Real Scandal : The Washington Post & Health Care Reform
Recently news broke about these 'salons' that the Washington Post was trying to set up- I made a quick little comedy piece about it... But when you really look at it, it's not funny at all - so I wanted to talk about it...
Bradley Cooper Tests His Movie Memory
Bradley Cooper Tests His Movie Memory
The Washington Post's Jen Chaney challenges the star of "The Hangover" to a battle of movie knowledge wits.
Biased Coverage of FP Colleges by Washington Post
Biased Coverage of FP Colleges by Washington Post
Is Kaplan ownership influencing how the Washington Post is covering for-profit colleges? Ana Kasparian and Misty Kingma discuss on TYT University. Source: www.huffingtonpost.com Check out "News Your Should Know" at www.youtube.com and Follow Misty at www.twitter.com/MistyCityLA
The Washington Post and Music of the Night - Andre Rieu and Johann Strauss Orchestra
The Washington Post and Music of the Night - Andre Rieu and Johann Strauss Orchestra
From Radio City Music Hall at New York City. Music of the Night from Phantom of Opera Musical (Andrew Loyd Weber) The Washington Post (John Philip Sousa)