Deadly Haiku
George Double U Bush Is A War Criminal, That's Putting It Mildly
Deadly Haiku

Of 297 Congressmen Who "Don't Know" How To Pull Their Heads Out Of Their Asses

support the public option

Call Them, Write Them, Shame
These Dolts Into Supporting
The Public Option

support the public option

The Health Insurance
Companies Have Bribed Quite A
Few Of Them, It Is

Really Simple, They
Make Money By Denying
Claims, Killing You

support the public option

The Game: Disaster
Capitalism, And If
We Do Not Get The

Public Option, You
Lose, And Just A Few Greedy

And Wealthy Family
Dynasties Will Continue
To Rape Middle Class

support the public option

Of Blue Dog 'Democratic' Senators Who Stand Ready And Willing To Sabotage Progress

Please Observe The Shit
List On The Right, For In That
List Are The Names And

Links To The People
In Our Senate Who, For Reasons
I Cannot Fathom, Would

Willingly Obstruct
Progress, They Would Willingly
Side With The Right Wing,

The Same People Who
Have Brought Our Country To It's
Knees, And For What, I

Don't Know, But There They
Are In All Of Their Selfish
Glory For You To

Protest However
You Can, For They Cannot Be
Allowed To Do This,

They Cannot Deny
Us Universal Healthcare,
We Cannot Let Them

Do That, These 'Blue Dogs'
As The Call Themselves, They Have
No Real Concerns, They

Are In The Pockets
Of Big Business, That's All, They
Are The Happy Face

That The Insurance
Industry Will Try To Put
On To Deny You

What You Need, To Turn
Down Our Collective Claim, That
Health Care Is Our Right

TAKE ACTION: Dog The (Blue) Dogs

Blue Dog Shit List:

Evan Bayh (Indiana)
Mark Begich (Alaska)
Michael F. Bennet (Colo.)
Robert Byrd (W. Va.)
Thomas Carper (Del.)
Robert P. Casey Jr. (Pa.)
Kay R. Hagan (N.C.)
Herb Kohl (Wis.)
Blanche Lincoln (Ark.)
Joe Lieberman (Conn.)
Claire McCaskill (Mo.)
Kent Conrad (N.D.)
Bill Nelson (Fla.)
Mark L. Pryor (Ark.)
Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.)
Mark Udall (Colo.)
Mark Warner (Va.)

Of Dick Cheney And Decrepit Old War Criminals That Need To Permanently Shut The Fuck Up

Hey Dick, Just Shut The
Fuck Up All Ready, It Was
You Who Conducted

Nine Eleven, It
Was You Who Ordered NORAD
To Stand Down
On That

Day, And Your Phoney
Terror War That You Used To
Rape Iraq For Oil,

And How You Carved Up
Iraqi Oil Fields Prior
To Nine Eleven

You Bankrupted The
United States In The Process
You Made Us Less Safe

You Decrepit Old
Bastard, Your Next Heart Attack
Can't Come Soon Enough

Cheney Says: US less safe under Obama

Minetta tells 9/11 Commission Cheney knew exact flight path

Of 911, War Incorporated And Things To Do During The 2nd Republican Great Depression

