Fanya Baron Library


The Jura Library is a collectively owned and run anarchist resource. It has been going since 1977 and has been kept alive through the donations and hard work of hundreds of volunteers over the years. There are thousands of books in the collection available for borrowing (see below). The focus of the collection is materials about anarchist and left libertarian politics, movements and history. The aim of the library is to help meet the information, education, and research needs of the Jura community.


The Jura Library is also known as the Fanya Baron Library. Click here for more about Fanya.



  • Anyone is welcome to join the library.
  • The membership fee is $10 per year.


  • There is a $5 deposit per book/item. This will be refunded when you return the book.
  • You can borrow up to 5 books/items, but you must leave the deposit for each one.
  • Books and other items in closed reserve (the small room) cannot be borrowed under any circumstances. You can read them in the library or photocopy them if our photocopier is working.
  • Loans are for 3 weeks. Each book can be renewed once. After 6 weeks the book must be returned and can't be re-borrowed by the same person until it has been on the shelf for 2 weeks.
  • People with overdue books cannot borrow.
  • It is up to you to remember to return the book on time. At 3 weeks and 6 weeks you may get a reminder call, text message or email. After 6 months overdue, you will receive a strongly worded letter/email asking for the book back or a $50 replacement fee.


  • Please abide by the Jura Safer Spaces Policy when you're in the library. This policy is on the wall in the shop, and on the website.
  • Please don't eat, drink or do other messy things on the books.


We would love you to volunteer at the Jura Library - there is always lots that needs to be done, including sorting, cataloguing, cleaning and fundraising. Please tell us if you're interested.


For a list of periodicals held in the Jura library, check out


In 2007 the Jura library was in desperate need of repair - paint and plaster were falling off the walls, there was a gaping hole in the ceiling, and more. We decided to renovate! But it turned out even more work was needed than we thought. The roof beams had to be replaced because of termite damage and we had to make new shelves because the ones we acquired wouldn't fit up the stairs. It took two years, dozens of working bees, and thousands of dollars - all provided by volunteers and supporters in the Jura Community. But now we have a beautiful new library!

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