The grass genera of the world


L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz


The key and descriptions were generated from a DELTA database (Dallwitz 1980; Dallwitz, Paine, and Zurcher 1993).


Interactive key, including interactive information retrieval

The interactive key allows free choice of characters, is easy to use, and can lead to correct identifications in spite of occasional errors. It can display all the illustrations, full and partial descriptions, diagnostic descriptions, differences and similarities between taxa, lists of taxa exhibiting or lacking specified attributes, and distributions of character states within any set of taxa.

Character list • Implicit attributes


Species sampled for anatomy

Acknowledgements • References • Citation • Contacts, conditions of use, contributions


The bold parts in the descriptions are diagnostic descriptions, generated with the aid of Intkey (Dallwitz et al. 1993). They distinguish most taxa in at least two respects from the other taxa.

These descriptions are offered for casual browsing only. We strongly advise against extracting comparative information from them. This is much more easily achieved using the interactive key, which allows access to the character list, illustrations, full and partial descriptions, diagnostic descriptions, differences and similarities between taxa, lists of taxa exhibiting specified attributes, summaries of attributes within groups of taxa, geographical distribution, classification, and species sampled for anatomy.


• Acamptoclados Nash • Achlaena Griseb. • Achnatherum Beauv. • Aciachne Benth. • Acidosasa Chu and Chao • Acostia Swallen • Acrachne Wright & Arn. ex Chiov. • Acritochaete Pilger • Acroceras Stapf • Actinocladum McClure ex Soderstrom • Aegilops L. • Aegopogon Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. • Aeluropus Trin. • Afrotrichloris Chiov. • Agenium Nees • Agnesia Zuloaga & Judziewicz • Agropyron Gaertn. • Agropyropsis A. Camus • Agrostis L. • Aira L. • Airopsis Desv. • Alexfloydia B.K. Simon • Alloeochaete (Rendle) C.E. Hubb. • Allolepis Soderstrom & Decker • Alloteropsis Presl • Alopecurus L. • Alvimia Soderstrom & Londoño • Amblyopyrum Eig • Ammochloa Boiss. • Ammophila Host • Ampelodesmos Link • Amphibromus Nees • Amphicarpum Kunth • Amphipogon R.Br. • Anadelphia Hackel • Anadelphia scyphofera W.D. Clayton • Ancistrachne S. T. Blake • Ancistragrostis S. T. Blake • Andropogon L. • Andropterum Stapf • Anemanthele Veldk. • Aniselytron Merr. • Anisopogon R.Br. • Anomochloa Brongn. • Anthaenantiopsis Pilger • Anthenantia P. Beauv. • Anthephora Schreber • Anthochloa Nees & Meyen ex Nees • Anthoxanthum L. • Antinoria Parl. • Apera Adans. • Aphanelytrum Hackel • Apluda L. • Apochiton C.E. Hubb. • Apoclada McClure • Apocopis Nees • Arberella Soderstrom & Calderón • Arctagrostis Griseb. • Arctophila Rupr. ex Andersson • Aristida L. • Arrhenatherum P. Beauv. • Arthragrostis Lazarides • Arthraxon P. Beauv. • Arthropogon Nees • Arthrostylidium Rupr. • Arundinaria Mich. • Arundinella Raddi • Arundo L. • Arundoclaytonia Davidse & Ellis • Asthenochloa Buese • Astrebla F. Muell. • Athroostachys Bentham • Atractantha McClure • Aulonemia Goudot • Australopyrum (Tsvelev) A. Löve • Austrochloris Lazarides • Austrodanthonia H.P. Linder • Austrofestuca (Tsvel.) E.B. Alekseev sensu lato • Austrofestuca (Tsvel.) E.B. Alekseev sensu stricto • Austrostipa S.W.L. Jacobs & Everett • Avellinia Parl. • Avena L. • Axonopus P. Beauv.