We Are Really In
Another Republican
Great Depression, Not

A Recession, Or
Any Other Mild Term That The
Media Wants To

Dumb You Down With, The
Banks Are Insolvent, Massive
Layoffs Everywhere,

Right Wing Pyramid
Schemes Have Taken Their Toll,
It Is Only Just

Beginning, The Next
Two Years Will Be Brutal, That's
Putting It Mildly

Republicans Have
Proven That They Can't Govern,
Their Philosophies, If

You can Even Call
Them That, Are All Fucking Wrong,
They Are Wrong About

Everything, As I
Watch That Pill Popping Retard
They Call 'Rush' Stand At

CPAC As The New
GOP Leader, I Like
That Because He Will

Send The GOP
Into Further Decline, But
Do You Want To Know

What Really Bothers
Me? Of Course You Do, It's The
Fact That 9 1 1

Was An Inside Job,
Bush And Cheney Got Off Scott
Free, The Media

Has Be Instructed
Not To Bring It Up, So What
I Wonder, Is If

Someone In The Know
Will Eventually Come Out
With The Truth, Either

For Revenge Or From
An Epiphany, I Don't
Care Which, Just Come Out

With It All Ready
And Expose All The Agents
Who Wired The Towers

For Demolition
And Everything Else, It Is
Obvious That The

Bush Crime Family
Is A Large Part Of It, And
There's The Rothchild's Of

Course, And Don't Forget
Larry Silverstein, Brand New
Owner Of The Twin

Towers Who Cashed In
On The Whole Thing, How Is It
That The Crime Of Nine

Eleven Can Go
On And On Like This Without
Their Big Lie Falling

Apart, Where Are The
Leaks? We All Ready Heard Rumsfeld
Say That "They Had To

Shoot One Down That Day",
And We Heard Larry Say That
"They Had To Pull It",

Referring Of Course
To Building Seven, And There
Are Many More Of

These Anomolies
That Do Not Back Up The Big
Lie That Is Our

Government's Story,
As We Enter In To A
Huge, Intentional

Economic Down
Turn, I Have To Wonder Why
The Elites, Who Are

The Same People Who
Conducted Nine Eleven,
Why Do They Think That

All Of This Can Work
Out To Their Plan? And What The
F*ck Is Their Plan? The

Only Thing That I Can
Think Of Is: Population
Reduction, Is That

Their Aim? Is This The
Start Of That, With Subsequent
Catastrophic Things

Planned To Ensure Our
Demise? It Seems They Can't Get
Away With Tried And

True Traditional
Wars, So Causing Disasters,
Then Taking The Steps

To Capitalize
On Them Is All The Rage For
The Elites Now, I'm

Cynincal At The
Moment, More So Than Usual,
Maybe It's Because

Where In It, After
Eight Brutal Years Of Bushtard, He
Succeeded Very

Well At Weakening
Our Country To Despicable
Levels In Every

Aspect, Looking Back,
It's As If Bush Wanted To Fail
At Everything And

He Did Just That, And
I Don't Think It Was Out Of
Pure Stupidity

Yes, Bush Is Stupid,
A Total Dumb F*ck In The
Sense Of What "Dumb" Is,

To Be Clear, Nothing
In Politics Happens By
Accident, Make No

Mistake About It,
What We Are About To Find
Out, Is If The New

Is Really In Control Or
Not, Our Country

Has Been In Deep Shit
Many Times Before, Where It
Seemed Like The End Is

Near, And We Can Come
Out Of That Stronger, Take The
Last Republican

Great Depression Of
1929, Roosevelt
Got Us Out Of That

Despite The Efforts
Of Bushtard's Granddad Going
Against Him, So As

Bad As Everything
May Seem At The Moment, There
Is A Way Forward

But Make No Mistake
About It, This Is A War
Against The Right Wing

They Have Proven That
They Don't Give A Fuck About
Anyone Except

The Rich, That's Who They
Are, The Owners Of The Big
Oil Companies, The

Defense Contractors,
The Media Companies,
War Incorporated


9/11 FLIR Infrared Camera proves NIST and 9/11 Commission Lies

9/11 Taboo


New 9/11 Info about Gold Coin, and Rothschild Involvement

Blackwater Jesus at Republican Mecca

Of Republicans Who Can't Lead, Won't Follow And Won't Get Out Of The Way

Looks Like Obama
Will Just Have To Pass The Bill
Despite The Stubborn

Ignorance And The
Obstruction By The Repukes,
Who Have Nothing To

Offer Except For
Tax Cuts, As If That Can Do
It Alone, Wow They

Are So Stupid It's
Scary, But Far Less Scary
Now That They Are In

The Diminishing
Minority, Headed For

The Right Wing Has No
Problem With Borrowing And
Spending One Trillion

Dollars To Invade
Iraq Based On Lies With No
Good Ending In Sight,

But When Our Country
Is Suffering Through It's Worst
Disaster Since The

Last Great Repuke
Induced Depression, All You
Get From Them Is More

Theater Like We Had
For The Entire Eight Years With
Bush, And Now It Ends

Obama Gave Them
A Chance To Be A Part Of
Fixing Things, And They

Have Refused To Put
Country Before Party, They Will
Follow Rush Off Cliff

The Action Americans Need

By Barack Obama
Thursday, February 5, 2009; Page A17

By now, it's clear to everyone that we have inherited an economic crisis as deep and dire as any since the days of the Great Depression. Millions of jobs that Americans relied on just a year ago are gone; millions more of the nest eggs families worked so hard to build have vanished. People everywhere are worried about what tomorrow will bring.

