Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Palestine-Israel, The Spring is behind the corner - the persistent joint struggle slowly expand

The winter cold did not freeze the joint struggle against the occupation, settler colonialist encroachment and occupation. The struggle in Beit Ummar, Bil'in, East Jerusalem, Kfar Al-Dik, Ma'asara, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qadum, South Hebron hills, Walaje... The world Spring upraising did not perish coming the winter cold, not even hibernating... just went into a lower gear. After getting over the cold shock of mid winter, the spring buds are starting to develop and the swallows start to fly. In our region there are some signs in the occupied Palestine regions and more so in Israel. The destruction of the last main tent camp of Tel Aviv Hatikva ignited the social struggle movement pre-spring wave of struggle.


This Friday we did not march towards the separation wall in Bil'in ... We just traveled the about three kilometers distance from the village center to the wall. The rain was a good excuse for the half of the the demonstrators who usually make the journey on foot. Twenty Israelis, few international, and few dozens of Bil'iners arrived at the route of the separation wall. The armed forces of the State of Israel conducted several experiments by rubber bullets, stinker fluids and tear gas grenades before they could fire effectively and convinced us to return to the village.
The hot tea and the variety of delicacies at Veggie were above expectancy and warmed our frozen bones.



This week we recorded the first success of this campaign when we managed to stop the illegal work that the Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) began to perform on the private lands of residents of Issawiya as part of the development of the new national park scheduled to be built on their land. The planned national park, located adjacent to the E1 area, would constitute another obstacle to any future agreement regarding Jerusalem and would "choke off" a number of Palestinian neighborhoods.

In the coming days, together with residents of A-Tur and Issawiya, organizing a series of protests against the approval of this national park:

1. The INPA destroyed it, we will fix it:
This Friday, January 13, join the residents of Issawiya in repairing the damage caused by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority through the work it started on the park infrastructure this week. Meet at 11:15 next to the Aroma Cafe on Mount Scopus (by Hebrew University). Contact: D.

2. A large demonstration in Safra square:
On Tuesday, January 17, we will demonstrate together with hundreds of residents of East Jerusalem in front of City Hall to protest the city's support of the National Park plan. Meet at Safra Square at 4:00 PM. Details about transportation will be published shortly. For the Facebook event, click here.

Nabi Saleh

13.1.2012 Raids and Arrests Precede Weekly Demo in Nabi Saleh. See http://t.co/ogyfenXs
By Abir Kopty:
This Friday, the weekly rally in the village of Nabi Saleh had a different smell for some of us.
We arrived early morning and learned that the Israeli army just left the village, after a raid that started at 2am. They raided more than ten houses using dogs, terrorized the families and children and detained three residents, Anan (15), Mahdi (20) and Khaled (27).
Army raid to Nabi Saleh 13.1.2012 Photo by Zeinab Tamimi at http://abirkopty.wordpress.com/2012/01/14/occupation-stinks/
Despite the heavy rain and freezing cold there was a good turn out. The demonstration started as usual after the Friday’s noon prayer. Minutes before the demo started, heavy rain began. However we all walked, chanted and sang while shivering and freezing.
Usually we walk towards the entrance of the village in an attempt to walk towards the spring through the main road, at the entrance the army wait for us, the moment we are 200m away, they start shooting tear gas directly towards us. Today, for the first time ever, they did not shoot tear gas at all, and we managed to get closer than usual. But they were ‘kind enough’ to spray us with the skunk water, which never reached us due to the strong wind and rain. Even when the rain stopped, the wind was moving the water away from us.
At the front, we were about 20 people, mostly women, 20-30m from the soldiers and the skunk water’s truck, still no tear gas. “How come?”, “What’s is wrong with them?” we asked ourselves. In fact, many of us, became addicted to tear gas, we need to inhale it every week. http://abirkopty.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/nabi2_b.jpg
Even when the Shabab-youth of the village started throwing stones from far away, the army did not respond. All of the sudden, the stones no longer “endanger” life . Soldiers could survive it without using arms.
There were two debated reasons for why we are not going to get our weekly dose of tear gas. One, That there was an American delegation of lawyers and scholars who were visiting Nabi Saleh and present at the rally. The other reason, also possible, that the tear gas will not work in this windy and rainy weather.
So, completely wet, shivering and freezing, we dared to come closer, to the closest point were the skunk water can’t reach us. It was very close. And this, it turned out, was the trap. The skunk pulled full gas, moved towards us and started spraying, everyone started running, but it was too late, we all got showered all over. The hair, body, clothes. Shitty and stinky smell was all over. If you ask me, I would rather inhale tear gas all day, even get rubber bullet than getting one drop of skunk water.
When the skunk stopped, it was one of the craziest scenes we viewed. We started all laughing, joking and hugging each other. We even started hugging those who did not get sprayed so we pass for them some of the ‘grace’. And that’s how the demonstration ended. No one could bear his\her or others’ smell and just wanted to rush back home.
Before saying good bye, people of Nabi Saleh advised us to scrub our hair with tomato and our skin with water and salt.
On our way back, we were four stinky people in the car and could not open the window since it was raining & freezing. We made fun of ourselves for the rest of the day. One decided to call us his “skunk comrades”, another created the hashtag #SmelllikeAThawri” (Thawri for revolutionary), one said her mother threw her shoes outside the house, another, who got the skunk via a hug, demanded a new jacket. One expected a long week with lots of tomatoes, and another wanted to give stinky hugs to everyone.
I think this picture with a quote of one of us says it all: “We Palestinians are crazy & Israeli army is right in hating us, we are skunked but still laughing & hugging”
In one month we experienced deep sorrow and grief after Mustafa Tamimi was murdered by Israeli army, and we experienced deep sarcasm and craziness after we got sprayed with skunk water. It is the greatness of becoming part of the Nabi Saleh family.
It will take at least one week until the smell get away of our bodies, and perhaps we will continue to joke about it for sometime, I guess because we understand that this is not our biggest problem. What really stinks is the occupation, and that’s the smell we want to get rid of.
Reports that demonstration has ended for the day. No reported arrests during the demonstration or injuries. Some protestors were bathed with skunk but nothing serious.