• Bambusa Schreber • Baptorhachis Clayton & Renvoize • Bealia Scribner • Beckeropsis Figari & de Not. • Beckmannia Host • Bellardiochloa Chiov. • Bewsia Goossens • Bhidea Stapf ex Bor • Blepharidachne Hackel • Blepharoneuron Nash • Boissiera Hochst. & Steud. • Boivinella A. Camus • Borinda Stapleton • Bothriochloa Kuntze • Bouteloua Lag. • Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. • Brachyachne (Benth.) Stapf • Brachychloa Phillips • Brachyelytrum P. Beauv. • Brachypodium P. Beauv. • Briza L. • Bromuniola Stapf & C.E. Hubb. • Bromus L. • Brylkinia Schmidt • Buchloë Engelm. • Buchlomimus Reeder, Reeder & Rzedowski • Buergersiochloa Pilger

• Calamagrostis Adans. • Calamovilfa Hackel • Calderonella Soderstrom & Decker • Calosteca Desv. • Calyptochloa C.E. Hubb. • Camusiella Bosser • Capillipedium Stapf • Castellia Tineo. • Catabrosa P. Beauv. • Catabrosella (Tzvelev) Tzvelev • Catalepis Stapf & Stent • Catapodium Link • Cathestechum J. Presl • Cenchrus L. • Centotheca Desv. • Centrochloa Swallen • Centropodia Reichenb. • Cephalostachyum Munro • Chaboissaea Fourn. • Chaetium Nees • Chaetobromus Nees • Chaetopoa C.E. Hubb. • Chaetopogon Janchen • Chaetostichium (Hochst.) C.E. Hubb. • Chamaeraphis R.Br. • Chandrasekharania V.J. Nair, V.S. Ramachandran & P.V. Sreekumar • Chasechloa A. Camus • Chasmanthium Link • Chasmopodium Stapf • Chevalierella A. Camus • Chikusichloa Koidz. • Chimonobambusa Makino • Chionachne R.Br. • Chionochloa Zotov • Chloachne Stapf • Chloris O. Swartz • Chlorocalymma W. Clayton • Chrysochloa Swallen • Chrysopogon Trin. • Chumsriella Bor • Chusquea Kunth • Cinna L. • Cladoraphis Franch. • Clausospicula M. Lazarides • Cleistachne Benth. • Cleistochloa C.E. Hubb. • Cliffordiochloa B.K Simon • Cockaynea Zotov • Coelachne R.Br. • Coelachyropsis Bor • Coelachyrum Hochst. & Nees • Coelorachis Brongn. • Coix L. • Colanthelia McClure & Smith • Coleanthus Seidl. • Colpodium Trin. • Commelinidium Stapf • Cornucopiae L. • Cortaderia Stapf • Corynephorus P. Beauv. • Cottea Kunth • Craspedorhachis Benth. • Crinipes Hochst. • Crithopsis Jaub & the Spach • Crypsis Aiton • Cryptochloa Swallen • Ctenium Panzer • Ctenopsis De Not • Cutandia Willk. • Cyathopus Stapf • Cyclostachya J. & C. Reeder • Cymbopogon Spreng. • Cymbosetaria Schweick. • Cynodon Rich. • Cynosurus L. • Cyperochloa Lazarides & L. Watson • Cyphochlaena Hackel • Cypholepis Chiov. • Cyrtococcum Stapf