What Americans expect from Washington is action that matches the urgency they feel in their daily lives -- action that's swift, bold and wise enough for us to climb out of this crisis.

Because each day we wait to begin the work of turning our economy around, more people lose their jobs, their savings and their homes. And if nothing is done, this recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.

That's why I feel such a sense of urgency about the recovery plan before Congress. With it, we will create or save more than 3 million jobs over the next two years, provide immediate tax relief to 95 percent of American workers, ignite spending by businesses and consumers alike, and take steps to strengthen our country for years to come.

This plan is more than a prescription for short-term spending -- it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, health care and education. And it's a strategy that will be implemented with unprecedented transparency and accountability, so Americans know where their tax dollars are going and how they are being spent.

In recent days, there have been misguided criticisms of this plan that echo the failed theories that helped lead us into this crisis -- the notion that tax cuts alone will solve all our problems; that we can meet our enormous tests with half-steps and piecemeal measures; that we can ignore fundamental challenges such as energy independence and the high cost of health care and still expect our economy and our country to thrive.

I reject these theories, and so did the American people when they went to the polls in November and voted resoundingly for change. They know that we have tried it those ways for too long. And because we have, our health-care costs still rise faster than inflation. Our dependence on foreign oil still threatens our economy and our security. Our children still study in schools that put them at a disadvantage. We've seen the tragic consequences when our bridges crumble and our levees fail.

Every day, our economy gets sicker -- and the time for a remedy that puts Americans back to work, jump-starts our economy and invests in lasting growth is now.

Now is the time to protect health insurance for the more than 8 million Americans at risk of losing their coverage and to computerize the health-care records of every American within five years, saving billions of dollars and countless lives in the process.

Now is the time to save billions by making 2 million homes and 75 percent of federal buildings more energy-efficient, and to double our capacity to generate alternative sources of energy within three years.

Now is the time to give our children every advantage they need to compete by upgrading 10,000 schools with state-of-the-art classrooms, libraries and labs; by training our teachers in math and science; and by bringing the dream of a college education within reach for millions of Americans.

And now is the time to create the jobs that remake America for the 21st century by rebuilding aging roads, bridges and levees; designing a smart electrical grid; and connecting every corner of the country to the information superhighway.

These are the actions Americans expect us to take without delay. They're patient enough to know that our economic recovery will be measured in years, not months. But they have no patience for the same old partisan gridlock that stands in the way of action while our economy continues to slide.

So we have a choice to make. We can once again let Washington's bad habits stand in the way of progress. Or we can pull together and say that in America, our destiny isn't written for us but by us. We can place good ideas ahead of old ideological battles, and a sense of purpose above the same narrow partisanship. We can act boldly to turn crisis into opportunity and, together, write the next great chapter in our history and meet the test of our time.

Of The Grand Obstructionist Party

Rush Limbaugh:
leader of the GOP:

Obama Offers The
Repukes An Olive Branch, And
What Do They Do? They

Do What Rush Limbaugh
Tells Them To Do: Obstruct! They
Offer Nothing, Or

Offer More Of The
Same Failed Right Wing Ideas
That Brought This Country

To It's Knees, Notice
That The Repukes Will Denounce
Any Part Of The

Stimulus Bill That
Does Not Conform One Hundred
Percent To Their Strange

And Self Destructive
Ideology, They Refuse
To Accept That They

Have Been Rejected,
They Will Continue To Be
Rejected All The

Way To Becoming
Nullified, It's Simple To
Understand, Because

Reality Is Here,
It's In Everyone's Face Now,
The Majority

Is Beyond Willing
To Try And Fix All That Bush
Decimated And

Destroyed, And For Those
Who Insist That We Abide
By The Policies

That Brought Us To This
Point Are Insane, And You Have
To Ask, Why Do The

Republicans Choose
To Operate From The Failed
Premise That 'We Are

Stupid', That's How They
Play, Everything They Do Starts
From That Assumption,

But Americans
Got Collectively Smarter,
The Future For Us

Is This: We Will Make
Our Lives Meaningful, And From
That Premise, All That

Is False, Such As The
G O P, Will Fall Apart:

