French translation out now!

uri | book | Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Just received a few copies of the French translation of Anarchy Alive!, translated by Vivien Garcia and published by Atelier de Creation Libertaire. Hopefully we’ll be able to arrange a book-tour in France for the summer/autumn.
AA!_fr cover

From the back cover:

Non seulement l’anarchisme est bien vivant, mais il est en bonne forme. Uri Gordon le proclame dès le titre de son ouvrage. Qui pourrait n’y entendre qu’une vaine allégation trouvera dans cette lecture de quoi dissiper ses doutes. Elle lui offrira d’abord un instantané présentant une bonne part des pratiques libertaires en vigueur aujourd’hui. Elle l’introduira ensuite à quelques débats qui en sont issus et les accompagnent. La vie dont il est ici question prendra tout son sens. Elle a si peu à voir avec la perpétuation de fonctions qui, essentielles dans la seule mesure où elles évitent le trépas, ne préservent en rien de la répétition mécanique, des rituels vides et de l’ennui généralisé. Cette vie se dévoile au contraire sous les traits d’une multitude en mouvement qui, luxuriante, brille d’inventivité. Et le livre qui se loge entre vos mains, en même temps que d’en offrir un panorama encore sans égal, y contribue pleinement.

Interview on More Thought

uri | book,reviews | Sunday, November 13th, 2011

You can now hear and read an interview I recently did with Richard Capes of More Thought.

…The values that we’re seeing in the occupy movement right now, of direct democracy, of creating the world that we want to live in…the whole ethos of direct action – anarchist values and practices are all there. But everyday attempts to undermine the system are what counts in the long run – what happens between these protest waves.

Slovenian translation

uri | book | Friday, July 1st, 2011

My article “Anarchism Reloaded” – also the second chapter of AA! – has been translated into Slovenian and appears in the newly released collection Antologija anarhizma 3 from the publisher Zalozba Krtina.

Here’s a machine translation of the blurb:

When the end of the 19th century seemed that we will see a “century anarchism,” the political events again showed that “competition of ideas” throughout history has never been particularly fair. Only a few decades the anarchist movement was due to a systematic anti-anarchist “heresy” is only a pale shadow of the global network, which is prefigurirala completely new political alternative. It is therefore not surprising that many authors in recent decades has announced the end of anarchism too, but then again were forced to revise their theses. Today it is unnecessary to emphasize that within the “post-seattelskega” alter-globalist movement anarchism space just the most creative and most lucid radical boil. A return to Anarchism for a new notebook Anthology of Anarchism represents both relief and a new problem. In recent years, recorded a bifurcation anarchist thought and practice which lead to a degree where it is due to heterogeneity difuznosti and “flow” practically impossible to determine the limits of anarchism. Despite these limitations, the choice of trying to overcome the risk of smoothing anarchism on one dimension, the task of identifying relevant and anachronistic within the new anarchism left to the reader himself. The new notebook does not support “true” anarchism, nor an uncritical and naive inventory of cases and evidence that anarchism is possible and necessary. If the texts collected in this volume Anthology of Anarchism in less than clear and unambiguous answers, stressed the heterogeneity and provide internal kontradikotrnost questions about anarchism, this is only the successful realization of the goal.

Anarchist economics

uri | articles,book | Thursday, April 7th, 2011

Just got the cover art for the new book The Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics in which I have a chapter on “Anarchist economics in practice”.

book cover

Here’s a quote from the blurb:

The only crisis of capitalism is capitalism itself. Let’s toss credit default swaps, bailouts, environmental externalities and, while we’re at it, private ownership of production in the dustbin of history. The Accumulation of Freedom brings together economists, historians, theorists, and activists for a first-of-its-kind study of anarchist economics. The editors aren’t trying to subvert the notion of economics — they accept the standard definition, but reject the notion that capitalism or central planning are acceptable ways to organize economic life.

Contributors include Robin Hahnel, Iain McKay, Marie Trigona, Chris Spannos, Ernesto Aguilar, Uri Gordon, and more.

