Shale Oil - The Rush for Black Gold - 11.20.2011
Shale Oil - The Rush for Black Gold - 11.20.2011
One of America's biggest energy challenges is foreign oil dependency. The US imports about half the oil it uses, putting the nation's energy security at risk and costing hundreds of billions of dollars per year. New drilling innovat...
Marcellus Shale Reality Tour Part 2 - Dimock Day Trip
Marcellus Shale Reality Tour Part 2 - Dimock Day Trip
A video by Scott Cannon On January 10, 2012, I drove to Dimock Pennsylvania to find out what's going on with the DEP and the EPA's investigation on the water well contamination alleged by Cabot Oil & Gas Methane in three private...
Pros and Cons of Shale Gas with Jonathon Deal
Pros and Cons of Shale Gas with Jonathon Deal
( The South African economy is highly dependent upon electricity production for its industrial commercial and domestic energy needs. Large shale gas deposits could augment primary energy supplies to both the electrical an...
Marcellus Shale Exposed Deborah Rogers Speech
Marcellus Shale Exposed Deborah Rogers Speech
Video by Matt and Renard Cohen, Deborah Rogers spoke at Marcellus Shale Exposed at Northhampton Community College on March 17th. This is the first half when she gave her speech....
Ex-oil worker blasts shale gas industry / Ex-oil worker's concerns
Ex-oil worker blasts shale gas industry / Ex-oil worker's concerns
Maxime Daigle worked in the oil industry for seven years but is now protesting against further development of the shale gas sector See also "Say No to Shale Gas June 30, 2011, Rexton, New Brunswick, Part 2"- www.cb...
euronews U talk - Shale gas: fracking the Earth?
euronews U talk - Shale gas: fracking the Earth?
3:20 Georgi, from Bulgaria, asks: Taking into account that in France, Ireland and Bulgaria the extraction of shale gas has been prohibited and in England and Germany there are earthquake and pollution problems after shale gas dr...
Eagle Ford & Bakken Shale Oil: The New Rush For Black Gold
Eagle Ford & Bakken Shale Oil: The New Rush For Black Gold
One of America's biggest energy challenges is foreign oil dependency. The US imports about half the oil it uses, putting the nation's energy security at risk and costing hundreds of billions of dollars per year. New drilling innovat...
Geology Denial: US Peak Oil & Shale Hype (part 1)
Geology Denial: US Peak Oil & Shale Hype (part 1)
Here's a brief explanation of why net-energy aka EROEI (energy returned on energy invested) debunks wild claims of "energy independence" from US oil shale deposits like the Bakken Formation, and especially dry kerogen shale th...
Geology Denial: US Peak Oil & Shale Hype (part 2)
Geology Denial: US Peak Oil & Shale Hype (part 2)
Americans ought to stop complaining about the superficial "price of gas" and learn some geology. The world is finite and so is petroleum, coal, natural gas and even uranium. US oil production peaked in 1970 and it's become phy...
Hydraulic Fracturing- Shale Natural Gas Extraction
Hydraulic Fracturing- Shale Natural Gas Extraction
This is an educational video describing the unique process of Hydraulic Fracturing used by the oil and gas industry today. Hydraulic Fracturing is a method used to extract natural gas trapped inside shale deposits stored deep underground us...
Deborah Rogers
Deborah Rogers
Financial analyst Deborah Rogers has served on the Advisory Council for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas since 2008. She was appointed in 2011 by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to a task force reviewing placement of ...
Target Logistics Bakken Shale Oil Play
Target Logistics Bakken Shale Oil Play
Where do workers live when they work in hostile environments like North Dakota's Bakken Shale Oil Play? Ask the experts in temporary workforce housing Target Logistics. With lodges in Williston, Tioga, Stanley and Minot, North Dakota th...
Dragon Age Origins: Sten and Shale - falling in love
Dragon Age Origins: Sten and Shale - falling in love
I was shocked to discover how much does Shale adore Sten! You'll have to watch this video from the beginning to the end to understand what I mean. PS People keep asking me about Alistair's armor. Here's the link to the article a...