We Have No Other
Choice But To Right The Wrongs Made
From The Last Eight Years,

Pursue Justice Against
The Bush Admin, Embrace Green
Technology, And

To Keep Rejecting
The Main Stream Media Who
Continue To Do

The Bidding Of The
Republican Elite, You
See How Reporters

Behave In The Press
Room At The White House: For Bush,
They Were Tranquil And

Subdued, So Timid
And Unwilling To Ask Bush
Any Hard Questions

But Now That We Have
A Democratic Admin,
They Go Over The

Top To Play Gotcha
And Focus On Distractions
As Much As They Can

I See The Wisdom
In Obama's Approach Thus
Far, But I Also

See That The Changes
That We Need Will Just Have To
Be Implimented

Whether The Repukes
Like It Or Not, Because All
They Will Ever Do

Is Whine, Complain And
Obstruct, With Only Their Failed
Ideas To Offer

So We Might As Well
Just Do What Is Needed, And
Ignore Them Outright

Republicans Have
Shown Us That They Can't Govern
Time And Time Again

GOP: the Obstruction Party

KO Countdown : Obama 090123 : Whos In Charge

Rachel Maddow Show - author David Sirota, stimulus package

Portrait of extreme right wing fucktards, Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes:

Of Great American Bullshit Stories: 'George Double U Bush Kept Us Safe'

So That's The Talking
Point That The Media Was
Given, That Somehow,

After Bushtard Let
Nine Eleven Happen, Or
Actually Ordered

It, Because Bush Did
Not Allow Or Conduct Some
New Catastrophic

Event, 'Bush Kept Us

Our Republican
Owned Suck Ass American
Media Networks

Are All Too Eager
To Repeat That, But At The
End Of The Day, I

Really Think That Most
(Meaning Majority Of)
People Can See Right

Through That Crock Of
Shit, One Example That Sticks
Out Like A Sore Thumb

Is Katrina, Did
Bushtard Keep Anyone Safe
From A Slow Moving

Hurricane? F*ck No
He Did Not, And He Let That
City Suffer And

Die, It Still Looks Like
A Warzone, Like It Was Bombed
To Hell And Back, And

Of Course There Was No
Economic Safety While
Bush Was In Office,

And The Damage From
Right Wing Policies Are Still
Causing Even More

Suffering For The
Foreseeable Future, Just
Like Hoover In The

First Republican
Great Depression, History
Repeats Itself, A

Republican Then
Is A Republican Now
They Only Know How

To Campaign, They Can't
Govern, The G O P Must
Be Rejected, They

Are And Have Been Wrong
On EVERY Issue, You Know
It, I Know It, So

Who, Then, Are We Bull
Shitting? A Majority
Woke Up And Voted

Smart In The Last Two
Elections, The Right Wing Was
Soundly Rejected,

This Must Continue
In Order To Regain Our
Stability, To

Basically Rebuild
Everything That Bushtard
Destroyed, You Know, That

Bushtard, The Guy That
Our Media Says 'Kept Us
Safe', And That's Bullshit!

Playlist: zeitgeist
wake up and watch zeitgeist

Gitmo recruited thousands of terrorists, says US interrogator

"Whether [the number of detainees that are suspected terrorists] is 68 or 100, that number pales in comparison to the number of fighters that have been recruited to al-Qaeda because of Guantanamo," Alexander responded. "That number would be in the thousands. The number one reason that I consistently heard while in Iraq that foreign fighters gave for coming there was 'torture and abuse occurring in Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo'... If we seriously want to undercut one of al-Qaeda's best recruiting tools, the best thing to do would be to close Guantanamo Bay."

The Bush Myth

Bush jokes about 2800 US deaths

9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!