On the Road in Germany, Switzerland and Austria

uri | book | Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

I’m on the start of a tour with the German translation of Anarchy Alive! – so far I’ve had successful talks in Hamburg, Leipzig and Halle. Here is the rest of my itinerary – if you have any friends in German-speaking countries please spread the word!

Freitag, 25.7 Juni | 20.00h | Buchhandlung Schwarze Risse, Gneisenaustraße 2a | Im Rahmen der Linken Buchtage

Samstag, 26.7 Juni, 18 Uhr | L!Z – Libertäres Zentrum Magdeburg, Alt Salbke 144 | |

Frühstücksdiskussion zu den Perspektiven und der Realisierung | gewaltfreier anarchistischer Praxis | Sonntag, 27. Juni, 12 Uhr | Bauhütte/Bürgerbüro Stadtentwicklung, Braunstraße 28

Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Thema »Anarchism and the Politics of Technology« | Montag, 28. Juni, 20 Uhr | UJZ Korn, Kornstraße 28/30 | | |

Mittwoch, 30. Juni, 19.30 Uhr | AZ Wuppertal, Markommannenstr. 3, Elberfeld

Donnerstag, 1. Juli, 20 Uhr | Buchladen Le Sabot, Breite Straße 76 | Eintritt frei | Eine Veranstaltung vom Buchladen Le Sabot und dem Verein zur Förderung politischer Bildung & Kultur e.V.

Dienstag 6.7. | 19.00h | GGS31, General Guisan-Strasse 31
Libertäre Aktion Winterthur

Mittwoch 7.7. | Vortrag 18.30h | VoKü 20.00h | Fabrik 9, Neuengasse 9 | Buchhandlung Schwarzmarkt

Donnerstag 8.7. | 20.00h | Infoladen in der Reitschule, Neubrückstrasse 9
Infoladen Bern

Freitag 9.7. | VoKü 18.30h | Vortrag 19.30h | Kultibeiz in der Kulturfabrik, Zürcherstr. 42 | Antikapitalistisches Kolletiv Zürcher Oberland

Samstag 10.7. | 19.00h | Infoladen Magazin, Inselstrasse 79

Sonntag 11.7. | 16.00h Apéro | 16:30h Vortrag | Autonome Schule Zürich, Hohlstrasse 170 Z kre – kleinste revolutionäre einheit


Montag 12.7. | 20.00h | ROMP, Steinenstrasse 17
Systembruch |

Mittwoch 14.7. | 19.00h Vortrag & VoKü | Juz Between, Bahnhofstr. 49
Infoladen Zündschnur

Montag, 19. Juli, 19 Uhr | Sub, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Kai 66

Dienstag, 20. Juli, 19 Uhr | Druckraum, Redtenbachergasse 3

German translation finished

uri | book | Friday, January 15th, 2010

The German translation of Anarchy Alive! (by Sophia Deeg) has been completed, and should see print on February 24 from Nautilus publishers in their “Flugschrift” series. Here’s the promo text they just put out:

Uri Gordon
Anarchistische Praxis und Theorie

Deutsche Erstausgabe Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Sophia Deeg
Broschur, ca. 256 Seiten, ca. € (D) 18,- sFr 32,90 / € (A) 18,50
ISBN 978-3-89401-724-8

Was ist eigentlich heute unter Anarchie zu verstehen? Wer beruft sich auf diese antiautoritäre Tradition und wie haben sich Theorie und Praxis in den letzten Jahren international entwickelt? Der israelische Friedensaktivist Uri Gordon gibt einen Einblick in die aktuelle politische Kultur des Anarchismus.

