New journal in Jura

Hi Jurans & supporters,

There's only one new title in this week, & it's a journal - well, it's been many years since we have had it:

Earth First! The journal of ecological resistance, (US) $4.

Also in are latest of:

'Rebel Worker'paper of the Anarcho Syndicalist Network of Australia;

'Anarchist Age Weekly' (only English language anarchist weekly that I know of & it's from Melbourne);

'Umanita Nova' - Italian anarchist weekly;

'Rivista A' (Anarchist Review) - one of the best anarchist journals in the world - but you need to be able to read Italian. It's not a bad idea just to take a look at it and see the quality of the journal (in terms of quality of articles, art work, style, variety of content, quantity of copy etc...) - as good as any political periodical, anywhere.
