
Obama Admits He Is A Muslim
Obama Admits He Is A Muslim
Obama admits that he is a Muslim. Obama bowing before a Muslim king. Obama talking about his Muslim family. Obama quoting from the Koran. Obama defending Islam. Obama visiting a Mosque. And many more clips of Obama and his Muslim connections. Legal Disclaimer: The writers, producers, and editors of this video are not claiming or implying that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, or that Obama said he was a Muslim, rather they are only examining the evidence surrounding the rumor that Barack Hussein Obama might be a secret Muslim.

Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Overview
Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Overview
www.muslimbrotherhoodinamerica.com By allowing our attention to be focused exclusively on the danger and prevention of terrorism, we ignore the many other ways we are being attacked. Specifically, we are missing what our Islamist enemies call their 'civilization jihad' — a form of warfare that employs manipulative financial techniques, lawfare, infiltration of our civil institutions and government and insidious information dominance. Together, these have the effect of exploiting our liberties and governing structures against us, so that our leaders wind up imposing the very anti-American values that our enemies promote. Welcome to The Muslim Brotherhood in America The Enemy Within — a 10-part, web-based video briefing that is designed to explain why and how this is happening. It addresses a threat most Americans are unaware even exists within our country, let alone the degree of peril it represents. The threat is the totalitarian, supremacist Islamic doctrine its adherents call "shariah" and the organized, disciplined and increasingly successful efforts by such adherents-- most especially the Muslim Brotherhood-- to bring it here. We are making this course available in the hope of encouraging, informing and broadening support for national efforts to defeat the insinuation into this country of shariah's anti-constitutional and seditious program.

The Muslims Are Coming! Dean Obeidallah, Negin Farsad Push To Finish Documentary
The Muslims Are Coming! Dean Obeidallah, Negin Farsad Push To Finish Documentary
Muslim-American comedians Dean Obeidallah and Negin Farsad are on a mission. Actually, the first part of their mission is complete. Back in 2011, the two comics launched The Muslims Are Coming! Comedy Tour. The idea was to take misconceptions about American Muslims head on by doing a series of benefit concerts throughout the deep South and midwestern United States. The comics were all Muslims, including Obeidallah, Farsad, Aron Kader and Omar Elba. The tour pulled no punches. Their first headliner was in Gainesville, Florida, where infamous Islamophobic Pastor Terry Jones leads his flock. (Read our interview with Jones.) They also filmed in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where local residents are in an uproar over a proposed mosque. But in order to complete their mission to combat Islamophobia, Farsad and Obeidallah have to finish the documentary they shot about the tour. And they're short about $40000. Middle East Voices caught up with Farsad and Obeidallah recently at the Arab American Institute's annual Kahlil Jibran Spirit of Humanity Awards, where they received special recognition for their initiative. The project is being hosted on Kickstarter's website in order to crowdsource the funding the filmmakers say is needed to complete editing and get the film into theaters or on television.

Muslim Attacks Atheist For Insulting Muhammad?
Muslim Attacks Atheist For Insulting Muhammad?
Via Yahoo: "...a state judge in Pennsylvania threw out an assault case involving a Muslim attacking an atheist for insulting the Prophet Muhammad. Judge Mark Martin, an Iraq war veteran, threw the case out after ruling that there was insufficient evidence. But then he berated the plaintiff in what appears to be an invocation of Sharia law. The incident occurred at the Mechanicsburg, Pa., Halloween parade where Ernie Perce, an atheist activist, marched as a zombie Muhammad. Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim, was accused of attacking Perce...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. * news.yahoo.com 'Jesus and Mo' spark outrage in London: www.youtube.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

'Live'Dawah-How Paul becomes Muslim in a few minutes ! (Part 1/2) Street Dawah
'Live'Dawah-How Paul becomes Muslim in a few minutes ! (Part 1/2) Street Dawah
'Live' Dawah as you are watching the complete conversation as Paul becomes a Muslim (Al-Hamdulillah) at a 'Dawah table' in North London. Please note that we are placing these videos on YouTube to show a systematic approach to Da'wah and to show that it really is easy ! For further info on techniques please visit Dawah Is Easy .com. Brothers and sisters, please don't miss any opportunity to give Da'wah and remember us in your Du'a (prayers)

