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- Duration: 3:01
- Published: 14 May 2010
- Uploaded: 02 Apr 2011
- Author: yutingye
- http://wn.com/SIGGRAPH_2010_Optimal_Feedback_Control_for_Character_Animation_Using_an_Abstract_Model
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Other characters are printing, printable, or graphic characters, except perhaps for the "space" character (see ASCII printable characters).
{| class="infobox" |- ! ! 0x00 ! 0x10 |- | 0x00 | NUL | DLE |- | 0x01 | SOH | DC1 |- | 0x02 | STX | DC2 |- | 0x03 | ETX | DC3 |- | 0x04 | EOT | DC4 |- | 0x05 | ENQ | NAK |- | 0x06 | ACK | SYN |- | 0x07 | BEL | ETB |- | 0x08 | BS | CAN |- | 0x09 | TAB | EM |- | 0x0A | LF | SUB |- | 0x0B | VT | ESC |- | 0x0C | FF | FS |- | 0x0D | CR | GS |- | 0x0E | SO | RS |- | 0x0F | SI | US |- | 0x7F | DEL | |}
A form of control characters were introduced in the 1870 Baudot code: NUL and DEL. The 1901 Murray code added the carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF), and other versions of the Baudot code included other control characters.
The bell character (BEL), which rang a bell to alert operators, was also an early teletype control character.
They have also been called "format effectors".
, ^@
), originally intended to be an ignored character, but now used by many programming languages to mark the end of a string.\a
, ^G
), which may cause the device receiving it to emit a warning of some kind (usually audible).\b
, ^H
), used either to erase the last character printed or to overprint it.\t
, ^I
), moves the printing position some spaces to the right.\n
, ^J
), used as the end_of_line marker in most UNIX systems and variants.\f
, ^L
), to cause a printer to eject paper to the top of the next page, or a video terminal to clear the screen.\r
, ^M
), used as the end_of_line marker in Mac OS, OS-9, FLEX (and variants). A carriage return/line feed pair is used by CP/M-80 and its derivatives including DOS and Windows, and by Application Layer protocols such as HTTP.
[GCC only], ^[
), originally intended to be an ignored character, but now used in some systems to erase a character.Occasionally one might encounter modern uses of other codes, such as code 4 (End of transmission), used to end a Unix shell session or PostScript printer transmission. For the full list of control characters, see ASCII.
Even though many control characters are rarely used, the concept of sending device-control information intermixed with printable characters is so useful that device makers found a way to send hundreds of device instructions. Specifically, they used ASCII code 27 (escape), followed by a series of characters called a "control sequence" or "escape sequence". The mechanism was invented by Bob Bemer, the father of ASCII.
Typically, code 27 was sent first in such a sequence to alert the device that the following characters were to be interpreted as a control sequence rather than as plain characters, then one or more characters would follow to specify some detailed action, after which the device would go back to interpreting characters normally. For example, the sequence of code 27, followed by the printable characters
When the control key is held down, letter keys produce the same control characters regardless of the state of the shift or caps lock keys. In other words, it does not matter whether the key would have produced an upper-case or a lower-case letter. The interpretation of the control key with the space, graphics character, and digit keys (ASCII codes 32 to 63) vary between systems. Some will produce the same character code as if the control key was not held down. Other systems translate these keys into control characters when the control key is held down. The interpretation of the control key with non-ASCII ("foreign") keys also varies between systems.
Control characters are often rendered into a printable form known as caret notation by printing a caret (^) and then the ASCII character that has a value of the control character plus 64. Control characters generated using letter keys are thus displayed with the upper-case form of the letter. For example, ^G represents code 7, which is generated by pressing the G key when the control key is held down.
Keyboards also typically have a few single keys which produce control character codes. For example, the key labelled "Backspace" typically produces code 8, "Tab" code 9, "Enter" or "Return" code 13 (though some keyboards might produce code 10 for "Enter").
Modern keyboards have many keys that do not correspond to any ASCII printable or control character, for example cursor control arrows and word processing functions. These keyboards communicate these keys to the attached computer by one of four methods: appropriating some otherwise unused control character for the new use; using some encoding other than ASCII; using multi-character control sequences; or using an additional mechanism outside of generating characters to handle these events. "Dumb" computer terminals typically use control sequences. Keyboards attached to stand-alone personal computers made in the 1980s typically use one (or both) of the first two methods. Modern computer keyboards generate scancodes that identify the specific physical keys that are pressed; computer software then determines how to handle the keys that are pressed, including any of the four methods described above.
With the advent of computer terminals that did not physically print on paper and so offered more flexibility regarding screen placement, erasure, and so forth, printing control codes were adapted. Form feeds, for example, usually cleared the screen, there being no new paper page to move to. More complex escape sequences were developed to take advantage of the flexibility of the new terminals, and indeed of newer printers. The concept of a control character had always been somewhat limiting, and was extremely so when used with new, much more flexible, hardware. Control sequences (sometimes implemented as escape sequences) could match the new flexibility and power and became the standard method. However, there were, and remain, a large variety of standard sequences to choose from.
The start of heading (SOH) character was to mark a non-data section of a data stream—the part of a stream containing addresses and other housekeeping data. The start of text character (STX) marked the end of the header, and the start of the textual part of a stream. The end of text character (ETX) marked the end of the data of a message. A widely used convention is to make the two characters preceding ETX a checksum or CRC for error-detection purposes. The end of transmission block character (ETB) was used to indicate the end of a block of data, where data was divided into such blocks for transmission purposes.