Of The Next Thing Dick Cheney Will Admit To And Chuckle About Is How He Ordered And Conducted 911, Murdered 3,000 People And Took Us To A War In Iraq All Based On Lies

Hey Dick, While Your Are
Being So Forthcoming About
All Your Torture And

Other War Crimes, Go
Ahead And Tell Us About
Your Pride And Joy, Your

Baby: 9 1 1,
And How You Ordered It, And
Conducted It, How

You Ordered NORAD
To Stand Down, Wow, Dick, That Was
Really Something How

You Managed To Pull
That Off And Then Get Your War
On In Iraq, Just

As You Planned When You
Were Carving Up Iraqi
Oil Fields Prior To

Nine Eleven, Go
Ahead Dick, And Tell Us All
How You Did It, Since

It Appears That No
Laws Apply To You, What Have
You Got To Lose, Hmmm?
ABC: Cheney Admits Torture

Cheney Guilty Of Treason: Exclusive: Cheney’s admissions to the CIA leak prosecutor and FBI

Vice President Dick Cheney, according to a still-highly confidential FBI report, admitted to federal investigators that he rewrote talking points for the press in July 2003 that made it much more likely that the role of then-covert CIA-officer Valerie Plame in sending her husband on a CIA-sponsored mission to Africa would come to light.

Cheney conceded during his interview with federal investigators that in drawing attention to Plame’s role in arranging her husband’s Africa trip reporters might also unmask her role as CIA officer.

Author: Cheney 'more radical' than Nixon

"If the president during war decides to do something to protect the country, is it legal?" Fox's Chris Wallace asked Cheney on Sunday.

"In a general proposition, I'd say 'yes,'" Cheney replied, echoing Nixon's famous remark in a 1977 interview with David Frost that "when the president does it, that it is not illegal."

Of 8 F*cking Long Years Of Bushtard Finally Coming To An End

So, In My Lifetime
I Got To Be A Part Of
A Great Election

A Transition From
Total Criminality
Under Bush To Real

Progress With Barack,
I Am Amazed That We Won
Given How Stupid This

Country Was In Two
Thousand And Two Thousand Four,
Americans Gave

In To Fear Tactics
Before, But Not This Time, The
Right Wing Has Played That

Card For The Last Time,
By Electing Obama
We Proved That The Right

Wing Is Rejected,
They Had Their Turn And They F*cked
Up Beyond Repair
President Obama's official Web site goes live

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The official website of US President-elect Barack Obama for his transition to the White House, www . change . gov, went online on Thursday inviting users to offer their ideas for the future of the country. Under the headline of "Open Government," the website asks readers to "Share Your Vision" via email. "The story of the campaign and this historic moment has been your story," the website states. "Share your story and your ideas, and be part of bringing positive lasting change to this country."

At Least, Their Party,
The Damage They Did To Our
Country Can And Will

Be Repaired, So Long
As We Remain Vigilant,
Reject The Right Wing:

The Most Insane Of
The GOP, You Know Who
They Are, Fox Pundits

O'Reilly, Dobson,
Hannity, Right Wing Dick Wads
Who Lie And Distort
Olbermann to right-wing pundits: 'You don't matter anymore!'

In his first show since the election of President Obama, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann gleefully mocked right wing pundits. As be began to recite what landed them on his 'worst person in the world' list, Olbermann tossed his notes on each and jeered, "You don't matter anymore!" First up, neoconservative writer Bill Kristol.

And To Roger Ailes,
If You Are Reading This, A
Special F*ck You To

You, Propaganda
Whore, GOP Cheerleader,
As You Attempt To

Sabotage Progress,
As You Try To Undermine The
Positive Changes

That We Need, That Bush
Denied Us For Eight Long Years,
Now, The Right Wing Is

Being Rejected
Their Party Is Divided,
Nullified, As It

Deserves To Be For
All Of Their Crimes Committed
Against Our Country

After Eight Long Years
I Can Smile Again, Because
We All Got Smarter

Of What It All Comes Down To

Tomorrow We Find
Out How Ignorant We Are:
A Vote For McCain

Is Fatal: We All
Lose, A Vote For Obama
Is A Huge Step In

The Right Direction,
It Sickens Me To Think That

Would Support McCain
And That Airhead From The Great
State Of Alaska

They Only Way That
Repukes Win Is To Steal It
There's No Other Way

Of What I Learned After Eight Years Of Tyranny, Lies, War Crimes, Deceit, Corruption, Pickles, Lawlessness, Torture And Bad English From Bushtard And His Merry Band Of Criminal Co-Conspirators

