L-Arginine & Erectile Dysfunction

L-Arginine is an amino acid that the body uses to produce nitric oxide which is a substance that signals muscles surrounding blood vessels to relax and dilates arteries to increase blood flow. Smooth muscle relaxation allows the penis to improve blood circulation, which causes an erection. L-arginine is found naturally in foods such as meat, dairy, poultry and fish. L-arginine is also available as oral supplements, which some manufacturers like to market as natural Viagra. There were a few studies to evaluate the effectiveness of L-arginine and its role in erectile dysfunction. One study included 50 men who took 5 grams per day of L-arginine and a placebo. After six weeks, many more men taking L-arginine experienced an improvement in sexual function compared with men taking placebo. Interestingly, it does not benefit men with low initial levels of nitric oxide. Another study using a lower dose of L-arginine and a shorter duration of treatment found no advantage in the use of L-arginine. The study involved 32 men with erectile dysfunction who took oral 500 mg three times per day of L-arginine supplements or placebo for 17 days. Oral administration of L-arginine was no better than placebo. Side effects may include digestive problems. High doses of L-arginine can stimulate the body's production of gastrin, a hormone that increases stomach acid. For this reason, the L-arginine may be harmful for people with ulcers and people taking drugs that are hard in the stomach. L-arginine may also alter potassium levels in the body, especially in people with liver disease. It should not be taken by people who take medications that alter potassium levels, such as diuretics and ACE inhibitors.

How about propionyl-L-carnitine? One study investigated the use of two forms of carnitine, propionyl L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine in 96 men with erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery. One group received a placebo, another group took propionyl-L-carnitine plus acetyl-L-carnitine and sildenafil (Viagra) when needed, and the third group used Viagra alone. Propionyl-L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine was found to improve the effectiveness of sildenafil, and the results of erectile function improved sexual satisfaction, orgasm and sexual well being compared to Viagra alone. Another study examined the effectiveness of propionyl-L-carnitine plus sildenafil in men with erectile dysfunction and diabetes that were previously unresponsive to Viagra alone. Participants in the study received propionyl-L-carnitine and Viagra twice a week or Viagra alone. After twenty four weeks of treatment, propionyl L-carnitine plus Viagra was significantly more effective than Viagra alone.

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Welcome to UnderTheSameSun

Obesity is a chronic disease of multifactorial origin that is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat or general hypertrophy of adipose tissue in the body, that is when the natural energy reserve of humans and other mammals, stored as body fat increases to a point where it is associated with numerous complications such as certain health conditions or diseases and increased mortality.

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