• Dactylis L. • Dactyloctenium Willd. • Daknopholis W. Clayton • Dallwatsonia B.K. Simon • Danthonia DC. sensu stricto • Danthoniastrum (J. Holub) J. Holub • Danthonidium C.E. Hubb. • Danthoniopsis Stapf • Dasyochloa Willd. ex Rydberg • Dasypoa Pilger • Dasypyrum (Cosson & Durieu) Durand • Davidsea Soderstrom and Ellis • Decaryella A. Camus • Decaryochloa A. Camus • Dendrocalamus Nees • Dendrochloa C.E. Parkinson • Deschampsia P. Beauv. • Desmazeria Dumort. • Desmostachya (Hook. f.) Stapf • Deyeuxia Clarion ex P. Beauv. • Diandrochloa de Winter • Diandrolyra Stapf • Diandrostachya Jacq.-Fél. • Diarrhena P. Beauv. • Dichaetaria Nees • Dichanthelium (A. Hitchc. & Chase) Gould • Dichanthium Willem. • Dichelachne Endl. • Diectomis Kunth • Dielsiochloa Pilger • Digastrium (Hackel) A. Camus • Digitaria Haller • Digitariopsis C.E. Hubb. • Dignathia Stapf • Diheteropogon (Hack.) Stapf • Dilophotriche Jacq.-Fél. • Dimeria R.Br. • Dimorphochloa S. T. Blake • Dinebra Jacq. • Dinochloa Buese • Diplachne P. Beauv. • Diplopogon R.Br. • Dissanthelium Trin. • Dissochondrus (Hillebr.) Kuntze • Distichlis Raf. • Drake-Brockmania Stapf • Dregeochloa Conert • Dryopoa Vick. • Dupontia R.Br. • Duthiea Hackel • Dybowskia Stapf

• Eccoilopus Steud. • Eccoptocarpha Launert • Echinaria Desf. • Echinochloa P. Beauv. • Echinolaena Desv. • Echinopogon P. Beauv. • Ectrosia R.Br. • Ectrosiopsis (Ohwi) Jansen • Ehrharta Thunb. sensu lato • Ehrharta Thunb. sensu stricto • Ekmanochloa Hitchcock • Eleusine Gaertn. • Elionurus Humb. & Bonpl. • Elymandra Stapf • Elymus L. • Elytrigia Desv. • Elytrophorus P. Beauv. • Elytrostachys McClure • Enneapogon Desv. ex P. Beauv. • Enteropogon Nees • Entolasia Stapf • Entoplocamia Stapf • Eragrostiella Bor • Eragrostis N. M. Wolf • Eremium Seberg and Linde-Laursen • Eremochloa Buese • Eremopoa Roshev. • Eremopogon Stapf • Eremopyrum (Ledeb.) Jaub. & Spach • Eriachne R.Br. • Erianthecium L. Parodi • Erianthus Michx. • Eriochloa Kunth • Eriochrysis P. Beauv. • Erioneuron Nash • Erythranthera Zotov • Euchlaena Schrad. • Euclasta Franch. • Eulalia Kunth • Eulaliopsis Honda • Eustachys Desf. • Euthryptochloa Cope • Exotheca Anderss.

• Fargesia Franch. sensu stricto • Farrago W. Clayton • Fasciculochloa B.K. Simon & C.M. Weiller • Festuca L. • Festucella E. Alekseev • Festucopsis (C.E. Hubb.) Melderis • Fingerhuthia Nees • Froesiochloa G.A. Black

• Garnotia Brongn. • Gastridium P. Beauv. • Gaudinia P. Beauv. • Gaudiniopsis (Boiss.) Eig • Germainia Bal. & Poitr. • Gerritea Zuloaga & Morrone • Gigantochloa Kurtz ex Munro • Gilgiochloa Pilger • Glaziophyton Franch. • Glyceria R.Br. • Glyphochloa W. D. Clayton • Gouinia Fourn. • Gouldochloa Valdés, Morden & Hatch • Graphephorum Desv. • Greslania Bal. • Griffithsochloa G.J. Pierce • Guaduella Franch. • Gymnachne L. Parodi • Gymnopogon P. Beauv. • Gynerium P. Beauv.

