Dental Search Marketing

More Effective Search Marketing with Both Paid and Organic Techniques

Officite utilizes both paid search marketing and organic search marketing techniques in our dental search marketing plans—to make dentist marketing as effective as possible.

What Paid (PPC) and Organic (SEO) Search Marketing Have to Offer

  • Speed. While organic (SEO) search marketing takes time to be effective, you can get immediate results with paid search, also called pay-per-click (PPC), advertising, which puts you on Google’s first page of search results right away.
  • Consistency. On the other hand, SEO can deliver consistent results day after day, whereas PPC marketing only works when you’re paying for it.
  • Personal Preference. With PPC, you can target specific users near your practice. With SEO, you have more credibility to users, as your results come up naturally in search results.

That’s why the best dental search marketing uses both paid and organic search marketing strategies. By combining both, you reach the most users most effectively.

Trust Officite’s Dental Practice Marketing

  • Experience. At Officite, we’ve been creating PPC and SEO dental search marketing campaigns for decades—giving us a leg up in terms of knowing what works and how to handle typical challenges.
  • Expertise. From staying on top of industry best practices to knowing how to navigate the worlds of Google, Bing and Yahoo, Officite’s dental marketing team are experts in the world of search marketing.
  • Results. At Offcite, we work to deliver measurable results that improve your campaigns and maximize your ROI.

With our knowledge and skill in creative effective dental search marketing campaigns, Officite can help your practice implement a successful program that meets your needs and budget. Contact us today to see how our experts can help you turn your website into your most valuable marketing tool.