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(en) Venezuela, Press release by Revolutionary Anarchist Federation of Venezuela - FARV , about the represion of the citizens of Barquisimeto city

Date Mon, 19 Mar 2012 18:48:54 +0200

FASCISM FASCISM IS ALWAYS COMPADRE ---- On Tuesday 13 March, in an action with fascist overtone, were evicted by the city police Iribarren (Barquisimeto) and the National Guard "Bolivarian" the occupants of the land around the airport located southeast of the city of Barquisimeto. About 500 families suffered the onslaught of state agencies INSECURITY the direct instructions of the mayor of the municipality Iribarren Amalia Saenz, violating the human rights of these companions, knocking ranches, retaining their property, using tear gas regardless of the presence of children, women and seniors, ending arrested several colleagues (as) among them have 3 children. Surprisingly called attention to this action is performed after the companions of the Revolutionary Front of Tenants and Occupants (COLD) meet in the regional command number 4 and they were given the word to respect the right habitat, that would not be beaten and that would be relocated to those who live in areas at high risk.

After this action, which incidentally is supported by Governor Henry Falcon and the strange silence of the PSUV bureau guarantor of Lara, protests are held in the municipal council of Iribarren and tries to interpellate the fascist guards buddy, the mayor Amalia Saenz. Arrechos peers ask the right word, which is denied as it is understood in a situation of such tension and concern for the prisoners, fellow broken chairs, damage tables, cables and even destroy the sound. This act is according to Cesar Gaviria (municipal council president Iribarren) "unacceptable" because they are clear as pure "tierruos anarchists" and not members of either of the PSUV bureau used dresses and air conditioning, as we must stop them, they are 15 imprisoned comrades including Siéveres Carlos is one of the spokesmen of COLD. After this and in a record time of 1 day, are charged and sent to prison as criminals Uribana.

Quite surprising that the means of isolation have gathered the voices of the councilors, the mayor, the GNB and the deputies, and have not sought any opinion of the spokesmen of COLD, claiming they "had no right to speak until 22 March, "but do not mention anywhere that the councilor Gabriel Guerrero hiso them an invitation to the council, to make use of the word right, then left with this stab, because as people are not people who wait!; appears that this is part of a plan to criminalize companions, who incidentally, have followed formal, and all were enrolled in the BIG MISSION HOUSING VENEZUELA and attending meetings with relevant agencies. A plan that begins with former Governor Luis Reyes Reyes, then with the fascist and current Governor Henry Falcon and now the current mayor of Iribarren said that despite revolutionary acts rather like the governor.

But the macabre show the puppeteers Amalia, Henry (among others) continuous when they move their wires, and in just two days pass sentence against imprisoned comrades, Judge Juana control Goyo seventh at the request of the tax ministry quarter Berrios public Yelitza the judgment, for Erasmus Orellana, Jean Carlos Galindez, Jose Antonio Rodriguez, Daniel Antonio González, Horacio Rafael Rodriguez, Carlos Enrique Piña Rojas Marilín Yolimar Norkis Arroyo and Rodriguez were charged with six offenses under bourgeois justice, " aggravated damage, outrage simple, conspiracy, resisting arrest and use of adolescents with criminal intent "dictating filing an injunction every 30 days and banned from entering public institutions.

As the spokesman of COLD, Carlos Siéveres companion, is said by reliable sources that the puppet and captain of the national guard Ruben Paez proving their "manhood" and using his helmet gave him twelve cascasos in the head and face, producing a fracture of the nasal septum, also showed deviation of the spine result of the kicks and blows with various objects used National Guard troops Hitler. We also know that the companion Rodmary Goyo, 18 years old just turned and no criminal record, was attacked harshly as his father Jorge Goyo, these 2 comrades remain in jail even Uribana (Barquisimeto). The 3 juveniles arrested, still remain in the retention of apple (prison center for children, Barquisimeto).
This feature also has its comic side is that in the judgment against Carlos Siéveres not satisfied with all the beatings and torture, but with an order coming from "above" the judge Juana Goyo He deprived of their liberty to comrade Carlos, imputing the six crimes they were charged to their peers, but he was joined that of PERSONAL INJURY, for assaulting a guard, lol quite amazing to think that after so great a beating and being handcuffed, someone can have the strength to attack such that a Nazi uniform and get a feel macho and above all else, especially the people.

But the puppeteers are moving even more their puppet strings and the judge ordered that the power of detention site outside the boarding Carlos Siéveres Tocuyito court in Carabobo three hours from Barquisimeto. Thing without being very smart all know that is done to avoid demonstrations and displays of solidarity from family and colleagues found in Lara state, in an effort to silence the voice of the people and popular struggles.
We are all waiting to see the following function of the puppeteers and their puppets above.


The FARV solidarity with colleagues and condemns these acts which demonstrate the latent fascism in government. And we accompanied the revolutionary front of fellow tenants and occupants in their demands:

"Should something happen in the criminal Tocuyito Comrade Carlos Siéveres ourselves accountable first to the Mayor Amalia Saenz, Governor Henry Falcon, Councilman Gabriel Guerrero and all representatives of the city council of Barquisimeto, the overall Jorge Gonzalez Arreaza National Guard, to Judge Joan Goyo, Berrios Yelitza the prosecutor to ask all these dismissal and imprisonment, as well as Luis Reyes Reyes, author of Silent COLD criminalization, all these marked and well known Barquisimeto fellow accomplices and operators of the oligarchy in government housing both the traditional right as the new right red. "


Our group also condemned the silence of the official media and the bureau of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello and Elías Jaua, showing, through their silence, they are on the side of repression and the criminalization of popular organizations and struggles, and not on the side of dialogue and persuasion, which has always been the policy of President Chavez.

It is said that in the struggle conducted by these partners have been vices and errors, which has not been proven, but if true, is normal in a fight like this and so we will not criminalize 500 families and leave them homeless, to beat them and humiliate them. Accompany them in their struggle against the large urban COLD mates and any organization that does, with or without defects and with or without errors, because they may not share some methods but the fight is the same and we must rely.

The FARV responsible for all this to the mayor Amalia Saenz for their inability to mediate and resolve this problem, its fascism and its incompetence to a delicate problem as is the housing. Whatever the repression of the people can not be guaranteed and that you do shows your political ignorance and lack of revolutionary spirit. This is because the freedom to ask FARV Carlos Sièveres and the immediate impeachment and trial for the perpetrators and instigators of this attack fascist also call on all groups revolutionary street actions and not be intimidated, if not give a forceful response to fascism this will keep happening more and more and we can not allow this, it is our duty to go out, denounce this everywhere, condemning anyone who has to be condemned, whoever he is. We know that within the ruling political parties and especially within the PSUV, there is much pigeon fascist who hates anything that has to do with people's organizations and to direct actions of this type, bureaucrats and politicians who would be happy without these people organized the corners whenever you can and of course hates, even people who would do anything for the revolution deepens and because people do not finish taking power, these red fascist we tell them not succeed in and we understand quite well what is the class struggle, we know that like the traditional bourgeoisie, are our enemies.

It's all for now comrades, we are in the streets, in the occupations in the sockets, in communities, in the acts, marches, struggles, SEE YOU IN THE STREET!

"Throw it your word against anyone once! Just know that violates the sky throw it! burning inside the word and you get thirsty, IT IS BETTER TO LOSE THE FEAR TALK TALK! "Ali First



Organize and ACCIONA!

FORWARD, FORWARD, militant anarchism!


Related Link: http://farvespecifistas.blogspot.com/2012/03/comunicado-farv.html
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