13/01/12, 200 Palestinians, joined by Israeli and international activists, marched in Qaddum this week. During the demonstration the army took over a village house to shoot tear-gas canisters at local youth.
yisraelpnm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuzpz2wW9go
abooood711 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMSBKLbui50

South Hebron hills

Friday, 13 January 2012 - Non-violent Action on the road from At-Tuwani to Yatta
What: The South Hebron Hills Popular Committee organizes a protest action on the road connecting At-Tuwani and nearby villages to the city of Yatta
Where: Beginning in At-Tuwani, South Hebron Hills
When: Friday 13 January 2012, 9.30 am
Why: to allow the work improving the road who connects this area with others Palestinian communities; to highlight the difficulties that Palestinian communities living in the South Hebron Hills villages face in their attempt to reach the nearest city of Yatta.

Additional Info: Villagers from the South Hebron Hills area, after the usual Friday prayer, will start working to improve the road leading to Yatta.

The purpose of the action is:
- to allow the Palestinians to work to improve their living conditions and their ability to me moving, the Israeli Military considers illegal the work on improving the road;
- to protest against the permanent difficulties that Palestinians from this area face when trying to travel along the only road connecting their villages to Yatta.

Please come to participate and to support the Palestinian communities of the South Hebron Hills in their attempt to secure the right of movement.


Israel Puterman video Al-Walajeh, 08.01.2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVnpIUDnAfM

Tel Aviv

Demonstration against the draconian law against "infiltrators" - refugees and work seekers, Tuesday late evening in city square.
Israel putermam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s76-nnlX1fc
Wednesday: All those arrested last night in Tel-Aviv, protesting the recent amendment to the 1954 Infiltration Law, are due to be released shortly
Haim Schwarczenberg http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3086256154687.2157796.1212414101

Sunday morning 15-1-12 a huge number of state and city forces attacked the Hatikva tent camp and demolished it - arresting 4 activists.
Emergency demo in front of city offices entrances at 16:00 was declared. Hundreds participated. About 14 activists were detained - two were taken to hospital for treatment.
Israel putermam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfLqsmVtRcs
18:00 at the interior and other state offices building a demo against the scandalous law of 3 years jail with no court hearing for refugees and worker immigrant crossing illegally the border.
Evening and night: activists of the Occupy movement return to the Rothschild boulevards/Habima location.

Don't say we did not know

Dear Friends
I prepared a story about attack of Settlers in Palestinian village Burin.. The Israeli TV channel 1 made a report about it. So I don't send my report and instead of it I send an article I wrote few weeks ago.
All the best to you!