Uri Gordon berichtet von Netzwerken, Graswurzelbewegungen und Organisationen und den dort geführten Debatten. Über das Verhältnis dieser Gruppen zur Gewalt, zur Natur, zum technologischen Fortschritt, und darüber, wie die politische Kultur in der Praxis aussieht und welche Konzepte ausprobiert werden. Er beschreibt antikapitalistische Zentren und ökofeministische Höfe, Basisorganisationen auf Gemeindeebene, Blockaden internationaler Gipfeltreffen und alltägliche direkte Aktionen. Außerdem stellt er die ungeheure Menge an anarchistischen Publikationen und Websites vor. All diese Netzwerke sind dezentral, horizontal und konsensorientiert organisiert. In Sozialzentren, Gemeinschaftsgärten undKooperativen bildet sich eine Revolution im Hier und Jetzt heraus. Viele verschiedene Vorstellungen von Anarchie leben imHerzen der globalen Bewegungen, die dabei sind, durch ihre Aktionen eine andereWelt zu schaffen …

Uri Gordon, Jahrgang 1976, promovierte in Oxford über anarchistische Politik und lehrt heute am Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Ketura, Israel. Er hat mit verschiedenen anarchistischen und radikalen Bewegungen zusammengearbeitet, etwa Indymedia, Dissent!-network, Peoples’ Global Action oder Anarchists Against the Wall.AlsAktivist vor allem in Israel und Großbritannien tätig, hat er an Straßenprotesten gegen internationale Gipfeltreffen in der ganzen Welt teilgenommen. Er schreibt für diverse anarchistische Medien, aber auch für große israelische Zeitungen wie Haaretz oder die Jerusalem Post.

New book on “Anarchism and Utopianism”

uri | book | Monday, December 21st, 2009

Manchester University Press have just released the new collection “Anarchism and Utopianism“, edited by Laurence Davis and Ruth Kinna, a 304-page collection with the last chapter written by myself. It’s only in a pricey hardback edition for the moment, but anyone with access to a public or university library can recommend it for ordering.

Here’s the blurb and table of contents:

This collection of original essays examines the relationship between anarchism and utopianism, exploring the intersections and overlaps between these two fields of study and providing novel perspectives for the analysis of both. The book opens with an historical and philosophical survey of the subject matter and goes on to examine antecedents of the anarchist literary utopia; anti-capitalism and the anarchist utopian literary imagination; free love as an expression of anarchist politics and utopian desire; and revolutionary practice. Contributors explore the creative interchange of anarchism and utopianism in both theory and modern political practice; debunk some widely-held myths about the inherent utopianism of anarchy; uncover the anarchistic influences active in the history of utopian thought; and provide fresh perspectives on contemporary academic and activist debates about ecology, alternatives to capitalism, revolutionary theory and practice, and the politics of art, gender and sexuality.


Notes on contributors

Introduction – Laurence Davis

Part I – Historical and philosophical overview

1. Anarchism and the dialectic of utopia – John P. Clark

Part II – Antecedents of the anarchist literary utopia

2. Daoism as utopian or accommodationist: radical Daoism reexamined in light of the Guodian Manuscripts – John A. Rapp
3. Diderot’s *Supplément au voyage de Bougainville*: steps towards an anarchist utopia – Peter G. Stillman

Part III – Anti-capitalism and the anarchist utopian literary imagination

4. Everyone an artist: art, labour, anarchy, and utopia – Laurence Davis
5. Anarchist powers: B. Traven, Pierre Clastres, and the question of utopia – Nicholas Spencer
6. Utopia, anarchism and the political implications of emotions – Gisela Heffes
7. Anarchy in the archives: notes from the ruins of Sydney and Melbourne – Brian Greenspan

Part IV – Free love: anarchist politics and utopian desire

8. Speaking desire: anarchism and free love as utopian performance in fin de siècle Britain – Judy Greenway
9. Visions of the future: reproduction, revolution and regeneration in American anarchist utopian fiction – Brigitte Koenig
10. Intimate fellows: utopia and chaos in the early post-Stonewall gay liberation manifestos – Dominic Ording

Part V – Rethinking revolutionary practice

11. Anarchism, utopianism and the politics of emancipation – Saul Newman
12. Anarchism and the politics of utopia – Ruth Kinna
13. ‘The space now possible’: anarchist education as utopian hope – Judith Suissa
14. Utopia in contemporary anarchism – Uri Gordon

Review in Icelandic!

uri | book,cross-posts,reviews | Friday, October 30th, 2009

Just found this review of AA! by Vilhelm Vilhelmsson on an Icelandic website. Check out the original if you can read Íslenska – here I post the machine translation which is, as usual, quite amusing.

