'Setting Prometheus Free': A Lecture by AC Grayling
'Setting Prometheus Free': A Lecture by AC Grayling
'Setting Prometheus Free'. A lecure given by Prof. AC Graying, on behalf of Atheist Ireland, in Dublin, November 2011.
AC Grayling - Global Atheist Convention 2010
AC Grayling - Global Atheist Convention 2010
AC Grayling at the Global Atheist Convention Melbourne March 2010. www.atheistconvention.org.au
AC Grayling: The Unconsidered Life
AC Grayling: The Unconsidered Life
Philosopher and author AC Grayling on thinking critically and being a well-informed citizen of the world. If you enjoy content like this, please consider helping with our RDF fundraiser by donating here: fundraiser.richarddawkins.net Visit AC Grayling's website at: acgrayling.com Get the RDF TV podcast through iTunes! itunes.apple.com Download Quikctime: Web: c0116791.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com 720p HD: c0116791.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com Produced by the Richard Dawkins Foundation and R. Elisabeth Cornwell Filmed & edited by Josh Timonen
Matthew Chapman and AC Grayling vs. Dinesh D'Souza and David Wolpe
Matthew Chapman and AC Grayling vs. Dinesh D'Souza and David Wolpe
Matthew Chapman and AC Grayling debate Dinesh D'Souza and Rabbi David Wolpe Topic: The World Would Be Better Off Without Religion Sponsor: Intelligence Squared
Forget the Golden Rule, Says Philosopher AC Grayling
Forget the Golden Rule, Says Philosopher AC Grayling
Complete video at: fora.tv Philosopher AC Grayling, author of The Good Book: A Humanist Bible, discusses why the biblical Golden Rule isn't necessarily the best model for morality. "Doing unto others" isn't always the best policy, he explains, because people's desires vary and only in accepting these differences can one truly lead "the good life." ----- British philosopher and public intellectual AC Grayling is considered the "nice guy" amongst the world's leading "anti-religion" advocates ... less cool and clinical than Richard Dawkins and more polite than Christopher Hitchens. Now, the mild-mannered atheist author has created a secular Bible, distilling the wisdom of the great non-religious traditions as a guide for life. When it comes to God, Grayling is doggedly opposed. But he doesn't put his book in the same league as Dawkins' "The God Delusion" and Hitchens' "God Is Not Great". It doesn't attack religion and is unfailingly optimistic, for one. But that doesn't mean it won't upset many Christians. "The Good Book" is a manifesto for rational thought, but mirrors the Bible in both form and language. Grayling explains he has spent several decades on his ambitious project, distilling what he considers "the best that has been thought and said by people who've really experienced life, and thought about it". - Australian Broadcasting Corporation AC Grayling is professor of philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London. He is a fellow of the World Economic Forum and <b>...</b>
AC Grayling: In Defense of 'The Good Book'
AC Grayling: In Defense of 'The Good Book'
Complete video at: fora.tv Professor AC Grayling discusses how he responds to criticism of his latest work, The Good Book: A Humanist Bible. He explains that in addition to vitriolic criticism from the religious community, he has had to deal with atheists who feel they don't need a bible. ----- British philosopher and public intellectual AC Grayling is considered the "nice guy" amongst the world's leading "anti-religion" advocates ... less cool and clinical than Richard Dawkins and more polite than Christopher Hitchens. Now, the mild-mannered atheist author has created a secular Bible, distilling the wisdom of the great non-religious traditions as a guide for life. When it comes to God, Grayling is doggedly opposed. But he doesn't put his book in the same league as Dawkins' "The God Delusion" and Hitchens' "God Is Not Great". It doesn't attack religion and is unfailingly optimistic, for one. But that doesn't mean it won't upset many Christians. "The Good Book" is a manifesto for rational thought, but mirrors the Bible in both form and language. Grayling explains he has spent several decades on his ambitious project, distilling what he considers "the best that has been thought and said by people who've really experienced life, and thought about it". - Australian Broadcasting Corporation AC Grayling is professor of philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London. He is a fellow of the World Economic Forum and the author of Meditations for the Humanist.
AC Grayling: Why the World Would Be Better Off Without Religion
AC Grayling: Why the World Would Be Better Off Without Religion
Complete video at: fora.tv AC Grayling, author of The Good Book: A Humanist Bible, argues that morality is possible without religion, and implies that those who "cherry-pick" religious beliefs are hypocrites. ----- In the words of Blaise Pascal, mathematician and Catholic, "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction." Does religion breed intolerance, violence, and the promotion of medieval ideas? Or should we concede that overall, it has been a source for good, giving followers purpose, while encouraging morality and ethical behavior? Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: @IQ2US and #IQ2US for the debate FOR THE MOTION Matthew Chapman Author, Filmmaker and Co-Founder of Science Debate AC Grayling Renowned Atheist and Professor of Philosophy AGAINST THE MOTION Dinesh D'Souza President of The King's College and author of What's So Great About Christianity Rabbi David Wolpe Named the #1 Pulpit Rabbi in America by Newsweek AC Grayling, a British philosopher and professor, has written over 20 books on philosophy, religion and reason including Against all Gods and The Good Book: A Secular Bible. Previously a professor of philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London, Grayling is now Master of the New College of the Humanities, an independent university college in London. For nearly 10 years, he was the Honorary Secretary of the principal British philosophical association, the Aristotelian Society, and a Trustee of the <b>...</b>
William Lane Craig vs. AC Grayling (The Debate That "Never Happened"?)
William Lane Craig vs. AC Grayling (The Debate That "Never Happened"?)
