2012 Climate Action Summit

27/04/2012 - 18:00
29/04/2012 - 18:00

University of Western Sydney, Parramatta.


Programme and details at http://climatesummit.org.au/

The 2012 community climate action summit is a great way to meet people, build skills and get involved in campaigns to bring about a shift in the climate debate. Hundreds of activists from all over the country will come together in what will prove to be a not to be missed event!

The Summit starts on Friday 27th April with a FORUM - Beyond the Carbon Price
Time : 6 - 8pm, Registration from 5pm
NSW Parliament House Theatrette, Macquarie St, Sydney
•Ged Kearney - ACTU
•Australian Greens Senator - Australian Greens
•Simon Butler- Socialist Alliance and co-editor, Green Left Weekly
•Richard Denniss: The Australia Institute.

We are still confirming speakers and workshops. We invite climate groups and activists to submit workshops for the conference: please contact us at climateactionsummit@gmail.com

Register to attend at:

More information: http://climatesummit.org/


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