Literature on anarkisma the species to discuss theories and ideas of long dead people living with all other social form, but we at today. While many of the ideas of the speech is not yet admitted the need for updated, more modern and more vibrant ideology and theory smíð. This need is largely met in the writings appear in underground magazines, published in a small upplagi and distributed between anarkista but rarely reach beyond the narrow group. This version does not form gives space for a comprehensive dive deep into the issues and draws them together in some kind of picture. This book is an attempt to.

In the six chapters that appear here (except introduction and lokaorðum) examines Israeli anarkistinn Uri Gordon ma anarkisma of the political Culture in society today. He describes where the part anarkistar are the major movements for social reform that have been most prominent over the last 10 years or so with large demonstrations against the G8-leaders meetings, leadership meetings of the European Union, etc.., But he also examines and analyzes how anarkistar organize themselves and including how they understand themselves to hófsamari forces from within this movement (which is often called “the movement against globalization” is rangnefni where the movement is following internationalization, but she just wants to go a different place). The apparatus of fear to use the word anarkismi to describe groups despite that they are clearly organized in anarkí skan manner.

In section two of Gordon’s password in the dialogue of modern-anarkista and how anarki my today separates itself from the older anarkisma. The chapter provides a good overview of political priorities anarkista and also understand that they have formed the “classic” anarkisma and the “new” anarkisma.

The third chapter takes the problems concerning the power and force within the movement generally rejects authority in all its forms (major simplification in fact). He analyzes the three types of power and put each in context with one hand anarkisma that ideology and however we anarkisma in daily praxís.

The fourth chapter has the pleasant name of “Peace, Love and Petrol Bombs” and deals with violence and force. Violence has always been controversial issues among anarkista, especially where anarkistar meet often the ásökunum they just ofbeldisseggir who try (or will) ruin everything and make a mess. Gordon devices here are some of the major questions regarding the violence that what usually comes up among anarkista.

Fifth chapter deals with modern technology, Utopia and anarkista attitudes to technology. Anarkistar are very active in environmental and criticism on technology and even themselves iðnvæðinguna are common among modern anarkista. The so-called anarkó-primitivistar deny even civilization as it imposes itself and dásama communities collector and hunter. Gordon examines this closely how technology controls valdahlutföllum in society, how power strúktúr formed around new technologies and how often a threat to the environment.

Sixth and final chapter focuses on nationalism as seen from anarkisma. He puts this discussion in the context of issues nákomið him, namely the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians.

It has been a need for such a book in time goodies. Theoretical work anarkista have a long discussion of just about old theories and been stuck in the past. Following the ’68-generation and the social revolution and the ideas that came the generation gap has emerged that separates the classical anarkisma from the modern anarkisma, which has not only other priorities, but completely new hugtakanotkun, dialogue and new organizational forms. This new anarkismi is often called “post-left” anarkismi (but is defamatory manner called lifestyle anarkismi followers of classic anarkisma) and much less in common with communism and socialism than the classic. Post-left anarkismi the ideological seen far more in common with Feminism, existensíalisma and especially ecology and environmental protection. And it is completely done to Uri Gordon belongs to this new generation anarkista. It is great that this book is finally out there on the books that have good circulation and will promote these ideas for wider readers. But there is also a problem. The book is actually not written for the general reader. Gordon makes it completely done from the outset that his purpose is not to convince people excellence anarkisma but only to devices moral, political, skipulagsleg and philosophical problems that arise / have been among anarkista today. The book is not intended fáfróðum readers, but rather those who already know the only anarkisma and / or are already active in political work on the left edge or in environmental or other such movements. For us who know the book Himnasending, although it is clear tormelt and heavy. The book is not intended to provide answers to these questions as he wonder up. The purpose of this book is rather to uncomfortable questions in the debate, put forward different ideas and theories, taken both from anarki stum and various scholars, and let them gerjast head reader. I was particularly fond of köflunum of technology and nationalism. In the technology section, I got access to the ideas that I’ve never read before, and his use of sources, theories and ideas outside the closed world anarki man was particularly kærkomin. I had no turnover for me before how the technology works and creates a new cause strúk touring. The chapter on nationalism, seen in the context of issues of Israel and Palestine, was also particularly well placed, and Gordon put the needs of criticism of the traditional aspects anarkista order to see that this conflict only in trade union context. In addition, his description of “bioregionalism” which meet the nation state and nationalism interesting and I think I now see more literature on this phenomenon.