The scam was a success. The political storm which followed the actions of the "price tag hooligans" has reached countries outside of Israel , presenting the government as fighting extremists who strike against Palestinians and even against the I.D.F. Only Lieberman's Foreign Ministry has managed, again, to jeopardize Israel 's relations with European countries, when describing them as "irrelevant", for not buying the scam.

A comparison between the I.D.F. and the "price tag hooligans" confirms that the I.D.F., which is subordinate to the Israeli government, inflicts much more severe damage and on a regular basis: Land robbery (over 50% of the land in the West Bank are in the hands of the Israelis), destruction of houses (over 26,000 since 1967), deportation, establishment of settlements on confiscated lands, water rights violations, uprooting of orchards and destruction of cultivated fields, prevention of the return of Palestinians who resided overseas for long periods of time and the prevention of family reunification of Palestinians with their spouses – this are only a partial list of the everyday occurrences and damages inflicted on the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

All these acts and occurrences have nothing to do with the safety of the Israeli people! These actions are done within the framework of the expansion frame work of Israeli governments since the Occupation in 1967. Even if only a small percentage of traumatized Palestinians, which trauma is a result of I.D.F. actions in the occupied territories, will decide to avenge their comrades, a small army of terrorists will arise to strike at the Israeli population.

Here begins the roll of the I.D.F.: Palestinian riots must be subdued and the Israeli population protected. In the name of national security land is confiscated and fruit trees are uprooted, the separation fence is built inside Palestinian territory and not on the Green Line border. Soldiers conduct night searches in villages causing destruction and traumatizing children and their families (until they take revenge). On these night searches not only terrorists are hunted but also non violent popular activists. Those activists adopt a struggle which poses no threat to the security of Israel 's population. It does, however, pose a threat to the continuing Occupation and its crimes.

What is the difference between the I.D.F. and the "price tag hooligans"? The I.D.F. has been active throughout the years to transfer the occupied territories to Israel so they will become part of it. These actions actually remove Palestinians from the remaining land that is still theirs. These actions are slow and calculated in order not to anger our overseas supporters. after all, our existence depends on their good will. Contrary to this practice, the "price tag hooligans" would like it to happen immediately, not understanding that Israel cannot allow itself to lose the support of the West, since those countries have policies against occupation, racism and the violation of human rights. The debate is not about removing or transferring the Palestinians from their lands but the pace of process.

It can be observed that all the effort of peace making has not slowed down the removal of Palestinians from their lands. Abu Mazen has understood that and today demands a true peace process which will prevent it. To this demand, the Israeli government does not agree. And so, as the Arab League suggests a peace treaty , including an end of Occupation and a reasonable solution to the refugee issue, Israel refuses; the Occupation is more important than securing our existence.
See http://awalls.org
See Previous reports about the joint struggles of the Anarchists Against the Wall at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue with the usual repression and resistance

Though the winter here is very mild with most days sunny and not so cold, the political whether is stormy. The colonial settlers attacks on the Palestinian villagers as a punishment for restriction of settlers by Israeli authorities are interwoven with the joint struggles, mainly in the villages persistence "Tsumud" resisting the crawling encroachment of their lands and transfer. In addition to the hot struggle in Nabi Saleh and the intermittent one in Wallage, there are the Kufr Qaddoum and Kfar A-Dic who joined lately, and the long term ones of Beit Ummar, Bil'in, Al-Ma'asara, Ni'ilin, Sheikh Jarrah (Jerusalem-AlKuds), South Hebron Hills. And of course, though in a toned down measure the social justice "Occupy Rothschild" struggle continue focused on the resisting the destructions of the few remaining tent camps.


Few hundreds marched in Friday demo in Bil'in commemorating the murder of Jawahar Abu Rhama a year ago as a result of the huge amounts of teargas fired by IOF. Among the marchers were about three dozen Israelis with the anarchists against the wall initiative, as well as lot of political activists from Ramallah and international activists. The wind was changing direction so the Israeli state forces failed in the efforts to disperse us.
After a long while a convoy of armed cars and soldiers crossed the wall and try to intimidate us... but were driven away by the shabab not before injuring 4 of us with metal bullets wrapped by rubber and many who suffocated for a while by tear gas. At the end we returned to the village weary but satisfied.

