Home based business

Home based business Home based business advice, news and tips from Australia's best business start-up mentors and journalists. StartupSmart's home based business section features information and advice for business start-ups and people looking to start a business.

Advice How should I deal with stress?

Stress is something that every entrepreneur needs to learn to live with and deal with. There are lots of strategies, but some (such as exercise and relaxation) are much better than others (such as alcohol or drugs).

Advice How do I separate work time from family time?

Having the family so close to work can also spell trouble if distractions and family problems start to eat into work time. So what is the best way to separate work time from family time?

Advice How do I prevent procrastination when working at home?

Procrastination is the enemy of the home-based entrepreneur, and the urge to put off until tomorrow what you should be doing today must be fought at all costs.

Advice How do I know it’s time to move into commercial premises?

It will probably be very obvious when you need to move from your home business into a commercial space – your employees are jammed into your home office like sardines, there are papers everywhere and your partner is complaining about the photocopier in the kitchen.

Advice How do I stay business-like at home and avoid distractions?

Home-based entrepreneurs need to become very good at dealing with distractions. Yelling kids, family emergencies, and the old trap of the couch are all potential time eaters than can keep your focus away from you business.

Taskmaster Clear your head with a short recharge

We’re coming up towards the end of the first quarter, so I’m starting to plan my little mini-break.

News Female entrepreneurs starting up on the cheap: Study

More than 40% of Australian female entrepreneurs started their business with less than $5,000, a new survey reveals, but 51% now need capital to grow their business.

Start-up TV Why we need social entrepreneurs

Linc Energy CEO Peter Bond - ranked as the 10th wealthiest person in Australia – explains why the value of entrepreneurship isn’t purely in the personal income that is generated.

Features Five ways mumpreneurs can juggle business with family life

Seven in 10 women consider launching a home business after giving birth, but balancing work and family is a struggle. Here are five ways successful mumpreneurs make it happen. BY OLIVER MILMAN.

News Melbourne Mamma to launch as mumpreneur support booms

Melbourne-based mumpreneur Tracey Cotroneo has launched an online directory of independent stores owned and operated by mothers in business, in the latest addition to the support available to mumpreneurs.

Features Top 10 home-based business myths

If you’re weighing up whether to launch your business from the spare bedroom or kitchen, here are 10 common misconceptions you need to be aware of. BY OLIVER MILMAN.

Taskmaster Beware the business love triangle

If your business partner is also your life partner it’s imperative you have a shareholders’ agreement that sets out exactly what would happen if your love ever goes cold.

Start-up TV Social media: the view from 2062

Every entrepreneur wants to know future trends. This year’s Social Media Week is doing its but by outlining how people will look back on social media in the year 2062.

News Three key reasons for working mums to become mumpreneurs

More than 15% of women with school-aged children are “under-utilised”, new statistics show, which could prompt a spike in the number of skilled, frustrated mothers becoming mumpreneurs.

News Super Bowl ads 2012: Five key trends and five great ads released before the big game

Here are five big trends from Super Bowl marketing in 2012.

Taskmaster Set family business rules clearly and early

The bitter family feud between Gina Rinehart and her children is embarrassing and ugly. It underlines the importance of ensuring family disputes don't hamper your business.

Start-up TV Sh-t that tech entrepreneurs say

Hang around tech start-ups for long enough and you will be able to speak their language. For beginners, however, this guide is quite handy. Just remember to “pivot” at some point.

News Online community launches Work At Home Person Week

Home-based businesses are being encouraged to make contact with online community Support a Work At Home Person, as it launches the inaugural International Work at Home Person Week.

Taskmaster Get some sleep

We often tend to celebrate those warriors who spend the night working. Yet we should celebrate team members who turn up bright-eyed and well rested.

Start-up TV Bill Gates reflects on the death of Steve Jobs

Although the duo were portrayed as bitter entrepreneurial rivals, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were also friends and collaborators. Here, Gates recalls his final interaction with Jobs, as well as reflecting upon the late Apple founder’s legacy.

Start-up TV What sort of banks should we have?

The (second) global financial downturn has put the focus on whether banks should be reformed. This lively UK discussion throws up some rather left-field ideas.

News Government looks to spark home-based business surge with National Telework Week

The Federal Government will stage National Telework Week in November in a bid to highlight the benefits of working from home, on the back of the National Broadband Network rollout.

Start-up TV The Page Turner

They say necessity is the mother of all inventions. Ingenious as it is, we’re not convinced of the desperate consumer need for the Page Turner, however.

Taskmaster Start the New Year with clear focus

This year I will be concentrating on the areas where I have real skill. What will you focus on this year?

Taskmaster Relax, rest and rejuvenate

We’re finally there. The end of another challenging, exciting and experience-filled year that has tested even the most seasoned of entrepreneurs.

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