It was much more that I learned much from reading this book and found interesting, but it will still claim that as the book is rather dry and academic, and the snow carefully read. But the material seen it really good. I recommend this book for all interested and Minimal knowledge of umfjöllunarefninu the inngangsrit work it’s not.

Review in Z Magazine

uri | book,reviews | Friday, October 23rd, 2009

This review was published in this month’s issue of Z Magazine by Hans Bennett, a Philadelphia photojournalist mostly focusing on the movement to free Mumia Abu-Jamal and all political prisoners. An archive of his work is available at

When Israeli anarchist Uri Gordon first moved to Europe in the fall of 2000 to begin his doctoral studies at OxfordUniversity, he was planning to study environmental ethics. However, Gordon explains that “the IMF/World Bank protests in Prague had just happened, the fresh buzz of anti-capitalism was palpably in the air, and I was eager to get a piece of the action.” After attending a report-back from locals that had traveled to Prague, he quickly became involved in protests locally and around Europe. “I soon ended up doing much more activism than studying,” writes Gordon, who had now been “tear-gassed in Nice, corralled in London and narrowly escaped a pretty horrible beating in Genoa.” He soon decided to shift the focus of his PhD thesis to anarchist politics. The completed thesis has now been published as Anarchy Alive!

Gordon boldly declares: “In case anyone hasn’t noticed, anarchism is alive and kicking. This past decade or so has seen the full revival of a global anarchist movement on a scale and on levels of unity and diversity unseen since the 1930s. From anti-capitalist social centres and eco-feminist farms to community organizing, blockades of international summits, daily direct actions and a mass of publications and websites – anarchy lives at the heart of the global movement that declares: ‘another world is possible’”Its euphemisms are legion: anti-authoritarian, autonomous, horizontalist”but you know it when you see it, and anarchy is everywhere.”

A major strength of this highly-recommended book is Gordon’s ability to write both for the seasoned activists as well as readers new to anarchism and the various resistance movements that have sprung up this decade. It is also a useful tool for US activists to learn more about the various struggles throughout Europe and in Israel. The first few chapters (which Gordon himself advises the veteran anarchists to skip) focus on the basics of what anarchism is, and what role it has played in various global struggles. The later chapters will be more interesting to the seasoned activists, where he looks self-critically at the movement from his perspective as a participant in various struggles, including work with such groups as Peoples’ Global Action, Earth First, and the Dissent! network resisting the 2005 G8 summit.

Thankfully, Gordon transcends the divisive and self-righteous “I’m more of an anarchist than you are!” attitude that unfortunately has infected much of anarchist literature today. Instead, his book is a sincere attempt to establish common definitions and begin an honest and constructive dialogue about the most controversial issues facing the movement today. This approach by Gordon is seen in his chapter “Peace, Love, and Petrol Bombs,” which addresses issues of violence, non-violence, and the “diversity of tactics” strategy for large protests. He shows how activists on all sides of this debate have been dogmatic, and have twisted definitions to support their views. As a result, most dialogue is unproductive. So, by laying out the different arguments and definitions around the use of violence (ranging from corporate property destruction to actual armed struggle), Anarchy Alive! will hopefully make a significant contribution to the development of activist strategy.