Another take:
Anne Paq/Activestills.org, Bil'in, 06.01.2012.
Anne Paq: "The weekly demonstration in the West Bank village of Bil'in was dedicated to Jawaher Abu Rahmah, a Palestinian resident from Bil'in, who died last year following massive tear gas inhalation during the demonstration.
The large group of protesters walked towards the Separation Wall which is built on the lands of Bil'in to protect the nearby settlement of Mod'ilin Illit, also built on the village's land.
The visual effect was greatly enhanced by a lots of Palestinian youth wearing masks made of hats with the colors of the Palestinian flag.
The Israeli soldiers started to throw tear gas on protesters. One Israeli soldier also shot live ammunition towards a Palestinian protester who managed to pass the barbed wire line in front of the Wall. As the protesters were actually walking back, Israeli jeeps crossed the Wall to chase demonstrators, attacking them with tear gas and bullets. Palestinian youth started to throw stones at the jeeps, the Israeli soldiers continued shooting. Some brave Palestinian demonstrators came closer to prevent the soldiers from shooting. At one stage, a protester even jumped on one Israeli soldier to stop him shooting, another one also managed to throw a tear gas canister inside a jeep. Amazing footage can be seen in Haitham Katib's video below. The Israeli soldiers finally withdrew, leaving four protesters injured. It is quite again a miracle that today no one was killed or seriously injured. Jawaher did not have that chance; she was killed by the tear gas, which has become a lethal weapon in the Middle East.
Richard http://on.fb.me/wpv9Ci


Also on Friday, Al-Ma'asara activists demonstrated against the renewal of construction work on the Apartheid Wall near the village. Demonstrations in Ma'asara have been taking place on a weekly basis for more than five years now, and after a long pause – construction work in the area was restarted this week.

Kfar a-Dik

There will be a demo in Kfar a-Dik tomorrow. If you can make it please let me know

Nabi Saleh

weekly demonstration, Jan. 6, 2012 against the occupation and settlements
Haim Schwarczenberg http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3058387137979.2157258.1212414101
David Reeb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkGD4etz9VM
hassan daboos http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.273303012726162.66260.228124070577390
Richard http://on.fb.me/zAaC2d


Chen Misgav photos of Ni'ilin & Nabi Saleh http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150572687091803.432950.770301802
Richard http://on.fb.me/yxR17i


They also have weekly demos in Qadum and we have been invited. If you can make it please let me know.

Kufr Qaddum weekly demonstration Jan. 6, 2012
A protest against the Jewish settlement of Qadomem, near the West Bank City of Nablus on January 6, 2011.

Kufr Qaddoum marches forward despite threats of violence

At noon on the 6th of January, 2012, a demonstration was held in the village Kufr Qaddoum, located just outside Nablus. The people gathered after the Friday-prayer and started marching along the main road that runs through the village. This road was, until the year of 2003, also the main road to Nablus, which by then only was a 10 minute drive away. This came to a short end during the second Intifada when the Israeli army decided to close the road as they considered it a safety risk to the nearby illegal settlements. The Israeli government has, since the end of the Intifada, agreed that the road is not a “safety risk” anymore and therefore gave the green-light to reopen it. The army however has so far disobeyed this decision and refuses to open the road which means that the villagers still have to take a detour of about 30 minutes, making the drive to Nablus three times longer and more expensive than before.
This denial by the army is the reason why today 150 – 200 Palestinians, accompanied by internationals, marched in a peaceful demonstration towards the roadblock to show their dissatisfaction with the Israeli army and to reclaim their right to their road. When the demonstrators approached the road-block they were met by about 15 armed soldiers standing on the road and approximately 5 more soldiers stationed on the hills next to the road. About 50 meters in front of the soldiers on the road they had placed barbed-wire. The soldiers spoke through a megaphone declaring that if anyone crossed the barbed-wire the demonstrators would be met by violence. Not one of the protesters crossed the line nor used any violence but simply tried to remove the barbed-wire when the soldiers began to fire teargas-canisters, forcing the protesters to run back towards the village. The protesters were then followed by a truck spraying them with “skunk-water” from a water canon as well as by soldiers attacking them with teargas and stun-grenades from the hillsides, as well as from the streets, and continued following the protesters deeper into the village. This violence continued throughout the demonstration, which lasted for about two hours. In the end the soldiers withdrew, and the Palestinians reached the road-block where they sang and cheered before they went back to the village, all the time watched by soldiers ready to take action from a hill closer to the nearby settlements.
Photos http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.343053662371611.91484.136633479680298
Israel Puterman video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgArIIgBSYU
Richard http://on.fb.me/zB493c
QNN http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.300795569956762.76179.207291869307133

Sheikh Jarrah

Richard http://on.fb.me/zHllja
Guy Butavia http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150518631402138.396514.779192137

