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Palestine-Israel, The only sure thing about the joint struggle is the Tsumud (Persistence)

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | community struggles | news report author Wednesday February 01, 2012 00:35author by Ilan S. - AAtW, ainfos, Matzpenauthor email ilan at shalif dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

Both the Palestinians and the anarchists against the wall

Day in and day out, year in and year out, the creeping transfer of the Israeli settler colonialism continue - both in the Israeli south where lot of Bedouin Palestinians citizens are transfered and concentrated to small locations and most of their lands confiscated. Similarly happen to Bedouins in the occupied west bank and even to villagers in area C the Israeli state caveat. Some Israeli steps against specific settler colonialist outposts forced on it by the courts mascaraed of "justice" is balanced by settlers terrorist revenging Palestinians and demolition of Palestinian houses by the state forces. The struggle against the demolition of the last tent camps of the social struggle initiated escalation of the activities of the core activists even before the coming spring. [Italiano]


The struggle against the transfer of about 20% of the Bedouins and the robbery of their lands continue. Sunday 29-1-12 300 Israeli Palestinian citizens and Jews demonstrated in front of the JNF offices in Jerusalem against the demolishing and uprooting of the beduwin villege of El-arakiv, which was already demolished by the JNF and state forces 35 times (and which after every time is being re-built again). The brave people of el-arakiv together with israrli activists are putting outstanding struggle against the JNF, Please join the struggle, spread the word that JNF is uprooting families and villages and boycott the JNF!! The struggle must go on! "They say apartheid, we say fight back!!"

Beit Ummar

Our planed protest on the 28th of January 2012 in commemoration
of Yousef Ekhlayel will be postponed to Tuesday 31st of January 2012
due to weather conditions.

15 Israelis and 4 internationals joined the weekly Palestinian demonstration in Bil'in against the occupation, the separation wall, the robbery of the village lands, ethnic cleansing and apartheid. Due to the rain, protesters were driven over the old route of the wall, and then marched to the new wall. While some protesters gathered waving their umbrellas at the soldiers along the western stretch of the wall, others took to the south west corner and braved the rain and skunk truck that lurked behind, armed with nothing but just rage and stones. The wind was very shifty, and the soldiers preferred to remain covered from the rain, so hardly any gas was shot. Photographer Moheeb Bargotiuy, however, was shot by a sniper with rubber bullets in his legs. Moheeb was chosen for two reasons. First, he was the easiest target to hit: standing very close to the wall, perfectly still, concentrating on taking pictures. Second, he was the biggest threat around: documentation is the biggest danger that Palestinian demonstrators pose to the persistence of Israel's violent land grab and terrorism (recall that a month ago Israeli authorities prevented Moheeb from participating in an exhibition of his work in Beirut). After Moheeb was evacuated to a hospital, one soldier was ordered to keep peering over the wall filming the shabab who were throwing stones uninterrupted, no doubt gathering evidence for the next wave of raids and arrests in Bil'in.

Kufer al-Dik

Lately joined the villages with a weekly joint demonstrations and persist.


Friday Jan. 27, 2012

sheik Jarrah
The Friday demonstration and struggle against transfer continue.
The residents of Sheikh Jarrah together with Israeli activists are continuing their protest vigils in the neighborhood every Friday, protesting their violent evictions from their homes, the taking over of the neighborhood by the settlers, and the Judaization of East Jerusalem.
They call upon each and every person who supports their struggle to join them.


Creative Protest in Ma'asara as Israel Resumes the Construction of the Wall
A colorful march took place in Ma'asara this week following the recent Israeli decision to resume building the Wall.
Dozens of activists from Israel and abroad joined residents of Ma'asara this week to protest Israel's recent decision to resume the construction of the Wall in Bethlehem area. Aiming to counter oppression with creative force, the "Army of Clowns" a local performance group, took a significant role. Many of the protesters wore costumes and mask, and proceeded from the center of the village towards the main entrance to the village which chanting, singing and dancing. After a short confrontation with the soldiers who were placed to block the entrance, protesters moved a bit further and made a number of speeches. The protest ended without any arrests or injuries and with a promise to expand local resistance.

Nabi Saleh

Weekly demonstration against the Israeli occupation and settlements on January 27, 2011 in Nabi Saleh, in the West Bank.
Dozens joined the weekly protests in Nabi Saleh this week. The march proceeded from the center of the village towards the main roads where several jeeps were awaiting the protesters. Once again we got completely soaked demonstrating in the pouring rain in Nabi Saleh. There were stun grenades and tear gas, and two minor injuries, but no skunk water this time. We didn't miss them. Despite this, the protesters kept on chanting and marching for about 20 minutes. Most of the protests went back into the village as showers intensifies, however a small number of determined local youth remained in the fields and some clashed erupted between them and the soldiers. During the clashes the army shot rubber coated bullets at the youth, lightly injuring one young boy.
Photo Credit: Oren Ziv/Activestills



Kufr Qadum

Protesters in Kuffer Qaddum marched towards the Jewish-only settlement of Qedumim to demand access to their land and the restoration of Freedom of movement.
Hours before the weekly march was set to begin in Kuffer Qaddum, soldiers have already taken positions at the outskirts of the village in large forces and set up a razor-wire barricade on the road leading to the settlement.
As the hundreds protesters reached the barricade that blocked the road at around noon, one of the protest organizers called on the soldiers to let them through to their lands and open the road that used to serve as the village's main thoroughfare until the beginning of the Second Intifada.
A line of soldiers was awaiting the march. When a few of the protesters began removing the barricade, the soldiers immediately started firing immense barrages of tear-gas canisters directly at the protesters. Another group of soldiers, based on the hilltops also threw tear-gas canisters into the populated areas of the village, including into houses. Clashes persisted for less than an hour, following which protesters dispersed voluntarily, making their way back to the village in a symbolic victory march.
Picture Credit: International Solidarity Movement
David Reeb

South Hebron hills

This week we will accompany Palestinians farmers and shepherds to their lands in several locations in South Hebron hills. Harassment of Palestinian farmers and shepherds in the area by both settlers and the army continues.

This coming Saturday, January 28 , we need as many activists as possible to accompany them and stand up for their rights. There is a direct link between the number of activists who come to accompany the farmers and their ability to harvest and work their lands.
See Previous reports about the joint struggles of the Anarchists Against the Wall at:

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Jornal Socialismo Libertário número 28

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