Anarchism in Israel Today

In his final chapter, titled “Homeland,” Gordon argues that “anarchism has been a continuous undercurrent in the politics of Israel/Palestine for decades,” which dates back to “the earliest Kibbutz groups in the 1920s,” who were “organized on libertarian-communist principles” and read Kropotkin and Tolstoy. While estimating 300 self-identified anarchists living in Israel today, he writes that the “contemporary Israeli anarchist movement fused together during the wave of anti-globalization activism at the end of the 1990s, bringing together anti-capitalist, environmental, feminist, and animal rights agendas”Since the beginning of the second Intifada, activities have focused on the occupation in Palestine, in particular against the building of the Apartheid Wall.”

Gordon contends that the Israeli anarchist approach of “taking direct action alongside Palestinians” is an important strategy because “joint Palestinian-Israeli struggle transgresses the fundamental taboos put in place by Zionist militarism. Alongside the living example of non-violence and cooperation between the two peoples, the struggle forces Israeli spectators to confront their dark collective traumas. Israelis who demonstrate hand-in-hand with Palestinians are threatening because they are afraid neither of Arabs nor of the Second Holocaust that they are supposedly destined to perpetrate.”

Gordon writes about the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which is a Palestinian-led organization that began in summer 2001 to coordinate European and North American volunteers to accompany non-violent Palestinian actions in the occupied territories. The ISM does not identify itself as anarchist, but he argues that “two clear connections to anarchism can nevertheless be made. First, in terms of the personnel, international solidarity activities in Palestine have seen a major and sustained presence of anarchists, who had earlier cut their teeth on anti-capitalist mobilizations and local grassroots organizing in North America and Europe,” thus constituting “the foremost vehicle for on-the-ground involvement of international anarchists in Palestine. Second, and more substantially, the ISM prominently displays many features of anarchist political culture: lack of formal membership, policy and leadership; a decentralized organizing model based on autonomous affinity groups, spokescouncils and consensus decision-making; and a strategic focus on short-term campaigns and creative tactics that stress direct action and grassroots empowerment.”

In 2003, many of the Israelis that had been working with the ISM “felt the need to give more visibility to their own resistance as Israelis, by creating an autonomous group working together with Palestinians and internationals,” writes Gordon. While participating at a protest camp in the village of Mas’ha, this direct-action group soon named itself Anarchists Against the Wall. Since eviction from Mas’ha, these anarchists have participated in several other joint actions, where sometimes “Palestinians and Israelis have managed to tear down or cut through parts of the fence, or to break through gates along it,” reports Gordon.

Studying To Win

In the conclusion, written from Kibbutz Samar in Israel, Gordon acknowledges that his book provides “more questions than answers,” but this is the most important thing about it. By looking at the anarchist and global anti-capitalist movements self-critically, and asking tough questions, Anarchy Alive is a powerful tool for all activists, so that we can improve our strategies.

Alongside Gordon’s self-criticism is his optimistic belief that things can change when people come together and fight. He concludes by arguing that “these days anarchists and their allies are again sensing that the tides are turning. With the defeat, in Iraq and elsewhere, of the US attempt at global hegemony, things are shifting in the global system and a new surge of struggle may be on the horizon”There are new questions for anarchists to face now – questions about winning.”

On tour in the US and Canada

uri | book,personal | Saturday, August 29th, 2009

Toronto venue now added

In these weeks I’m on a book-tour of the eastern US and Canada to promote “Anarchy Alive!”. If you have friends in any of these locations please invite them! All events start at 7pm. Please watch this spot for updates and additional venues!

Oct.5 – Black Sheep Books, Montpelier VT
Oct.8 – Cafe Cagibi, Montreal QC
Oct.9 – Exile Infoshop, Ottawa ON
Oct.10 – Toronto ON (hosted by Upping the Anti) — OISE, 252 Bloor St. West, Room 5-250
Oct.11 – SkyDragon Centre, Hamilton ON
Oct.12 – Empowerment Infoshop, London ON

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