• Habrochloa C.E. Hubb. • Hackelochloa Kuntze • Hainardia Greuter • Hakonechloa Makino • Halopyrum Stapf • Harpachne Hochst. • Harpochloa Kunth • Helictotrichon Besser ex Roem. & Schult. • Helleria Fourn. • Hemarthria R.Br. • Hemisorghum C.E. Hubb. • Henrardia C.E. Hubb. • Hesperostipa (Elias) Barkworth • Heterachne Benth. • Heteranthelium Hochst. • Heteranthoecia Stapf • Heterocarpha Stapf & C.E. Hubb. • Heteropholis C.E. Hubb. • Heteropogon Pers. • Hickelia A. Camus • Hierochloë (Gmel.) R.Br. • Hilaria Kunth • Hitchcockella A. Camus • Holcolemma Stapf & C.E. Hubb. • Holcus L. • Homolepis Chase • Homopholis C.E. Hubb. • Homozeugos Stapf • Hookerochloa E. Alekseev • Hordelymus (Jessen) C.O. Harz • Hordeum L. • Hubbardia Bor • Hubbardochloa Auquier • Humbertochloa A. Camus & Stapf • Hyalopoa (Tzvelev) Tzvelev • Hydrochloa P. Beauv. • Hydrothauma C.E. Hubb. • Hygrochloa Lazarides • Hygroryza Nees • Hylebates Chippindall • Hymenachne P. Beauv. • Hyparrhenia Anderss. • Hyperthelia W. Clayton • Hypogynium Nees • Hypseochloa C.E. Hubb. • Hystrix Moench

• Ichnanthus P. Beauv. • Imperata Cyr. • Indocalamus Nakai • Indopoa Bor • Indosasa McLure • Isachne R.Br. • Isalus J. Phipps • Ischaemum L. • Ischnochloa J.D. Hook. • Ischnurus Balf. • Iseilema Anderss. • Ixophorus Schlechtd.

• Jansenella Bor • Jarava Ruiz & Pav. • Jardinea Steud. • Jouvea Fourn. • Joycea H.P. Linder

• Kampochloa W. Clayton • Kaokochloa de Winter • Karroochloa Conert & Túrpe • Kengia Packer • Kengyilia Yen & J.L Yang • Kerriochloa C.E. Hubb. • Koeleria Pers.

• Lagurus L. • Lamarckia Moench mut. Koeler • Lamprothyrsus Pilger • Lasiacis A. Hitchc. • Lasiorhachis (Hack.) Stapf • Lasiurus Boiss. • Lecomtella A. Camus • Leersia Soland. • Lepargochloa Launert • Leptagrostis C.E. Hubb. • Leptaspis R.Br. • Leptocarydion Stapf • Leptochloa P. Beauv. sensu lato • Leptochloa P. Beauv. sensu stricto • Leptochloöpsis Yates • Leptocoryphium Nees • Leptoloma Chase • Leptosaccharum (Hackel) A. Camus • Leptothrium Kunth • Lepturella Stapf • Lepturidium Hitchc. and Ekman • Lepturopetium Morat • Lepturus R.Br. • Leucophrys Rendle • Leucopoa Griseb. • Leymus Hochst. • Libyella Pamp. • Limnas Trin. • Limnodea Dewey ex Coult. • Limnopoa C.E. Hubb. • Lindbergella Bor • Linkagrostis Garcia, Blanca & Torres • Lintonia Stapf • Lithachne P. Beauv. • Littledalea Hemsley • Loliolum Krecz. & Bobr. • Lolium L. • Lombardochloa Rosengurtt & Arillaga • Lophacme Stapf • Lophatherum Brongn. • Lophochloa cristata (L.) Hylander • Lophochloa pumila (Desf.) Bor • Lopholepis Decne. • Lophopogon Hackel • Lophopyrum A. Löve • Lorenzochloa J. & C. Reeder • Loudetia Hochst. • Loudetiopsis Conert • Louisiella C.E. Hubb. & Léonard • Loxodera Launert • Luziola A.L. Juss. • Lycochloa Samuelsson • Lycurus Kunth • Lygeum Loefl ex L.