South of Hebron Hills

Saturday 9.1.2012
Activists escorting plowing and sowing, eight new demolition orders in Umm al-heir, 5 demolition orders for cistern in hlat' a - Foron, and a new transport aircraft been build
Saturday, Butavia http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150522766062138.397177.779192137
Guy Butavia http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150525731862138.397735.779192137


Direct action against the building of the Wall, Al-Walajeh, Sunday 08.01.2012 From Anne Paq Today there was a direct action organized in Al-Walajeh village close to Bethlehem. A group of Israel activists sit in front of a caterpillar bulldozer which was working on building the route of the Wall and managed to stop it for about one hour. 9 Israeli activists were forcibly dragged by Israeli soldiers and arrested. They are now in Atarot police station. The action highlights the critical situation of Al-Walajeh village. Once completed the village will be totally surrounded by the Wall, isolating it from both Jerusalem and the West Bank. Hundreds of trees had been uprooted and the villagers will lose access to their lands. More action will take place. Bulldozers building the Wall should not be stopped for one hour, they should be stopped forever!
"9 people were arrested today while blocking a bulldozer working on the route of the Wall in the village Al-Walajeh . They are now interrogated in Atarot in suspicion of violating a legal order and obstructing an officer." All 9 were released late evening with usual restrictions.
See ActiveStills photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/activestills/

Tel Aviv

Social Justice struggle
42 activists were detained during a few hundreds demo at Saturday evening in south Tel Aviv (Atikva) against the eviction of homeless families in one of the last occupation camps of the summer social struggle. Among the arrested two of the founders of the J14 uprising. The last ones were released Sunday Morning.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle try to accelerate the turning speed of the wheels of history...

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle try to accelerate the turning speed of the wheels of history...

Some time the persistence (Tsumud) is the main aspect of the struggle against the mighty enemies. Some times, small successes improve the feelings of the involved. Such seems to be the joining of the Qadum village to the list of joint struggle of local popular struggle activists and the Israeli anarchists against the wall. During the years we were invited and participated there in activities but only lately it ripened to the level of Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Ma'asarah, Beit Ummar, Sheikh Jarrah, and Nabi Saleh. The expansion of the joint struggle start to light red lamps on the Israeli dash board and the anarchists are mentioned more and more as an enemy that needs a harsh treatment... even if it will damage the farcical/phoney image of Israeli democracy.

Beit Ummar
Saturday 31.12.11
Chen Misgav http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150558039886803.430408.770301802


Around 15 Israelis and 10 internationals joined the weekly Palestinian demonstration in Bil'in for the return of the village's stolen lands and for freedom to all between the river and the sea. Santa, who should have already gone back to the north pole, made a surprise appearance, perhaps because he was denied the right to leave Palestine, like photo-journalist Moheeb Bargotiuy (nearly always in the Friday Bil'in non violent demo) who was supposed to attend an exhibition of his work in Beirut, and was denied the right to leave Palestine (the official reason for the ban on Moheeb's travel was suspected cooperation with the Hizbullah; Moheeb, however, is strongly committed to nonviolence and does not even sympathize with the Hizbullah). When the protesters approached the wall, the air was already filled with the smell of tear gas. The protesters marched upwind along the wall to the northern gate under a relatively mild attack of tear gas, and demanded to be let through to their lands. The shabab responded in a way that one may term "proportional", if one were to adopt Israeli jargon. After a while we heard a cry for medical assistance from the southern stretch of the fence, where one protester was injured by gas. The shabab were holding their ground there through a somewhat more intense confrontation that lasted for about two hours, until they finally managed to lure the soldiers to cross the wall and chase them as far as the old wall, where the soldiers' own gas screen curbed their efforts.
Haitham Al Khatib http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2740627467850.137898.1022320161
haithmkatib http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDwAwSiZaKg


There will be a demo in Kfar a-Dik If you can make it please let me know.
Friday, Soldiers have just stopped protesters in Kufer al-Dik from praying on their land, on which Israel plans to build a new settlement.


