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I’m, Kieran Bennett, a student and activist living in regional Australia. I write from an anti-authoritarian left point of view.

In my ideal world, there would be no coercive state, all would contribute according to ability, and all would be provided for according to need.

Political Experience
I was an active member of the Australian Greens. In 2007 I managed the Greens federal campaign for the seat of Indi, and in 2008 I stood as a Greens endorsed candidate in local government elections.

I am no longer a member of the Australian Greens. I still share the ideals of the Global Greens Charter, but I am no longer convinced that the current practice of the Australian Greens can ever fully achieve the vision of the charter.

Welfare Work
After a number of years at the ANU, I now find myself at a rural TAFE campus studying a Diploma of Community Services Work. It may seem an odd choice.

I hope that welfare work provides an opportunity to work at the coal face of social justice issues in this country. However, I have no illusions that the current nature of welfare work in any way addresses the fundamental causes of social injustice in our society.

I should note that I continue to use the word “welfare” rather than the more fashionable “community service work”.

I think the push to ditch “welfare” is misguided, it was the practice and structure of welfare work that gave it it’s negative connotations.

If welfare workers wish to shed the stigma of being agents of social control, then it is practice rather than branding that needs to be transformed.

The Obvious Disclaimer
The views expressed on this blog are mine alone, they in no way reflect the opinions of my employer, place of study, or any political party.

Also, the photo of me in the top banner is about fifteen years old.

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