
Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton
Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton
Ginny Simone talks to former UN Ambassador John Bolton about President Obama's recent "open mic" slip up, raising a disturbing question: If he's willing to offer "more flexibility" to the Russian's on missile defense, what's Obama willing to do when it comes to your right to self defense, if he's re-elected - NRA News - April 3, 2012 - www.NRANews.com

Menendez on Susan Rice confirmation as US ambassador to the United Nations
Menendez on Susan Rice confirmation as US ambassador to the United Nations
January 15th, 2009 -

Jon Bolton US Ambassador to the UN
Jon Bolton US Ambassador to the UN
US Ambassador to the UN Jon Bolton telling off the rest of the world.

Libyan UN deputy ambassador speaks to AJE
Libyan UN deputy ambassador speaks to AJE
Libya's deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Ibrahim Dabbashi, spoke to Al Jazeera. Dabbashi distanced himself from the regime of embattled president Muammar Gaddafi, saying he is "with the people".

Pakistan's UN Ambassador on WikiLeaks
Pakistan's UN Ambassador on WikiLeaks
Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations, Abdullah Hussain Haroon, spoke to CBS News Foreign Affairs Analyst Pamela Falk about the thousands of pages of classified US documents released this week by the website, WikiLeaks. Read more: www.cbsnews.com

John Bolton on United Nations
John Bolton on United Nations
John Bolton on United Nations is quite an revealing clip on what the feelings and motives behind US policy in engaging with UN is.

UN Secretary-General invites you to be a Citizen Ambassador to the UN
UN Secretary-General invites you to be a Citizen Ambassador to the UN
United Nations, New York, 23 June 2010: Video Contest: Tell the World Leaders what YOU think about the Millennium Development Goals. 'Hey Boys and Girls' performed by Evermore ( www.evermoreband.com ) courtesy of Scorpio Music ( www.scorpiomusic.com.au ). Contest Rules: Only entries submitted via the YouTube platform will be eligible for consideration. To sign up for an account on YouTube, please visit www.youtube.com Video entries should be two (2) minutes in duration or less. The contestant must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to enter the contest. Video submissions should be original and unpublished work by the contestant. The submitted video must address at least one of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) listed in the United Nations Millennium Declaration. For more information about the MDGs, please visit www.un.org The submitted video should address one of the following challenges: 1. "Why are the Millennium Development Goals important to you and your family?" 2. "What is your community, city or country doing to achieve the Millennium Development Goals?" 3. "How can the international community better work together to achieve the Millennium Development Goals?" Submitted videos must be recorded in English or French, or in any other language but with English or French subtitles. Please see www.youtube.com for simple instructions on how to create closed captioned subtitles for YouTube videos. The nationality and age of the contestant must be clearly <b>...</b>

Ambassador Susan Rice speaks at the 15th Anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide
Ambassador Susan Rice speaks at the 15th Anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide
Ambassador Susan E. Rice speaks on the Rwanda Genocide at the 15th Anniversary Commemoration of the Rwanda Genocide at the United Nations on April 6, 2009.

Walkout was STAGED: British Ambassador Peter Gooderham admits
Walkout was STAGED: British Ambassador Peter Gooderham admits
British Ambassador Peter Gooderham admits that the VAST MAJORITY of the delegates met in the morning and agreed to walkout on the speech by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if Israel was mentioned!. What does that tell us? That after the shocking behaviour of Israel in the recent Gaza massacre that the perpetrators of what have been described in the British House of Parliament as a Warcrime can not be mentioned at the United Nations? A VERY dangerous precedent indeed

13 Days - United Nations Security Council
13 Days - United Nations Security Council
As part of the American strategy to rally the international community behind their actions against Cuba, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson, goes to the Security Council meeting to make the case for the US embargo on Cuba and to prove the existance of ballistic missiles threatening a great part of the country. Ambassador Stevenson delivers one of the best speeches the UN has ever heard and pratically destroys the soviet ambassador's strategy of denial. Here, we see a reenactment of that meeting in the movie "13 Days".

2011 World Humanitarian Day Citizen Ambassador's Contest
2011 World Humanitarian Day Citizen Ambassador's Contest
United Nations, New York, 9 August 2011 - The United Nations Department of Public Information, in partnership with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), will run the 3rd annual Citizen Ambassadors video contest from 8 August 2011 to 8 September 2011. Website: www.uncitizenambassadors.org Rules of the Contest: - Only entries submitted via YouTube will be eligible for consideration. To sign up for an account on YouTube, please visit www.youtube.com - Video entries must not exceed 30 seconds in length. - The contestant must be at least eighteen (18) years of age on the date he/she enters the contest. - Video submissions must be original and unpublished work by the contestant and not infringe on any copyright laws. - The submitted video must begin with the phrase "Excuse me, Mr. Secretary-General..." - Submitted videos must be recorded in English or French or subtitled in English or French. - Each entrant must fill out the Entry Form. - Video submissions may not contain any offensive or inappropriate content, according to United Nations principles and practices, and must comply with YouTube's general terms and conditions. - Current or former staff members, interns or retirees of the United Nations Organization, its Agencies, Funds or Programmes and any family and/or house-hold members of these staff members are not eligible. - The contest will end on 8 September 2011 at 11:55 pm New York time (EST). Entries submitted after this time or modified past <b>...</b>

