Ten years as a foreigner Mon. 09. Jan 2012
The wooden boat of software Mon. 05. Dec 2011
Recently consumed III Wed. 16. Nov 2011
Code complexity, modules and DSLs Thu. 10. Nov 2011
Thing worth doing Fri. 19. Aug 2011
Recently consumed II Tue. 19. Jul 2011
Free as in Internet Mon. 11. Jul 2011
Turning thirty Tue. 24. May 2011
Recently consumed Mon. 23. May 2011
With their heads in the clouds Wed. 18. May 2011
Bitter music Tue. 10. May 2011
Q and A Mon. 28. Feb 2011
Key note Thu. 10. Feb 2011
Neukoelln plays tricks on me Mon. 31. Jan 2011