• WP On Tour – WordPress Coworking Trip

    WP On Tour – WordPress Coworking Trip

    Coworking is a style of work which involves a shared working environment, those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization.

  • Step out of your office

    Step out of your office

    The idea is to step out of your office environment and work at a challenging location somewhere in the world. This is the best way to get in touch and hang out with developers, designers and evangelists.


Our Philosophy

The idea is to step out of your office environment and work at a challenging location somewhere in the world. This is the best way to get in touch and hang out with developers, designers and evangelists.

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Roll Your Own

It’s supposed to be an informal week, for small groups that want to spend that time working “as usual”, but together. Think of it as coworking with WordPress developers, designers and bloggers.

Start Rollin


We love to inspire people to get tours like this rollin’ all over the world. Your next WP On Tour listed here? Make it happen and learn how to start rollin’ one on your own on our Roll Your Own page.

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