Transcript of the debate: www.reasonablefaith.org www.bethinking.org - Don't forget about Dr. Craig's UK 2011 Tour! reasonablefaith.org - (This video would not have been possible without the help of user youtube.com This is William Lane Craig's debate with atheist AC Grayling. Oddly, Grayling claimed he never debated Dr. Craig [1] when it's obvious they did! The video is proof of that. Here they debate the problem of evil. Related: www.bethinking.org Source: 1. richarddawkins.net Note: Reasonable Faith is now managing the drcraigvideos YouTube channel! We invite you to comment on William Lane Craig's videos in the reasonablefaith.org forums at www.reasonablefaith.org
Darwin, Humanism and Science - AC Grayling
Darwin, Humanism and Science - AC Grayling
Philosopher and BHA Distinguished Supporter, AC Grayling, speaks at the Darwin, Humanism and Science Day Conference on the 6th June. Thanks to Adservio Digital for recording the event and producing this video.
AC Grayling on women's rights, Sharia and secularism
AC Grayling on women's rights, Sharia and secularism
AC Grayling's keynote address on women's rights, Sharia and secularism at theInternational Conference on Women's Rights, Sharia Law and Secularism in London 12 March 2011. The conference was sponsored by: Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (ex-muslim.org.uk) International Committee against Stoning (stopstonningnow.com) Iran Solidarity (iransolidarity.org.uk) Equal Rights Now (equalrightsnow-iran.com) One Law for All (onelawforall.org.uk) For more information, contact: One Law for All onelawforall@gmail.com www.onelawforall.org.uk
AC Grayling: Martian Ph.D.
AC Grayling: Martian Ph.D.
socraticmama.com [Inspiration & Support for Secular Families] www.intelligencesquared.com 27th March 2007, debate: "We would be better off without religion" PROPOSING THE MOTION: Christopher Hitchens, Professor Richard Dawkins & AC Grayling. Christopher Hitchens begins by making the case for religion being at the root of many conflicts that have shaped the 20th-21st century world, citing the current situations in the Balkans, the Middle East, and Northern Ireland. Here, it has been intra-faith disputes that have caused or aggravated the conflicts and slowed political and social progress. Richard Dawkins focuses his support for the motion on the blind faith that leads even intelligent people to deny key scientific principles, citing many American students' opposition to the theory of evolution as an example. Anthony Grayling illustrates how the Bible's view of what constitutes a good person is at odds with the modern Western view of what constitutes a good person, arguing that it is possible to appreciate the natural world and feel such emotions as empathy, sympathy, and love without holding religious views. OPPOSING THE MOTION: Dr Nigel Spivey, Roger Scruton & Rabbi Julia Neuberger. Dr Nigel Spivey opens the opposition by offering an archaeological and anthropological perspective. Pointing to the "Creative Explosion" of 40000 years ago, he suggests that religion is a concept that is part of the human nature, and that a world without religion would be one without such <b>...</b>
AC Grayling: NYT.mp4
AC Grayling: NYT.mp4
www.thinkingaloud.com Thinking Aloud On Meaning and Meaninglessness with AC Grayling
AAI Copenhagen 2010: AC Grayling - The Ethical Aspect of Atheism [1/5]
AAI Copenhagen 2010: AC Grayling - The Ethical Aspect of Atheism [1/5]
The Ethical Aspect of Atheism There are two different ways in which a non-theistic view of the world has ethical implications. One is that it is a feature of the ethics of rationality that one's outlook should be maximally evidence-based and truth-directed, thus ruling out supernaturalistic explanations or interpretations (as eg thinking that there must be tree spirits or Norse gods to take responsibilty for such phenomena as, respectively, the whispering sound of leaves and thunder among the clouds - but in particular ruling out god-of-the-gaps "explanations" and the legitimacy of acts of faith as justifications for belief). The second is that people require moral and 'spiritual' resources - these jointly constituting the ethical aspect of life - and one reason for the continuation of religious belief is that the religions have successfully hijacked control of these matters. So a humanistic ethics must regain its voice on these dimensions of human life, not least by reminding people of, and promoting, the rich inheritance of thinking about such matters in the long secular tradition since classical antiquity. -- Note, the still is used as the camera decided to focus on nothing. -- -- About AC Grayling: Professor Grayling has written and edited over twenty books on philosophy and other subjects; among his most recent are Ideas That Matter, Liberty in the Age of Terror and To Set Prometheus Free. For several years he wrote for The Guardian and now writes a column for the <b>...</b>
AC Grayling: Autobiography.mp4
AC Grayling: Autobiography.mp4
thinkingaloud.com AC Grayling thinking aloud autobiographically.
9/11's Legacy in Britain: AC Grayling, Lindsey German, Leon Moosavi
9/11's Legacy in Britain: AC Grayling, Lindsey German, Leon Moosavi
For some, everything changed on September 11th. 'You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror' George W Bush famously said in the aftermath of the attacks on the Twin Towers. There have been attacks in Madrid, London, Bali and beyond with thousands killed and many more displaced by drone strikes and reprisal attacks. On the 10th anniversary of 9/11 Press TV's the Big Story looks at the aftermath of that period and asses its legacy.
Toby Young: Education & AC Grayling (1/2)
Toby Young: Education & AC Grayling (1/2)
Welcome to the fight, Professor Grayling blogs.telegraph.co.uk
Grayling, AC- Life-Affirmation/Self-Creation.mp4
Grayling, AC- Life-Affirmation/Self-Creation.mp4
www.thinkingaloud.com Thinking Aloud on Life-Affirmation and Self-Creation with AC Grayling