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Welcome to the StatCounter demo!

Guitar Online Screenshot

This demo contains live data from a real website which sells guitars and musical instruments online; http://www.guitar-online.com/en/
Guitar Online have generously agreed to share their data with us.

Browse through the menu items on the left to explore how StatCounter enables you to analyse your data.

  • Visitor Paths: how your most recent visitors have navigated through your site
  • Browsers: whether the majority of your visitors use Internet Explorer or Firefox
11:38:16 1 April 2012 Summary Log: No Limit
Summary Chart
Date Range:   or     -  
Data to Show:
Graph Type:

  Page Loads Unique Visits First Time Visits Returning Visits
Total 3,845 1,882 1,777 105
Average 481 235 222 13
DayDatePage Loads Unique Visits First Time Visits Returning Visits
Sunday 1st April 2012 257 132 123 9
Saturday 31st March 2012 659 306 280 26
Friday 30th March 2012 493 242 228 14
Thursday 29th March 2012 473 191 181 10
Wednesday 28th March 2012 289 146 139 7
Tuesday 27th March 2012 611 288 270 18
Monday 26th March 2012 459 262 250 12
Sunday 25th March 2012 604 315 306 9


Returning Visits - Based purely on a cookie, if this person is returning to your website for another visit an hour or more later

First Time Visits - Based purely on a cookie, if this person has no cookie then this is considered their first time at your website.

Unique Visitor - Based purely on a cookie, this is the total of the returning visits and first time visits - all your visitors.

Page Load - The number of times your page has been visited.