The Stump

Testing your psephological skills

Crikey is offering two ways to test your political skills with Queensland election contests. For the really keen among you there is the long test - predict the result in every one of the 89 seats. And the less keen can try our short version  where all that’s required is nominating the total number of [...] Comments (0)

The Poll Bludger

Queensland election minus nine days

With the finishing line in sight: • Reader DavidWH relates in comments that the latest ReachTel automated phone poll targets Mount Coot-tha, the seat of Deputy Premier and Treasurer Andrew Fraser, and suggests his 5.2 per cent margin will be swept away by a swing of 9 per cent. Full results will presumably be available [...] Comments (3)


The Rum Diary movie review: a slippery gonzo slide

The opening shot of director Bruce Robinson’s The Rum Diary — his first film in almost two decades — depicts a small plane flying into a beautiful coastal city hugged by deep blue water and cooked in sunshine. It’s a slickly veneered brochure-ready picture of San Juan, but it’s not long before we see the [...] Comments (0)

White Noise

Goodbye. Farewell. And Amen.

This is the final post that I will be making on the White Noise blog. For almost two years, Crikey have been gracious enough to provide me with some webspace and bandwidth to natter on about television. I’ve made some good friends during this time (both at Crikey and with a handful of people who [...] Comments (0)

Curtain Call

REVIEW: The Paris Letter | Darlinghurst Theatre, Sydney

Jon Robin Baitz is the writer of TV’s Brothers And Sisters, I’m led to believe. I’ve never seen it, but I understand it’s pretty solid. Certainly, The Paris Letter exemplifies very good writing. The structure of the play, however, leaves something to be desired (at least when one has a small number of actors playing [...] Comments (0)

The Northern Myth

Where beautiful contradictions abound – Kakadu National Park in the wet.

Kakadu in the wet. It was a great trip - no less so because of the trip home to Darwin through one of the wildest rain and thunder storms I've seen in many a year. Here is what i saw through my windscreen for much of that drive. But what impressed most were the contrasts between the ugly glory of the Ranger uranium mine - smack in the middle of Kakadu - and the landscape that surrounds it. Comments (1)

Culture Mulcher

Lick these cold Man Nuts

You may seen these posters advertising an ice cream bar. I’ve quizzed friends, none of whom have managed either a convincing rationale or a straight face. Can anyone explain this slogan?What is the ice-cream-consumer appeal in the idea of Licking Cold Man Nuts? Is it being deployed in Bob Katter‘s electorate? You might as well [...] Comments (1)

Plane Talking

A spot the fallacy moment in the 2nd Sydney Airport saga

There are references to bi-partisan pressure being brought on the O’Farrell government in NSW to change its opposition to a new Sydney Airport, in Sydney,  in this answer to a question in Federal Parliament by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Anthony Albanese. JOHN MURPHY (Member for Reid) – My question is to the Minister [...] Comments (9)


Hotter, more erratic weather and higher sea levels: CSIRO

Australia's getting hotter -- particularly at night, rainfall is erratic and our sea levels are increasing at two to three times the global average. That's the latest bunch of climate change facts to emerge from the State of the Climate 2012 report, which observes Australia's climate and analyses the factors that influence it. Comments (4)

Pure Poison

Democracy, Miranda style

I wonder if Miranda Devine is aware of the fact that not everyone in Sydney thinks the way that she does? Angry Sydney says it’s time for rolling Clover LORD Mayor Clover Moore has worn out her welcome with Sydneysiders – even the 34,000 people who voted for her at the last election must be [...] Comments (11)

First Blog on the Moon

First Dog’s First Ever Podcast Guided Tour Extravaganza!

Oh my goodness! Here is your handy spoken word guided tour of my exhibition The Universe According to First Dog on the Moon in the form of a Podcast! My first one ever! I am quite excited. If you download it on to your mp3 player, and then go and walk through the exhibition whilst listening [...] Comments (7)

Laugh Track

Podcast: A Talk with John Richards

John Richards talks to Matt Smith about his upcoming show Outland, a new comedy show coming to the ABC about a gay science fiction club. In this podcast, John enlightens us with the show’s six year development, and explains who has the bigger closet to come out of. Podcast: A Talk with John Richards. Outland [...] Comments (0)


Tindersticks: The Something Rain | album review

Tindersticks: The Something Rain [Lucky Dog] Some bands arrive fully formed. Their debut albums are such a perfect distillation of their aesthetic they quickly suffer the curse of diminishing returns on subsequent releases. Such is Tindersticks’ fate. The Nottingham troubadours’ 1993 first set, Tindersticks (aka Tindersticks I), so beautifully captured their late-night smokey tales of [...] Comments (0)

Letter from the Editor

Mexican drug cartels turn 2.0

Maria was found decapitated with a handwritten message linking her murder -- not to the coverage of the drug wars in her paper -- but to her postings on social networks. The cartels have moved online. Comments (0)

This Blog Harms

Exercise caution with KONY 2012

A brief comment on the KONY 2012 that has flooded social media over the last two days. I would suggest exercising extended  critical reflection on the issue before further circulating it. The issue is not as black and white as it is painted nor will any good solution come easily. Invisible Children’s suggestion of a [...] Comments (1)

The Urbanist

Do new suburban rail lines always make sense?

One of the key challenges to improving public transport in Australian cities is that almost everyone wants something glamorous and expensive, like a shiny new train or at least a light rail service. As Dr Mathew Burke points out, although the obvious low cost solution in many outer suburbs is to coordinate new feeder bus [...] Comments (17)

Game On

I don’t want your conversation

Today, a Fairfax blogger wrote an article that questioned the effect of videogames on the relationships of ‘grown men’. I won’t link to it, for reasons that will become clear in this piece. It’s easy enough to find if you’re interested. The basic thrust was this: the relationships of adult men who play videogames suffer [...] Comments (1)

The Wellhead

CSG and agriculture/land use

My brief in writing CSG and the land: straight from the farmers’ mouths was to look at the impact of CSG mining on agriculture/land use on the land surface, leaving the vexed issue of underground aquifers to a separate article. The underlying question was whether CSG activity detracts from agricultural productivity. Clearly it does, and [...] Comments (0)