Eviction Danger in Sheikh Jarrah Yet Again!
Resume the march to Sheikh Jarrah
Join us this Friday, December 30th, at 1pm from the Mashbir square, King George Street, Jerusalem. Together we will walk to Sheikh Jarrah, protesting against the pending eviction. Join us after that at the weekly demonstration, 3pm at the Sheikh-Jarrah garden, Demascus Road (near the American Colony), together with the residents of Sheikh-Jarrah

On Friday afternoon 30/11/11 the Israelis and Palestinians activists resumed to march downtown neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah protest against the evacuation of homes and occupation of East Jerusalem, the march was not violent and was relatively calm, protestors hijacked swearing and spitting as they paced the Jerusalem pedestrian mall, demonstrators chanted slogans against the occupation and evacuation of houses, and distributed flayers, we arrived about three o'clock in the entrance to Sheikh Jarrah and from there we walked into the neighborhood to the homes of the stolen express solidarity with the evicted families and to protest against the takeover of the settlers on the houses, one of the houses were trying settlers tear us the poor dogs their. We will continue to protest until they returned to their home Palestinians families

A-Tur Tour: Launching new campaign in East-Jerusalem --- The residents of A-Tur and Issawiya have, for years, been struggling for the right to develop and expand their neighborhoods, on land that is privately owned- by them. But the State of Israel has chosen not to allow them to build, even on their own land.
Every one of the neighborhoods presented zoning plans, whose preparations costed the residents hundreds of thousands of shekels out of their own pockets, and yet the plans were never even discussed by the Israeli authorities.
Instead of allowing the residents of these neighborhoods to build schools, houses and public spaces, the State of Israel, along with the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, to declare a new "National Park" on the last remaining land reserves in East Jerusalem.
Now the residents of A-Tur and Issawiya have decided, despite attempts to scare them into submission, to begin a public struggle for their rights to build on their own land. As a first step, Solidarity, along with the popular committees in the area, invites you to a tour of the new "National Park." Come to listen, to enjoy from the "wonders of nature" in the area, and to help plan the next step in the struggle.
We will meet on Saturday, 12.31.11

Walking Against the Occupation and evacuation 30.12.2011
Guy Butavia http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150503665042138.393672.779192137
Tal King http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150444838123244.360641.642813243
picaresque21 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gas9p4pVNC8
Mario Savio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYaT-A_0KBc
Sheikh Jarrah demo march http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31s1l0fAhVc
guybo111 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MkU8peGCS8

Kufer al-Dik:

Protesters marching in Kufer al-Dik against the construction of a new settlement on their lands. Soldiers have just stopped protesters in Kufer al-Dik from praying on their land, on which Israel plans to build a new settlement.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=337655032911474 http://t.co/D3blueQH


Activists in al Maasara near Bethlehem are reporting that two people - 1 Palestinian and 1 international have been arrested in the Friday weekly demonstration.
Tal King http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150442482858244&set=oa.283576991689822

Nabi Saleh

This Friday Nabi Saleh Marks 3 Years to the Gaza Massacre
Activists reporting that IOF have already mobilized 2 gas canister launchers, 1 bulldozer, 1 skunk trunk & many military jeeps and soldiers and arrested two internationals even though the demonstration has not started yet. According to Linah Alsaafin the kidnapped internationals are being charged with disobeying orders. They kept running when ordered to stop by IOF....
Protesters in Nabi Saleh are marching today with balloons dedicated to the victims of Operation Cast Lead.
The same toxic US Made tear gas, Yellow and a little greenish, that is used at #Bahrain is used now at #NabiSaleh

"Dozens participated in this week's demonstration in Nabi Saleh, marking 3 years to the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip, killing over 1400 Palestinians. Nabi Saleh residents, other Palestinians, and international and Israeli supporters marched peacefully from the center of the village.
As always, a peaceful procession met with Israeli aggression. The Israeli forces used their “skunk” foul-water cannon against non-violent demonstrators. Once the demonstrators chose a different path, where the “skunk” couldn't reach them, tear gas canisters were shot at them. This did not deter the demonstrators who kept going towards the village's spring and other lands that Halamish settlers have annexed or are attempting to annex. Some demonstrators kept going and got close to the other Palestinian village Halamish has grabbed land from - Deir Nidham. As kids from Deir Nidham watched from beyond the main road, over six Israeli military vehicles and dozens of soldiers crowded the road. Masses of tear gas canisters were shot, including directly at demonstrators, from a close range.
The demonstration kept going until sundown, in several locations. Some people hurled stones to ward off the army incursion. Several people were injured from directly shot canisters and tear gas inhalation. Even before the demo has started, Israeli forces raided the village and arrested two international activists. Towards the day's end, the Israeli army took over the main road of the village, leading to Ramallah, and asked every car for identification of its passengers. Two Palestinians were taken out of service taxis going through this ad hoc checkpoint. They were arrested on suspicion of participating in the demo and beaten up by the Israeli soldiers."