Just One of Bushtard's Many War Crimes

Republicans Are
F*ckheads, Republicans Are
F*ckheads, Republi

cans Are F*ckheads, Re
publicans Are F*ckheads, Re
publicans Are F*ck

heads, Republicans
Are F*ckheads, Republicans
Are F*ckheads, Repub
  licans Are F*ckheads
Republicans Are F*ckheads,
Republicans Are
F*ckheads, Republi
cans Are F*ckheads, Republi
cans Are F*ckheads, Re

publicans Are F*ck
heads, Republicans Are F*ck
heads, Republicans

Are F*ckheads, Repub
licans Are F*ckheads, Repub
licans Are F*ckheads
  What Else Do You Need
To Know Going Into This
Election Cycle

Of Foreign Policy Experience My Ass

John McCain, What A
Bullsh*tter, A Serial
Panderer And Tool
I Want McCain To
Stay In This Race Though, And Lose
In A Huge Landslide
The Right Wing Deserves
Total Rejection, As In

more great cartoons here    

Of Stupid American Voters And Let's Play Gotcha With Sarah Palin


When You Are As Dumb
As Sarah Palin, Every
Question Is "Gotcha"

Of What The U.S. Dollar Is Good For

You Will Have To See
The End Of The Video
To Get It, So Watch

Wall Street Crash!

Of The Mother Of All Republican Lobbyists

Have You Wondered Where
Reptilian Republican
Lobbyists Come From
You Know, Like Phil Gramm
Master Deregulator
Corporate Scumbag
He Is McCain's Guy
Economic Advisor
Learn More, Start With This

Of Stupid American Voters And The Moose Burger Conspiracy

Our Country Is In
Deep Doo Doo, And Our TV
Pundits Are Focused
On Making Palin
Look Good Somehow, Or At Least
They Are Trying To
Are Americans
So Stupid As To Discuss
How Sarah Palin
Eats Moose Burgers, And
All This Other Peachy Crap
That Doesn't Matter

Of Guest Contributors:, Sarah Palin And Who Would You Rather Have A Moose Burger With, America?

The Presidency
Isn't Something You Should Wing
Bush: Exhibit A

You Are Simply Wrong
Can't The GOP Admit
Bush Is A F*ck-Up?

Sheer Incompetence
You Wanna Go 2 for 2?
Enter John McCain

Calling Her A Pig
Obama Didn't Say It
But He Sure Should Have

Sexism Whining
Her Ideas Are What's Wrong
It's Not Her Plumbing

God, Guns, and the Gays
Do They Have Any Issue
That's Not Based On Hate?

Crazy, Religious
But If You Weren't A VPILF
Who'd Know Who You Are?

Say You Are For Change
But Agreeing With George Bush
Shows You're Full Of Sh*t

Abstinence Only
How's That Working Out For You
Repression Sure Sucks

She's A Hot Redneck
We Deserve Someone Smarter
Than A Box Of Rocks

A Theocracy
Your God Isn't My God
He Doesn't Exist

Just So Many Crimes
Committed For Religion
Let's Not Join The Club

Ooops, Just A Bit Late
Is Our Godly Crusading
Better Than A Jihad?

Part Of Freedom Means
You Don't Get To Tell Us All
Who's God To Believe

A Seat By The Fire
I'm Sure That You'll Have One Too
It's A Fairy Tale

Of Some Thoughts About Nine Eleven On Nine Eleven

A Republican
Once Said To Me, With Regard
To Nine Eleven,

Just After Bushtard Stole
The Election (Again) In
Two Thousand Four, Quote:

"The Bottom Line Is,
You Don't Want Another Nine
Eleven, Do You?"