The escape character (ESC) was intended to "quote" the next character, if it was another control character it would print it instead of performing the control function. It is almost never used for this purpose today.
The substitute character (SUB) was intended to request a translation of the next character from a printable character to another value, usually by setting bit 5 to zero. This is handy because some media (such as sheets of paper produced by typewriters) can transmit only printable characters. However, on MS-DOS systems with files opened in text mode, "end of text" or "end of file" is marked by this Ctrl-Z character, instead of the Ctrl-C or Ctrl-D, which are common on other operating systems.
The cancel character (CAN) signalled that the previous element should be discarded. The negative acknowledge character (NAK) is a definite flag for, usually, noting that reception was a problem, and, often, that the current element should be sent again. The acknowledge character (ACK) is normally used as a flag to indicate no problem detected with current element.
When a transmission medium is half duplex (that is, it can transmit in only one direction at a time), there is usually a master station that can transmit at any time, and one or more slave stations that transmit when they have permission. The enquire character (ENQ) is generally used by a master station to ask a slave station to send its next message. A slave station indicates that it has completed its transmission by sending the end of transmission character (EOT).
The device control codes (DC1 to DC4) were originally generic, to be implemented as necessary by each device. However, a universal need in data transmission is to request the sender to stop transmitting when a receiver can't take more data right now. Digital Equipment Corporation invented a convention which used 19, (the device control 3 character (DC3), also known as control-S, or XOFF) to "S"top transmission, and 17, (the device control 1 character (DC1), aka control-Q, or XON) to start transmission. It has become so widely used that most don't realize it is not part of official ASCII. This technique, however implemented, avoids additional wires in the data cable devoted only to transmission management, which saves money. A sensible protocol for the use of such transmission flow control signals must be used, to avoid potential deadlock conditions, however.
The data link escape character (DLE) was intended to be a signal to the other end of a data link that the following character is a control character such as STX or ETX. For example a packet may be structured in the following way (DLE)
Many of the ASCII control characters were designed for devices of the time that are not often seen today. For example, code 22, "synchronous idle" (SYN), was originally sent by synchronous modems (which have to send data constantly) when there was no actual data to send. (Modern systems typically use a start bit to announce the beginning of a transmitted word— this is a feature of asynchronous communication. Synchronous communication links were more often seen with mainframes, where they were typically run over corporate leased lines to connect a mainframe to another mainframe or perhaps a minicomputer.)
Code 0 (ASCII code name NUL) is a special case. In paper tape, it is the case when there are no holes. It is convenient to treat this as a fill character with no meaning otherwise. Since the position of a NUL character has no holes punched, it can be replaced with any other character at a later time, so it was typically used to reserve space, either for correcting errors or for inserting information that would be available at a later time or in another place.
Code 127 (DEL, a.k.a. "rubout") is likewise a special case. Its 7-bit code is all-bits-on in binary, which essentially erased a character cell on a paper tape when overpunched. Paper tape was a common storage medium when ASCII was developed, with a computing history dating back to WWII code breaking equipment at Biuro Szyfrów. Paper tape became obsolete in the 1970s, so this clever aspect of ASCII rarely saw any use after that. (However it should be noted that non-erasable Programmable ROMs are typically implemented as arrays of fusible elements, each representing a bit, which can only be switched one way, usually from one to zero. In such PROMs, the DEL and NUL characters can be used in the same way that they were used on punched tape: one to reserve meaningless fill bytes that can be written later, and the other to convert written bytes to meaningless fill bytes. For PROMs that switch one to zero, the roles of NUL and DEL are reversed; also, DEL will only work with 7-bit characters, which are rarely used today; for 8-bit content, the character code 255, commonly defined as a nonbreaking space character, can be used instead of DEL.) Some systems (such as the original Apples) converted it to a backspace. But because its code is in the range occupied by other printable characters, and because it had no official assigned glyph, many computer equipment vendors used it as an additional printable character (often an all-black "box" character useful for erasing text by overprinting with ink).
Many file systems do not allow control characters in the filenames, as they may have reserved functions.
This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Name | Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde |
Birth place | |
Occupation | Author |
Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde is a Finnish UFOlogist, parapsychologist and author.
Kilde was born 15 November 1939 in Värtsilä, now in the Republic of Karelia. A former physician, Kilde received a medical degree in 1967 from Univ. of Turku, Finland and was employed as a provincial Medical Officer. In 1982, her first book, There Is No Death, was published in Scandinavia. She attributes her interest in UFOs to injuries sustained in a 1986 car accident that took away her ability to continue medical practice. Kilde has since been a featured speaker at UFO conferences and has authored books about UFOs, alien abductions, mind control and conspiracy theories. Kilde has published various accounts of being personally "rescued" from danger by extraterrestrials, and claims to have esoteric skills and knowledge as a result of her relationship with them. She maintains that there is a secret exchange program between humans and aliens that is being deliberately suppressed by "powerful Western governments", particularly the US. Kilde also claims there are secret military and intelligence agencies practicing mind control technology on the world population using cell phones and supercomputers, and a plot to kill most of the Earth's population using the swine flu vaccine is being carried out by the WHO, Henry Kissinger, and the Bilderberg Group.
Category:1939 births Category:Living people Category:People from Karelia Category:Conspiracy theorists Category:UFO conspiracy theorists Category:Mind control
This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.