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Did you exercise today?

We are committed to exercising and sometimes it helps when you are responsible for telling others what exercise you did each day. This group is for those who wish commit to exercising everyday. Your computer won't blow up and all you'll get is...

Jackson's 100 pounds challenge

Jackson is a wonderful person that has inspired many of she hit her goal. She has lost 100 pounds..I would like for everyone to join this challenge..whichever date you choose to start, your goal is to lose 100 pounds in one year. Lets...

100+ Pounds to Lose

This is a group for people with 100 pounds or more to lose, though we are inclusive and anyone can join. Most of us have tried enough diets to realize they don't work for the long-term and are embracing a lifestyle change. This is a place to...

Cheer OurSelves On!!! GO Diet GO

ALL ARE WELCOME!!We are here to support and cheer without judgement. \"There\'s going to be days that you\'re tired, that you\'re hungry, that your sore, but you have to pick it up and keep going because that\'s what separates you from your old...

Biggest Loser Challenge

If you enjoy watching NBC's Biggest Loser show on TV and are on a weight loss journey yourself, please join us! We watch and discuss the show, weigh-in each Tuesday and participate in a weekly fitness or food challenge. We stay in touch, sharing...


Just to compare daily logs with people in a similar stage in life. Grad school or just out of college and working. The 'no kids, have cereal and cake for dinner' group.

Run for your life!

Are you a runner or would you like to start running? This is a group where experienced runners and beginners can share their successes and experiences. Anyone can post at any time!

Bitch About It, Joke About It, But Never Be Too Serious

Hey Hey Hey! It's a brand new day so what do you people have to say???? Whine, Bitch, Bellow and Moan, just remember, you're never alone. Share your victories, vent your defeats, & share advice, just give our room a little of your own special...

The Weigh In Weeklies

We're here to provide motivation, support, recipies, tips, and positive energy for everyone who is on a journey to fitness and healthy eating. We'll weigh in every Wednesday. You don't have to post your weight just your pounds lost.

* 5'2'' or less *

Because its just easier to compare goal weights, consumption, and progress with people your own height.

Weight Loss Challenge

Whether you have 10lbs to lose or 100, join me in this mini challenge to pull ourselves out of a heavy winter sleep so we can step lightly into spring. We can do it!

Monthly Mile Challenge

Walk, run, bike, whatever you like, just move move move! Can you do 100 miles in one month's time? Can you do 1200 minutes? If, not how close can you get to that? Motivate, challenge, seek inspiration, report your success, gripe about anything....

Walk Away The Pounds

A group for those who are using Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds exercise DVD's, or ANY form of walking, to help with our new healthier lifestyle!

New Rules of Lifting for Women

This group is for those who are following the weight training plan described in The New Rules of Lifting by Lou Schuler. Newbies and veterans are welcome! Post your training logs here, share your progress, and bounce questions off of other...

More than 50 pounds to lose!

Anyone have more than 50 pounds to lose, 60, 70, 100! I do and we all need to suport each other to lose this weight! So join to get fit! Every single person here is an inspiration, and don't forget how strong and brave you are for taking control...