• Maclurolyra Calderón and Soderstrom • Maillea Parl. • Malacurus Nevski • Maltebrunia Kunth • Manisuris L. • Megalachne Steud. • Megaloprotachne C.E. Hubb. • Megastachya P. Beauv. • Melanocenchris Nees • Melica L. • Melinis P. Beauv. • Melocalamus Benth. • Melocanna Trin. • Merostachys Spreng. • Merxmuellera Conert • Mesosetum Steud. • Metasasa W.T. Lin • Metcalfia Conert • Mibora Adans. • Micraira F. Muell. • Microbriza Parodi ex Nicora et Rúg. • Microcalamus Franch. • Microchloa R.Br. • Microlaena R.Br. • Micropyropsis Zarco & Cabezudo • Micropyrum Link • Microstegium Nees • Mildbraediochloa Butzin • Milium L. • Miscanthidium Stapf • Miscanthus Anderss. • Mnesithea Kunth • Mniochloa Chase • Molinia Schrank • Monachather Steud. • Monanthochloë Engelm. • Monelytrum Hackel • Monium Stapf • Monocladus Chia, Fung & Yang • Monocymbium Stapf • Monodia S.W.L. Jacobs • Monostachya Merr. • Mosdenia Stent • Muhlenbergia Schreber • Munroa J. Torr. • Myriocladus Swallen • Myriostachya J.D. Hook.

• Narduroides Rouy • Nardus L. • Narenga Bor • Nassella Desv. • Nastus Juss. • Neeragrostis Bush • Neesiochloa Pilger • Nematopoa C.E. Hubb. • Neobouteloua Gould • Neohouzeaua A. Camus • Neostapfia Davy • Neostapfiella A. Camus • Nephelochloa Boiss. • Neurachne R.Br. • Neurolepis Meissner • Neyraudia Hook.f. • Notochloë Domin. • Notodanthonia Zotov

• Ochlandra Thwaites • Ochthochloa Edgwe. • Odontelytrum Hackel • Odyssea Stapf • Olmeca Soderstrom • Olyra L. • Ophiochloa Filgueiras, Davidse & Zuloaga • Ophiuros Gaertn. f. • Opizia J. & C. Presl • Oplismenopsis L. Parodi • Oplismenus P. Beauv. • Orcuttia Vasey • Oreobambos K. Schum. • Oreochloa Link • Orinus A. Hitchc. • Oropetium Trin. • Ortachne Nees ex Steud. • Orthoclada P. Beauv. • Oryza L. • Oryzidium C.E. Hubb. & Schweick. • Oryzopsis Michx. • Otachyrium Nees • Otatea McClure & Smith • Ottochloa Dandy • Oxychloris Lazarides • Oxyrhachis Pilger • Oxytenanthera Munro

