People's Blockade of the World's Biggest Coal Port

01/04/2012 - 10:00
01/04/2012 - 17:00

Horseshoe Beach (Dog Beach), Newcastle


Join hundreds of people in a fun, effective and peaceful protest against the tripling of coal exports from Newcastle harbour. Borrow a kayak or BYO creative floating vessel!

Live Music, Guest Speakers, Workshops, Raft Parade, Beach Volleyball, Magnificent Revolution Pedal Power, Magic Shows, face painting & more...

Why blockade the coal port?
In 2011, Newcastle exported 143 million tonnes of coal. This is roughly equivalent to 367 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. With the proposed fourth coal terminal (T4) and the third phase of the third coal terminal, the port’s capacity will reach 331 mtpa, which is a 230% increase to the export capacity of the coal port. This will multiply the cumulative impacts that coal mining is having on health, agricultural land, biodiversity, rivers and other industries in the Hunter region.

This coal, when burned, will produce more carbon pollution than we produce from all sources, right across Australia. The export coal industry is Australia's biggest and fastest growing contribution to climate change. This madness has to stop. The climate crisis is deepening, and time is fast running out. Politicians are failing to take action, so we have to do it ourselves ... and we'd love you to join us!

What's happening?
On the 1st April, 2012 ('Fossil Fools Day'), hundreds of people will peacefully occupy Newcastle harbour and prevent the passage of coal ships. This will be the seventh action of its kind in Newcastle. No one has ever been arrested. In March 2011 (and many times before), we have successfully stopped all ship movements in the harbour for the entire day. There'll be plenty happening on the shore too, so please come along and show your support. Some kayaks will be available to borrow, but please BYO kayak or creative floating vessel if you can! Good food will be available by donation.

We are calling for:
* An immediate moratorium on the expansion of the coal industry in Australia.
* A staged phase-out of the existing coal industry, replacing all coal industry jobs with jobs in renewable energy industries.