
  • Murder Incorporated: Guns, the NRA and the Politics of Violence on the Mexican Border

    By Mark Karlin, Truthout | News Analysis

    Sign by Mexican BorderSign on road just before main bridge into Mexico from Brownsville, Texas. (Photo: Mark Karlin)An Iron River of Guns Flows Across the Border

    A phalanx of US law enforcement and military personnel patrol the Mexican border for undocumented migrants and drug traffickers, but there is comparatively little effort to keep firearms, which are increasingly heavy duty military style semi- automatic weapons, from entering Mexico. Indeed, while the flow of the Rio Grande River separates most of Texas from Mexico, guns stream into Mexico in an "iron river" from the United States.


New analyses by mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have added an explosive new dimension to one of the most politically charged debates about the housing crisis: Whether to reduce the amount of money beleaguered homeowners owe on their mortgages.

Their conclusion: Such loan forgiveness wouldn't just help keep hundreds of thousands of families in their homes, it would also save Freddie and Fannie money. That, in turn, would help taxpayers, who bailed out the companies at a cost of more than $150 billion and are still on the hook for future losses.


The Obamacare battle that will come before the Supreme Court in the longest hearings in nearly a half-century is a proxy fight between the seemingly irreconcilable differences in American politics. On one side are centrist Democrats, who, like Obama, believe that the social safety net needs mending and that the private sector and all citizens have obligations to support that effort. On the other side are Republican opponents who do not want to see federal government do much beyond waging wars, and who do not even want their states to pay for current obligations—whether as health programs, pensions or education—and amazingly, do not even offer an alternative but instead posture behind their survival-of-the-fittest, let-the-market-fix-it ideology.


