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Latest blogosphere posts tagged “dubya”

  • Ken Mehlman Apologizes For First Time

    Authority Authority:
    "At a personal level, I wish I had spoken out against the effort. As I’ve been involved in the fight for marriage equality, one of the things I’ve learned is how many people were harmed by the campaigns in which I was involved. I apologize to them and tell them I am sorry. While there have been recent victories, ...
    3 weeks ago

  • Authority Authority:
    I Remember Dubya #52 "Regardless of what the Republican base will be saying  about  me in a few years, I am NOT a Socialist!"
    4 weeks ago
  • CAPTION IT: Mitt Romney Is Not the Baby Whisperer

    Authority Authority:
    Just hours before Mitt Romney was to face off in the 20th and possibly final debate of the primary season, the man who raised five boys tried the ol’ Baby Photo-Op at a campaign rally at Tri-City Christian Academy in Chandler, Arizona. His efforts, like his oft-doublespeak, failed mightily. (photo via ...
    4 weeks ago

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