tamimi1966 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiksUn--0ZU
Haim Schwarczenberg http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3017924406436.2156296.1212414101


Paying the Price: Ni'ilin Commemorates its Martyrs

The village of Ni'ilin maintains weekly protest despite the heavy price. This week, the village marked three years to the killing of Mohammed Khawaje and Arafat Khawaje.
Volleys of tear gas, rubber coated steel bullets and live ammunition is how the Israeli Army met a small demonstration in remembrance of 2 martyrs, in Ni’lin today. Starting after Friday prayers approximately 25 Palestinians and few Israeli and internationals made their way from the village through olive groves to the Apartheid Wall to commemorate the murder of Mohammed Khawaje and Arafat Khawaje on the 28th December 2008. Mohammed was shot in the forehead with live ammunition and Arafat was fatally shot in the back when attempting to rescue another villager who had been shot by an Israeli sniper.
The protest was immediately greeted with the full arsenal of the weapons available to the Israeli military. There was nearly as many heavily armed soldiers as demonstrators. A Palestinian demonstrator pleaded through a megaphone in a fog of tear gas for the soldiers to “Stay Human.” The reply was a callous round of live ammunition fired at the demonstration. As the demo drew to a close, an armored Humvee packed with soldiers taunted the protest before a final set of shots were fired.
Ni’lin has been holding these weekly demonstrations since the Apartheid Wall was first planned. The Wall has annexed over 30% of the land of Ni’lin and has cost the lives of 5 martyrs. The protest continues weekly.


Anarchists Against the Wall Join The struggle in Qadum

They also have weekly demos in Qadum and we have been invited. If you can make it please let me know. k/
http://www.awalls.org/anarchists_join_the_struggle_in_qadum 18/12/2011 The Village of Qadum is located in the center of the West Bank near the Nablus. Since 1975 the settlement of Kdumim has been expanding on their lands. The village was subjected to the usual array of abuses and attacks from their new uninvited neighbors. 9 years ago the only exit from the village was blocked by the army. The reason is probably that the settlers wanted to connect two settlements on both sides of the road and did not want Palestinian traffic close to their houses.
Year of litigation and political efforts did not help and on July 1st 2011 the village launched a popular struggle to demand the reopening of road. Since then the people of Qadum have had large demonstrations every week. They have invited international and Israeli supporters and AATW have have came several times over the last months. Last week a group of AATW activists committed to coming to support the demonstrations every week. This would be the 6th village that AATW will be supporting on a long term basis at weekly demonstrations.

Protest in Qadum, December, 30, 2011 -- Kufr Qaddum Demonstrators Force Israeli Army to Withdraw

Some 200 demonstrators joined the weekly protest against land grab and for freedom of movement in the village of Kufr Qaddum. Residents of the village, joined by a solidarity delegation from Bil'in and Israeli and international activists, made their way to the main road of the village that had been blocked by the army for the past 9 years. Many youth, as well as a local DJ joined the protest, making the demonstration into an especially lively event.

The village has been effectively besieged since the beginning of the Second Intifada, when the main and only entrance to the village was blocked by the army. Furthermore, settlers of the adjacent settlement Kedumin have been long taking over privately owned Palestinian land in a manner that even the Israeli civil Administration called "theft"
The army awaited the demonstrators on the main road, stretching barbed wire across the path and firing tear-gas projectiles towards the crowd. Clashes began to erupt between the local youth and the army, which persisted for about two hours. After making an attempt to move forward, the army finally left the village, leading the protesters to embark on a spontaneous "victory march" back into the village.

Picture Credit: Ann Paq/Activestills at:
yisraelpnm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBT6XgJ_9wY


Demonstration, Dec. 30, 2011: http://on.fb.me/s2mWxu

Southern Hebron Hills

31.12.2011 Guy Butavia http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150507539992138.394459.779192137


Don’t say we did not know #292

On Wednesday, 21st December, 2011, government representatives, accompanied by police forces, demolished five homes in the Bedouin village ‘Atir in the Negev .

They then went on to demolish two homes near the village Umm Matnan, belonging to the ‘Amrani family.

Sixty people were made homeless.

Then they demolished El’Araqib, yet again.

* * * * * * * *

On Wednesday , 21st December, 2011, IDF forces went to the Palestinian village Kufr A-Diq (near Salfit) and demolished three agricultural structures and two water cisterns .

Questions & queries: amosg@shefayim.org.il

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue with blaming of the anarchists by the Israeli prime minister and his extreme rightist supporters.