• Panicum L. • Pappophorum Schreber • Parafestuca E. Alekseev • Parahyparrhenia A. Camus • Paraneurachne S. T. Blake • Parapholis C.E. Hubb. • Paratheria Griseb. • Parectenium P. Beauv. corr. Stapf • Pariana Aub. • Parodiolyra Soderstrom and Zuloaga • Pascopyrum A. Löve • Paspalidium Stapf • Paspalum L. • Pennisetum Rich. • Pentameris P. Beauv. • Pentapogon R.Br. • Pentarrhaphis Kunth • Pentaschistis (Nees) Spach • Pereilema J. & C. Presl • Periballia Trin. • Peridictyon O. Seberg, S. Frederiksen & C. Baden • Perotis Aiton • Perrierbambus A. Camus • Perulifera A. Camus • Petriella Zotov • Peyritschia Fourn. • Phacelurus Griseb. • Phaenanthoecium C.E. Hubb. • Phaenosperma Munro ex Benth. • Phalaris L. • Pharus P.Browne • Pheidochloa S. T. Blake • Phippsia R.Br. • Phleum L. • Pholiurus Trin. • Phragmites Adans. • Phyllorhachis Trimen • Phyllostachys Sieb. & Zucc. • Pilgerochloa Eig • Piptatherum P. Beauv. • Piptochaetium Presl • Piptophyllum C.E. Hubb. • Piresia Swallen • Piresiella Judziewicz, Zuloaga & Morone • Plagiantha Renvoize • Plagiosetum Benth. • Planichloa B. Simon • Plectrachne Henrard • Pleiadelphia Stapf • Pleuropogon R.Br. • Plinthanthesis Steud. • Poa L. • Pobeguinea Jacques-Félix • Podophorus Phil. • Poecilostachys Hackel • Pogonachne Bor • Pogonarthria Stapf • Pogonatherum P. Beauv. • Pogoneura Napper • Pogonochloa C.E. Hubb. • Pohlidium Davidse, Soderstrom & Ellis • Poidium Nees • Polevansia de Winter • Polliniopsis Hayata • Polypogon Desf. • Polytoca R.Br. • Polytrias Hackel • Pommereulla L.f. • Porteresia Tateoka • Potamophila R.Br. • Pringleochloa Scribner • Prionanthium Desv. • Prosphytochloa Schweickerdt • Psammagrostis C.A. Gardner & C.E. Hubb. • Psammochloa A. Hitchc. • Psathyrostachys Nevski • Pseudanthistiria (Hackel) Hook.f. • Pseudarrhenatherum Rouy • Pseudechinolaena Stapf • Pseudobromus K. Schum. • Pseudochaetochloa A. Hitchc. • Pseudocoix A. Camus • Pseudodanthonia Bor & C.E. Hubb. • Pseudodichanthium Bor • Pseudopentameris Conert • Pseudophleum M. Dogan • Pseudopogonatherum A. Camus • Pseudoraphis Griff. • Pseudoroegneria (Nevski) A. Löve • Pseudosasa Makino • Pseudosorghum A. Camus • Pseudostachyum Munro • Pseudovossia A. Camus • Pseudoxytenanthera Soderstrom and Ellis • Pseudozoysia Chiov. • Psilathera Link • Psilolemma Phillips • Psilurus Trin. • Pterochloris A. Camus • Ptilagrostis Griseb. • Puccinellia Parl. • Puelia Franch. • Pyrrhanthera Zotov

• Racemobambos Holttum • Raddia Bertol. • Raddiella Swallen • Ratzeburgia Kunth • Redfieldia Vasey • Reederochloa Soderstrom & H.F. Decker • Rehia Fijten • Reimarochloa A. Hitchc. • Reitzia Swallen • Relchela Steud. • Rendlia Chiov. • Reynaudia Kunth • Rheochloa Filg., P.M. Peterson & Y. Herrera • Rhipidocladum McClure • Rhizocephalus Boiss. • Rhomboelytrum Link • Rhynchelytrum Nees • Rhynchoryza Baillon • Rhytachne Desv. • Richardsiella Elffers & Kennedy O’Byrne • Robynsiochloa Jacques-Félix • Rottboellia L.f. • Rytidosperma Steud. sensu lato • Rytidosperma Steud. sensu stricto