That Republican
Was Inferring: That No One
Else Could Possibly

Protect Us From A
Trrrrst Attack Except
For The Guy That Let

It Happen The First
Time, Remember, Bush Ignored
The Presidential

Daily Briefing On
August 6, Two Thousand One,
Either Way, Whether

Nine Eleven Was
An Inside Job Or Not, Bush
Is Either Inept

Or Complicit, To
The Point Of Ordering It
By Executive

Order, I Wouldn't
Be Surprised To Find Out One
Day In The Not Too

Distant Future That
Bush Ordered Nine Eleven
In Order To Beat

The Real Attackers
To The Punch And At The Same
Time, Capitalize

On The Tragedy
Like No One Else Could, Drive It
Like You Stole It, No

Other Explanation
Makes Sense, The Bush Admin Knew
There Was A Threat And

Decided To Just
Make It Happen And Control
The Subsequent Set

Of Events, Take Us
To Iraq To Steal Their Oil
Wealth, Invent A Threat,

A Never-Ending
Threat Called The "War On Trrrr"
And Keep The Cronies

In The Huge Defense
Industry Fat And Happy,
Write The "Patriot

Act" To Gut Civil
Liberties, And I'm Sure You
Have Noticed All The

Other Times That Bush
Just Couldn't Resist Blowing
Up More Frogs, Like When

He Denied Children
Health Care, Denied Soldiers The
Proper Armor, Cut

Combat Pay And So
Much More! Oh That Bushtard, He
Never Ceases To

Amaze Us With Just
How Much Cruelty And Death
One Guy Can Offer

While At The Same Time
Professing To Be Some Kind
Of "Right-To-Lifer"

It's Hilarious
And Sickening At The Same
Time That So Many

People Would Blindly
Approve Of Bushtard Simply
Because Bushtard Claims

To Be A "Christian",
Well, Hitler Was A Christian
Too, So They Ought To

Consider Setting
Their Bar A Little Higher
Than Just Lip Service

May The Truth About
Nine Eleven Come Out And
Expose Bush, Cheney

And All The Members
Of PNAC For What The Did
On Nine Eleven

The Majority
Of Americans Believe
That Our Government

Had Some Involvement
In 9 1 1, There Are Just
Too Many Gaping

Holes In Thier Story
Believe Your Lying Eyes, You
Saw Demolitions

Every TV Host
Blabbing Live That Day Described
Demolitions When

They Saw Both Towers
Fall With Such Ease, As Bushtard
Sat Motionless In

That Class Room, Cheney
Was Ordering A "Stand Down"
To NORAD So That

It Would All Play Out
According To Plan, They Made
Out Like Bandits Too

Just Look At Exxon
Gouging The Snot Out Of Us
Have You Woken Up?

Aluminum airplanes can now cut through steel buildings like this one pictured here, just like a hot knife through butter, and then the building will collapse on to it's footprint in just 10 seconds. All that concrete and steel will just turn to dust. How about that, everybody! Only in America: Land of the glee, home of the naive.

Of The Suck Ass American Media Trying To Turn The Election In To A Personality Contest At The Expense Of Our Collective Future

So I Am Watching
McCain And Palin Pander
(As I Expected)

I See That Gallup
And USA Today Have
McCain Ahead In

Their Polls, And I Have
To Wonder If My Fellow
Americans Are

Really This Stupid,
Do They Really Approve Of
How Republicans

And Specifically,
Neocons, Have Brought Us All
Some Form Of Ruin

Whether It Was The
Neglect During Katrina
Or The Failure In

Iraq, Remember,
Paul Bremer Disbanded The
Iraqi Army

Or Is It How They
Say Our Economy Is
Great, But The Numbers

Don't Lie, The Housing
Market Is F*cked, Fannie
And Freddy Are Broke

Or Is It Torture
That We Americans Just
Can't Get Enough Of

And Karl Rove Is Still
Thumbing His Nose At Us, No

He Is On Fox News
And Other Networks Talking
Like He Runs It All

Seriously Folks
Why Is This Pig Rove Even
Given A Platform

Republicans Own
The Media, That's Why, And
There's No Changing That

Anytime Soon, And
Perhaps The BIGGEST Problem
We Should All Have With

Republicans, And
More Specifically, George Bush,
Is That 9 1 1

Happened On His Watch,
Whether Or Not It Was An
Inside Job, The Fact

That Bush Ignored The
PDB's Should Have Proved To
Everyone That His

Is Completely Inept And
Most Likely Fails On

Purpose, Naomi
States In Her Book: Disaster

No Matter How Lame
The Right Wing Gets, They Get A
Free Pass From All Our

Networks, Who Like To
Pretend That This Is A Game
When In Fact People

Live And Die In Great
Numbers By This So Called 'Game'
Called The 'Election'