Muslim Woman Beaten to Death in Possible Hate Crime (California) - She Died on March 24th 2012
Muslim Woman Beaten to Death in Possible Hate Crime (California) - She Died on March 24th 2012
EDIT - The Woman Has died due to the Injuries Sustained, confirmed dead on March 24th 2012 Innocent muslim mother of five beaten nearly to death, with doctors saying there is no chance of Survival. Assailants broke in to her home, and savagely beat her leaving her body in a pool of blood to be discovered by her 17 year old daughter, with a note saying "go back to your own country, you're a terrorist" El Cajon - A woman found beaten in the head with a tire iron, was hospitalized. Shaima Alawadi, 32, a mother of five, was found unconscious by her 17-year-old daughter on Wednesday around 11:15 AM A note telling her to "Go back home", was found at the residence. A family friend Sura Alzaidy, told the San Diego Union Tribune about the note, which authorities did not disclose. The note told the woman and the Alawadi family to "Go back to your own country. You're a terriorist". The woman is of Iraqi descent. Learn About Islam - Don't let ignorance be an excuse for these actions of hate: www.al-islam.org I do not own the rights to this video, it is from KUSI news www.kusi.com

Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Muslim Version || Spoken Word || Response
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Muslim Version || Spoken Word || Response
A poem I wrote to highlight the difference between Jesus and false religion. This is not an attack upon Christians, so please don't take this as offensive, it's just a means of education and let people know what Jesus was truly sent with. Jesus is a Prophet of Islam, yet a God of Christianity. In Islam God is all Powerful, But in Christianity God was overpowered and crucified on the cross, how can the Almighty God be overpowered, these are just examples for people to think about, we are not forcing you to believe, just ponder and question. The Quran is the final testament, Muhammad is the final Messenger. Islam is the final religion, so no I dont Hate Islam. One God, One God only, He does not beget nor was he begotten, He is the GREATEST. And has no partners. (Holy Quran Ch 112) Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: #spokenwordmuslim The following is a video response to bball1989's video "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word". "And they say: the Beneficent hath taken unto Himself a Son. Assuredly ye utter a disastrous thing, whereby almost the heavens are torn, and the earth is split asunder and the mountains fall to ruins, that ye ascribe to the Beneficent a son, when it is not meet for (the Majesty of) the Beneficent that He should chose a son. There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave." (Qur'an 19:88-93). Link to original video: www.youtube.com I point out the false reasoning in the poem, and give some good <b>...</b>

All-American Muslim (2011) - Official Trailer
All-American Muslim (2011) - Official Trailer
Follows the daily lives of five Muslin American families. Starring: Shadia Amen-McDermott, Suehaila Amen and Mike Jaafar

The Muslims Are Coming! Trailer
The Muslims Are Coming! Trailer
A film by Negin Farsad & Dean Obeidallah www.TheMuslimsAreComing.com Please help us finish this movie on Kickstarter! kck.st @MuslimsRComing - @NeginFarsad - @DeanObeidallah A group of Muslim-American standup comedians go on the road counter Islamophobia using the only weapon they have: jokes. The Muslims Are Coming! follows these comics as they visit big cities, rural villages, and everything in between to do shows, meet locals, and counter the haters. Commentary from pop culture icons like the Daily Show's Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow, Janeane Garofalo, CNN's Soledad O'Brien, David Cross, and Lewis Black pepper the film as the comedians travel through middle America. Will audiences laugh? Will they make a difference? Will they make it back? Rest assured, you've never laughed this hard at a Muslim!

Muslims Taking Over Tennessee Schools?
Muslims Taking Over Tennessee Schools?
Via The Raw Story: "The nation's largest non-union teacher association on Thursday attacked a new bill in the Tennessee legislature for a provision that would prohibit the state's charter schools from hiring too many legal immigrants, in what at least one conservative group apparently views as part of its ongoing crusade against Muslims. The bill, due to be voted on next week, is known as the Putting Tennessee First Act. It requires that all charter schools in the state disclose all sources of private and foreign funding, and specifies that the state may not approve schools that are staffed in excess of 3.5 percent by immigrant workers on H1B or J1 visa programs...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. * www.rawstory.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

Muslim Demographics
Muslim Demographics
Islam will overwhelm Christendom unless Christians recognize the demographic realities, begin reproducing again, and share the gospel with Muslims.

'Muslim Brotherhood tool of CIA'
'Muslim Brotherhood tool of CIA'
Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators have once again engulfed Cairo's Tahrir Square in protest against the ruling military council. The rally involves supporters from exact opposite ends of the political spectrum, with secular activists rubbing shoulders with Islamists. To discuss this latest display of civil unrest, joining me now is James Corbett, a political analyst with a special interest in the Arab uprisings. RT on Twitter: twitter.com RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com

NYPD racially profiling Muslims confirmed
NYPD racially profiling Muslims confirmed
If you think racial profiling in the US is a thing of the past, think again. Recent reports confirm that the NYPD have covertly been monitoring and spying on Muslims. Some of the actions include gathering information on Mosques, Muslim owned businesses and following Muslim college students. Although the Muslim Americans haven't been tied to any terrorist groups, NYPD continues to violate the privacy of these individuals. Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, joins us for more. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