Bush' Ambassador to UN is angry
Bush' Ambassador to UN is angry
US Ambassador to UN John Bolton says you can't criticise Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

Ambassador William Luers addresses Model UN students
Ambassador William Luers addresses Model UN students
UNA-USA President, Ambassador William Luers addresses 2300 Model UN students at the 2008 United Nations Association of the United States of America Model UN Conference opening ceremonies, held in the General Assembly Hall of UN Headquarters.

UN Ambassador discusses Iraq, Afghanistan, Middle East
UN Ambassador discusses Iraq, Afghanistan, Middle East
On May 6, 2008, Zalmay Khalilzad, US ambassador to the United Nations, delivered the annual Bernard Brodie Distinguished Lecture on the Conditions of Peace, sponsored by the Burkle Center for International Relations at UCLA. During his talk, titled "The Challenges of the Broader Middle East", Khalilzad discussed US foreign policy, the Iraq War and what must be done to reach peace in the Middle East.

Libya's UN ambassador calls for tough sanctions
Libya's UN ambassador calls for tough sanctions
The UN Security Council has rarely seen anything like it, with hugs and embraces after an impassioned speech. The emotional address reduced its speaker, Libya's UN ambassador, to tears as he denounced the man he called his friend and his brother. He said he initially "could not believe" Muammar Gaddafi's troops were firing on protesters and called on sanctions now to be imposed. ... www.euronews.net

Split over Syria: Russia holds war hawks to letter of law
Split over Syria: Russia holds war hawks to letter of law
Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said an embargo on arms supplies to Syria is out of the question -- along with any resolution that could threaten to aggravate conflict in the country. Churkin, speaking to journalists via video link, spoke out strongly against a possible arms embargo on Syria, citing some countries' refusal to condemn the armed groups operating there, and the continued risk of weapons supplies reaching these groups despite any ban. When most nations talk about sovereignty, they seem to think that "sovereignty is good for friends" while "compliance is good for enemies," believes Benjamin Barber, a senior fellow at the American think-tank Demos. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com

Iran appeals to UN on US downed spy drone
Iran appeals to UN on US downed spy drone
Iranian ambassador to UN, Mohammad Khazaei says when American spy drones turn up in Iranian airspace, it's sore point. On Thursday afternoon, Khazaei sent a letter to UN leadership calling for the UN to implement "clear and effective measures to be taken to put an end to these dangerous and unlawful acts in line with the United Nations' responsibilities." Hank Flynn, Press TV, New York

US Campaign presents petition to US Ambassador Rice
US Campaign presents petition to US Ambassador Rice
SIGN NOW: endtheoccupation.org This footage of Ambassador Susan Rice's February 11, 2011, visit to the World Affairs Council of Oregon, in Portland, highlights the clash between a US administration that is out of touch with the dire monstrosity of continued Israeli settlements -- and a growing movement to petition the State Dept. to let the UN Security Council do its job, reaffirming the illegality of those settlements and the urgency of curtailing their increasing menace to the same human rights and equality that the US purports to champion. Peter Miller, a Steering Committee member of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, hands the Ambassador a petition signed by 7600 people demanding that the Obama Administration vote yes on a pending UN Security Council resolution meant to condemn continued Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Oregonians' appeals to the Ambassador are met with stubborn adherence to the Administration's familiar line that "the Security Council is not the right venue in which to make such determinations."

Pakistan UN Ambassador: Don't scapegoat us
Pakistan UN Ambassador: Don't scapegoat us
Pakistan's UN Ambassador Abdullah Hussein Haroon speaks with CBS News' Pam Falk about the deadly Haqqani terrorist network based in Pakistan, which has been blamed with bringing a new level of violence to the Afghan insurgency; and the souring of US-Pakistan relations.

Ambassador Susan Rice at 2010 Commencement 1/3
Ambassador Susan Rice at 2010 Commencement 1/3
Susan E. Rice, Ph. D., United States Ambassador to the United Nations and a member of President Obamas Cabinet received an honorary degree and served as the keynote speaker to 560 graduates for Spelman Colleges Commencement exercises on Sunday, May 16, 2010, at the Georgia World Congress Center. "Ambassador Susan Rice embodies the dynamic leadership and commitment to global engagement that we expect from our graduates, said Spelman College President Beverly Daniel Tatum. Her presence at commencement will be a source of inspiration for all of us.

Divided world at the UN
Divided world at the UN
The 66th session of the UN general assembly has kicked off in New York City. With violence in Libya, protests going on in Egypt, and the Palestine bid for statehood, the UN has many tough issues to tackle this conference. Vitaly Churkin, the Russian ambassador to the UN, gives us his thoughts on the UN sessions.