The Electronic Intifada


Women at the heart of struggle

Roqayah Chamseddine
8 March 2012

Women have been at the heart of liberation struggles in the Middle East and North Africa, contrary to Orientalist misrepresentations.

Transforming Finkelstein BDS attack into opportunity

David Letwin
28 February 2012

Norman Finkelstein’s attack on the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement is an opportunity — particularly for those of us who are Jewish — to affirm our unequivocal support for Palestinians’ fundamental rights.

Never mind Johnny Rotten, real punks boycott Israel

Alexander Billet
20 February 2012

Working with the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, Punks Against Apartheid follows a firm tradition of anti-racism within the punk movement.

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Diaries: Live from Palestine

Why did Israel stop me from visiting the West Bank?

Patrick Keddie
15 March 2012

What kind of liberal democracy bars human rights activists in an attempt to stifle the truth about its behavior?

Asking Israel why it tortured my friend

Joy Ellison
25 February 2012

When I heard that Israeli Sergeant Benjamin Anthony would be speaking at DePaul University in Chicago yesterday, I had one question for him: why did its army torture my friend?

Human Rights

"The house is dark without them": Israel kills father and daughter as they water vegetables

Rami Almeghari
Beit Lahiya
19 March 2012

Muhammad al-Hisoumi and his daughter Fayza were killed in an Israeli missile attack as they tended their land in the Gaza Strip on 12 March 2012, leaving behind a devastated family and a darkened house. Rami Almeghari profiles them.

Israel actively supports theft of Palestinian water, says new UN report

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
19 March 2012

The Israeli government has turned a blind eye — and often actively supported — the illegal takeover of water springs located on private Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank by Israeli settlers, according to a new report.

Activism News

"I can't take part in these crimes": Israeli refusenik interviewed

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
14 March 2012

Eighteen-year-old Noam Gur, the first Israeli to reject mandatory military service this year, speaks out about refusing to partake in Israel’s ongoing crimes against humanity even if it means jail time.

Art, Music & Culture

Factual errors undermine new book on Hamas

Asa Winstanley
16 March 2012

A new book on the Palestinian political party Hamas fails to accurately analyze the policies of the Islamic resistance movement.

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