• Saccharum L. • Sacciolepis Nash • Sartidia de Winter • Sasa Makino & Shibata • Saugetia A. Hitchc. & Chase • Schaffnerella Nash • Schedonnardus Steud. • Schenckochloa J.J. Ortíz • Schismus P. Beauv. • Schizachne Hackel • Schizachyrium Nees • Schizostachyum Nees • Schmidtia Steud. • Schoenefeldia Kunth • Sclerachne R.Br. • Sclerochloa P. Beauv. • Sclerodactylon Stapf • Scleropogon Phil. • Sclerostachya A. Camus • Scolochloa Link • Scribneria Hackel • Scrotochloa Judziewicz • Scutachne A. Hitchc. & Chase • Secale L. • Sehima Forssk. • Semiarundinaria Makino • Sesleria Scop. • Sesleriella Deyl • Setaria P. Beauv. • Setariopsis Scribner ex Millsp. • Shibataea Makino • Sieglingia Bernh. • Silentvalleya Nair, Sreekumar, Vajravelu & Bhargavan • Simplicia Kirk • Sinarundinaria Nakai • Sinobambusa Makino • Sinochasea Keng • Sitanion Raf. • Snowdenia C.E. Hubb. • Soderstromia Morton • Sohnsia Airy Shaw • Sorghastrum Nash • Sorghum Moench • Spartina Schreber • Spartochloa C.E. Hubb. • Spathia Ewart • Sphaerobambos S. Dransfield • Sphaerocaryum Nees ex Hook.f. • Spheneria Kuhlm • Sphenopholis Scribner • Sphenopus Trin. • Spinifex L. • Spodiopogon Trin. • Sporobolus R.Br. • Steinchisma Raf. • Steirachne Ekman • Stenotaphrum Trin. • Stephanachne Keng • Stereochlaena Hackel • Steyermarkochloa Davidse and Ellis • Stiburus Stapf • Stilpnophleum Nevski • Stipa L. sensu lato • Stipa L. sensu stricto • Stipagrostis Nees • Streblochaete Hochst. • Streptochaeta Schrad. • Streptogyna P. Beauv. • Streptolophus Hughes • Streptostachys Desv. • Styppeiochloa de Winter • Sucrea Soderstrom • Suddia Renvoize • Swallenia Soderstrom & Decker • Swallenochloa McClure • Symplectrodia Lazarides

• Taeniatherum Nevski • Taeniorhachis T.A. Cope • Tarigidia Stent • Tatianyx Zuloaga and Soderstrom • Teinostachyum Munro • Tetrachaete Chiov. • Tetrachne Nees • Tetrapogon Desf. • Tetrarrhena R.Br. • Thamnocalamus Munro • Thaumastochloa C.E. Hubb. • Thelepogon Roth. • Thellungia Stapf • Themeda Forssk. • Thinopyrum A. Löve • Thrasya Kunth • Thrasyopsis L. Parodi • Thuarea Pers. • Thyridachne C.E. Hubb. • Thyridolepis S. T. Blake • Thyrsia Stapf • Thyrsostachys Gamble • Thysanolaena Nees • Torreyochloa Church • Tovarochloa T.D. Macfarlane and P. P.-H. But • Trachypogon Nees • Trachys Pers. • Tragus Haller • Tribolium Desv. • Tricholaena Schrad. • Trichoneura Anderss. • Trichopteryx Nees • Tridens Roem. & Schult. • Trikeraia Bor • Trilobachne Schenk ex Henrard • Triniochloa A. Hitchc. • Triodia R.Br. • Triplachne Link • Triplasis P. Beauv. • Triplopogon Bor • Tripogon Roem. & Schult. • Tripsacum L. • Triraphis R.Br. • Triscenia Griseb. • Trisetum Pers. • Tristachya Nees • Triticum L. • Tsvelevia E. Alekseev • Tuctoria J. Reeder

• Uniola L. • Uranthoecium Stapf • Urelytrum Hackel • Urochlaena Nees • Urochloa P. Beauv. • Urochondra C.E. Hubb.

• Vahlodea Fries • Vaseyochloa A. Hitchc. • Ventenata Koeler • Vetiveria Bory • Vietnamochloa Veldkamp & Nowack • Vietnamosasa Nguyen • Viguierella A. Camus • Vossia Wall. & Griff. • Vulpia C. Gmelin • Vulpiella (Trabut) Burollet

• Wangenheimia Moench • Whiteochloa C.E. Hubb. • Willkommia Hackel

• Xerochloa R.Br.

• Yakirra Lazarides & R. Webster • Ystia P. Compère • Yushania Keng • Yvesia A. Camus

• Zea L. • Zenkeria Trin. • Zeugites P. Browne • Zingeria P. Smirnov • Zizania L. • Zizaniopsis Doell & Aschers. • Zonotriche Phipps • Zoysia Willd. • Zygochloa S. T. Blake

Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 1992 onwards. The grass genera of the world: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval; including synonyms, morphology, anatomy, physiology, phytochemistry, cytology, classification, pathogens, world and local distribution, and references. Version: 11th February 2012.’.

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