'All Terrorists Are Muslims' - GOP Donor Adelson
'All Terrorists Are Muslims' - GOP Donor Adelson
Bllionaire casino mogul and 2012 Republican Presidential campaign donor Sheldon Adelson made some questionable statements regarding Islam, Muslims and terrorism. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. * www.rawstory.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

Fox News Fact Check Fail on Obama Muslim BS
Fox News Fact Check Fail on Obama Muslim BS
Via Mediaite: "Fox News anchor Bret Baier took a moment today to correct President Obama's claim in author David Corn's new book that he was "losing" support from "white males" because "fed by Fox News, they hear Obama is a Muslim 24/7, and it begins to seep in." Baier took the opportunity to correct the record for his viewers. "For the record, we found no examples of a host saying President Obama is a Muslim," Baier concluded...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur presents video clips from Sean Hannity and Steve Doocy that appear to contradict Baier's 'fact check'. * www.mediaite.com

'Europe openly discriminates Muslims'
'Europe openly discriminates Muslims'
Amnesty International is concerned by a rising trend of discrimination against Muslims across Europe. The rights group says Muslim women in Europe are being denied jobs and girls prevented from attending classes just because of their form of dress, such as the headscarf. In a report, Amnesty called on European governments to do more to clear prejudices against Islam. The report was focusing on Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland. It also blasted bans on face-covering veils or the wearing of religious symbols in schools in some European countries. Press TV has conducted an interview with Eugene Dabbous, a professor at Notre Dame University from Beirut, to further explore the issue. Watch this video on our website: www.presstv.ir

Egypt Christians and Muslims grieve for Pope Shenouda
Egypt Christians and Muslims grieve for Pope Shenouda
www.euronews.com Coptic Christians in Egypt are mourning the death of their patriarch, Pope Shenouda III. The 88-year-old spent 40 years leading Egypt's christian minority. Many people gathered at Cairo's Abbaseya Cathedral hoping to see the body. During his time in charge, Shenouda was also popular with Muslims and seen as a symbol of religious harmony. "I would like to say that, Muslims included, we all love each other and this was what he used to speak about. When he spoke, he didn't only speak of and for Christians but for all the Egyptian people and it wasn't just talk; this is what he planted and harvested. All Egyptians are mourning his death, it's a very difficult situation," one man said choking back tears. Mourners flocked to Egypt's main Coptic church after hearing of Shenouda's death. His passing comes at a time when many of the country's 10 million Christians feel vulnerable due to rising tension with Muslims and the resurgence of Islamic-based politics since the uprising last year. Despite this, a statement on the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party website expresses its condolences. Shenouda's funeral will be held on Tuesday. In the meantime, his body will be on display in the cathedral. Find us on: Youtube bit.ly Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter twitter.com

Muslims Speak Out Against NYPD Surveillance
Muslims Speak Out Against NYPD Surveillance
The New York Police Department targeted Muslim mosques with tactics normally reserved for criminal organizations, according to newly obtained police documents that showed police collecting the license plates of worshipers and other tactics. Subscribe to the Associated Press: bit.ly Download AP Mobile: www.ap.org Associated Press on Facebook: apne.ws Associated Press on Twitter: apne.ws Associated Press on Google+: bit.ly

Atheists chant at Muslim protesters - 2012 Atheist Convention
Atheists chant at Muslim protesters - 2012 Atheist Convention
Some Muslims showed up at the 2012 Atheist Convention in Australia. This is what happened :)

A muslim Judge, Zombie Muhammed goes to court against the muslim attacker!
A muslim Judge, Zombie Muhammed goes to court against the muslim attacker!
31:25-31:35 the judge says "I'm a muslim, I find it offensive". He admits to being Muslim! The video The parading atheists marched in the Mechanicsburg Halloween Parade on Oct 11, 2011 as the Zombie Messengers of God. Talaag, a Muslim, attacked a parade participant in defense of the Prophet of ISLAM. Blasphemy shall not be tolerated in the Borough of Mechanicsburg, PA. This is the entire trial and we ask you to make your decision whether he acted appropriately or not and then call Judge Mark Martin at 717-766-4575. He may hold me in contempt of court for releasing this audio. Please spread this video in celebration of FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN AMERICA! I didn't speak out because the Judge ordered me to not release the audio and said I would violate section 112 of the Rules of Pennsylvania Court. However, this rule does not apply to me. I'm in the boundaries of the law and I'm tired of his contempt court bullying. I'm releasing the video and fully aware of the results that I could and will be illegaly jailed or fined under this action. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN AMERICA is our founding rights. No appeal is allowed since that would be double jeopardy. Muslim attack www.youtube.com