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The Jim Rogers Blog: Videos, Articles, and Summaries

The Jim Rogers Blog features articles and videos from Jim Rogers. A summary of each video is also provided. This page is updated with Jim Rogers' investment advice and commentary on stock recommendations, the global financial markets, and the economy.

Jim Rogers Interrogated by Chinese Woman

It is an election year in the United States. A lot of politicians want to be reelected, so there will be quite a bit of good news. However the overall situation is getting worse because the debt keeps going up.

The profits in America probably won’t get much higher. There may be a slowdown soon, and the markets are already anticipating it. However, protection isn’t that expensive.

Everyone has to invest for themselves. You shouldn’t make investments based on what the media says to buy.

It’s not good that governments print money, but that’s all they know how to do. To protect yourself, you should buy real assets.

There is going to be more currency turmoil in the next couple years as these imbalances are sorting themselves out.

Real estate in China is going to suffer. China has been trying to slowdown their markets for a while now.

Euros looks like a good opportunity. There are lots of great opportunities in Europe if you are willing to look for them.

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