Media / Online

The .xxx domain is here to stay, but Conroy could still block it

There was a legitimate reason for my attendance at the launch party for S-xpo, the “s-xuality lifestyle expo”, in Sydney Wednesday night: the sponsor of this bacchanalia was the company behind the new .xxx internet domain for adult sites.

The time has come — we must invade America to save its kids

Inspired by the Kony 2012 video, I’ve decided WE need to do something about an even greater children’s tragedy that’s unfolding right now. That’s the one not in Uganda, but in the US.

Margaret Simons: The Oz misrepresented me

The Weekend Australian’s article on journalism academics was riddled with misrepresentations and straight out factual errors, fatally undermining its central argument.

New Kid on the Block: Mackay gets its own show and Tele

Everyone from the Prime Minister down was praising the launch of The Mackay Telegraph, a hard-copy giveaway with a 25,000 print run and available online.

The ethics of aggregation

Naughty aggregation is analogous to pornography,’ writes David Carr. ‘You know it when you see it.’ What is good protocol for aggregators? What is considered unethical? Carr discusses.

Pinterest: a guide for small businesses

Pinterest, which has the biggest online buzz of all the social media sites right now, is ideal as a marketing tool for start-ups given that it’s low cost and relatively hassle-free, writes Nina Hendy.

The one stop digital media resource shop

Why is mobile commerce on the rise? What are the 25 best iPad apps? How are brands advertising on pinterest? Mashable presents 49 digital media resources you may have missed.

Send in the sock puppets: social media manipulation and Kony

The ease with which people have been manipulated by the Kony 2012 video will have governments and corporations excited.

Every 60 seconds in social media

Every minute two million YouTube videos are watched, 700,000 Facebook messages are sent and 175,000 tweets are distributed, according to this infographic from social jumpstart.

Crowd sourcing emergency support: Reddit introduces Suicide Watch

With the knowledge that young people are more likely to express themselves online than over the phone, Reddit have introduced a new suicide prevention initiative — but it’s far from perfect, writes Jesse Singal.

Federal Bureau of Facilitation — what was the FBI doing with Stratfor and WikiLeaks?

Revelations about the role of an FBI informer raise further questions about the FBI’s facilitation of crime.

Why you should be cynical about Kony 2012

A new online charity video called KONY 2012 has exploded on the internet in the last 24 hours. But be careful in supporting Invisible Children, the charity behind the video, since only 31% of its donations actually go to helping people.

Meet the new high-res iPad

Apple announces its new 4G iPad with high-resolution retina display, to launch in Australia on March 16. Patrick Stafford previews the iPad 3 (although Apple seems to have ditched the numerical updates for a generic “iPad”).

New Kid on the Block: a Broadsheet approach to lifestyle online

Broadsheet aims to be THE guide to “where to go out on a date, where to buy a pair of jeans, where to eat well and have good coffee” in Sydney and Melbourne. It’s another media New Kid on the Block.

Fitz pulls the ‘women should be nice’ card

On the weekend a seemingly baffled Peter Fitzsimmons wondered why Julia Gillard and Julie Bishop can’t be nice to each other. After all, they’re women! reports news with nipples.

Age critic Jim Schembri on leave after being outed as dibber dobber

Controversial Age film critic Jim Schembri has gone on leave from his plum gig after a Crikey investigation revealed he had repeatedly dobbed to the employers of his Twitter critics and hinted at legal action on behalf of the newspaper.

Employment is growing … but you wouldn’t read about it

The February ANZ job ads survey shows newspapers are becoming irrelevant to job advertising, and are going backwards while the jobs market is growing, write Glenn Dyer and Bernard Keane.

Jim Schembri goes after fake people, too

Crikey has been inundated with correspondence following our story on Friday revealing how Age film critic Jim Schembri likes to punk your employer if you bag him on Twitter.

Victorian nurses defy court ban to tell their stories on Facebook

Victorian nurses and midwives on Facebook have taken to using code names to discuss protests after the Bailleu government demanded that all comments on the Australian Nursing Federation’s Facebook page that “organise, advise or assist” industrial action must be deleted.

Schembri now punks your employer if you tweet criticism

Age film critic Jim Schembri has repeatedly contacted the employers of his Twitter critics — in some cases issuing them with veiled legal threats — in an apparent attempt to shut down dissent on the social networking site.

Comparing the top five social media websites

What are the top five social media websites? How many unique visitors have they generated? Who are they popular among? This Graphic Design Blog infographic crunches the numbers.

The GOP’s secret weapon: Benjamin Netanyahu

Despite an American political climate being pushed into the wild extremities of the right, conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan still maintains the ability to shock readers, writes W H Chong.

The filth and the fury (and the catfood): Stratfor talks WikiLeaks

The Stratfor emails confirm that the US now has an indictment against Julian Assange.

The quality journalism project: the Human Headline

Derryn Hinch courts controversy more than most Aussie journalists. He’s the latest participant in Crikey’s Quality Journalism Project.

Twitter’s new revenue stream: your old tweets

Your old tweets are a rich new revenue stream for Twitter, which is now selling them in huge quantities to social media intelligence companies, reports Rob Waugh.