A Vote For McCain
Is Suicide, If You Are
Stupid, Vote McCain

It's True, The Right Wing
Thinks You're Stupid, And If You
Are, Vote For McCain

G O P: Party
Of War Profiteers, Anti-Gay
Gay Congressmen, And

The Religiously
Insane, The American
Taliban, That's Right

You Get All That And
More, America! So Keep
Voting Against Your

Own Best Interests
And Watch It All Fall Apart,
Or Not, You Could Come

To Your Senses, And
Realize The Right Wing Is Wrong
And Single Issue

Voters Who Are So
Obsessed With Abortion Are
The Stupid, Selfish

And Most Ignorant
Fools We Could Know, For They Will
Only Think Of One Thing,

One Issue When In
Fact There Are Many Issues
All Of Which Need Care

And Thought And Planning
Right Wingers Could Have Outlawed
Abortion, But They

Didn't Because That's
Their Favorite Card To Play
At Election Time

My Goodness, These Right
Wingers Are Stupid, Please All
Ye Stupid F*cking

Americans, Wake
The F*ck Up Now And Vote For
Barack Obama

Set Your Selfishness
Aside, Do The Right Thing, Vote
For Obama, Biden

And You Will Get The
Changes That Are So Sorely
Needed, Don't Let The

Lame Assed Media
Try And Fool You, The Right Wing
Is Criminal, Vile

And Ignorant, Both
Willfully And Otherwise
Wake The F*ck Up Now!

Of The Consequences Of A Third Bush Term

Has America
Grown Up A Little Bit Since
The Year Two Thousand?

I Hope The Hell So
Because Our Country Cannot
Survive A Third Term

Of Bushtard, Which Is
All That McCain Wants To Do:
Serve Bush Crime Family

Do People See A
Difference Between The Left
And The Right Wingnuts

Enough To Know That
The GOP Is A Crime
Syndicate, Nothing

Short Of A Mob Ring
Pandering And Stealing Votes
To Win At All Costs

Too Retain Control
Ruin Our Country Further,
From Ditch To The Grave

Do Americans
Enjoy Cheney's One Percent
Docturine Taking

Us All Over A
Cliff? Do They Realize That
Even Though The Dems

In The House And In
The Senate Are Spineless And
Corrupt, That There Is

No Third Way, Which Means
That The Only Way Is To
Put In The Hard Work

Of Kicking The Bums
Out, Like Pelosi, Who Has
Continued To Give

Bushtard Everything
He Wants, Unwilling To Make
Any Kind Of Stand

We Get The Leaders
We Deserve, Are Willing To
Fight For, Apathy

Is What Brought Bushtard
In To Power, And The One
Good Thing About That

Is That It Woke Up
Many Of Us Who Did Not
Care Before, Who Thought

Our Government Just
Runs Itself, We're All Good, So
We Can Just Have Fun

Right? Turns Out That It's
Not All Right, And I Don't Know
If Enough People

Have Seen The Last Eight
Years Really Enough To Know
The Consequences

It's Really Simple:
If McCain Wins, Either By
Hook Or Crook, We Go

From Being Stuck In
A Ditch To Being Six Feet
Under, So When You

Selfish, One-Issue
Voters Decide To Stay Home
Or Worse Than That, Vote

For Bushtard's Third Term
Via McCain, You Are Screwing
Yourselves, Your Country

It Is Beyond Time
For Everyone To Wake Up
And Do The Right Things
Rep. Tim Ryan, speaking the truth

STAY THE COURSE: Bush Gets Caught In His Own Lie

BUSH DRUNK at G8 summit

Look in the background