The political arena in Palestine occupied by Israel and Israel did not take the winter hibernation. The Arab Spring seems to continue during both the summer, the Autumn, and even the winter. The Hamas, who supported the nonviolent joint popular struggle in Bil'in from the beginning in spite of extreme fundamentalists objections to it, adopted now the the nonviolent popular struggle as the main strategy. Israeli escalation of repression of this and the joint struggle is expected. In spite of the uncertainty we continued another week of joint struggle: Beit Ummar, Bil'in, East Jerusalem-Al-Kuds (Silwan,Shu'fat,Sheikh Jarrah), Al-Ma’sara, Naby Saleh, Ni'ilin, kafr a-Dik, Kafr Qadum, Qalandiya, South Of Hebron Hills. Within Israel the social justice struggle continue in localized struggles with a moving focus. The air is vibrating with the expectancy of a dramatic eruption.

Beit Ummar

Saturday, Dec., 24, 2011
John Brown:


"Two days before Xmas day, almost 20 Israelis, a few internationals and two Santas joined the weekly Palestinian demonstration against the wall and occupation in Bil'in. With bells a ringin', we marched to the wall, and as soon as Santa touched the barbed wire (that protects the other barbed wire that protects the concrete wall that protects the Israeli snipers that protect the settlers watching over from the other side), before we could even chant "hura hura Falasteen", Santa and his entourage had a barrage of gas canisters shot directly at them, just barely failing to repeat the military achievement of killing a protester in Nebi Salah two weeks earlier. Due to a local wedding the shabab decided on a short demo and, with very few exceptions, refrained from throwing stones at the people who steal their lands and try to kill them, but this didn't prevent the army from shooting several more barrages of gas canisters directly at protesters, which, only by sheer chance or Xmas spirit, ended up whistling in their ears rather than crushing their skulls. After some exchange of insults with the settlers hiding behind the soldiers and a brief excursion between the barbed wire and the wall, the protesters returned home early, as planned, with a few iron poles appropriated from the fence as an early Xmas present courtesy of the Occupation."

Rani Abdel Fatah - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2954709589937.298391.1327358013


Silwan Demonstration 24/12/2010
Hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians, gathered in Silwan in East Jerusalem for a demonstration and march against the settler colonialist robbery.

Protest the new checkpoint
Approximately 30 Palestinians, Israelis, and internationals gathered at the edge of Shu'fat refugee camp today to demonstrate against the new Israeli checkpoint.

Sheikh Jarrah
The persistent Friday demonstration

Al-Ma’sara weekly demonstration, Dec. 23, 2011

Naby Saleh

The IDF confirmed that sharp shooters fired 0.22 caliber ammunition at the lower body of a protester in the West Bank town of Nabi Saleh Friday afternoon. An IDF spokesman noted that the protester was previously known to security forces and was specifically targeted after he was identified throwing stones at security forces.
Live Sniper-Fire Injures Protester in Nabi Saleh. See http://t.co/VRFw2zye
Activists posted a picture on-line of a man who appeared to have been shot in his thigh.
Now with a video of the shooting: Live Sniper-Fire Injures Protester in Nabi Saleh. See http://t.co/VRFw2zye
Nariman Tamimi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUxsnQcaYCY
Chen Misgav http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150541497941803&set=a.10150541496631803.427282.770301802
Fadi Arouri http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150486885143088.398817.16160983087
Today two prisoners http://www.flickr.com/photos/activestills/6559081609/in/photostream
Dvid Eeeb - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OovgDlGN9wQ
Israel Puterman video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiayZOMF1Yo
Tamimi Press http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.301543036556850.77187.113817528662736

Ni'ilin 23/12/2011

By Mario Savio http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.312634685437844.81335.100000739446057


A Demo in Qalandiya Town Against the construction of the Separation Wall.

South Of Hebron Hills

There were demos also at:
kafr a-Dik
Kafr Qadum
See http://awalls.org
See Previous reports about the joint struggles of the Anarchists Against the Wall at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle persist in spite of Israel state harassments

This week we added the mourning of Mustafa Tamimi to the ongoing joint struggle. There was a special recruitment of activists to Nabi Saleh with around of 100 Israelis in addition to Palestinians activists of the region who joined the hundreds of Nabi Saleh villagers. The conflicts with the Israeli state forces was more than usual and was included action in the entrance of the adjacent colonialist settlement who rob Nabi Saleh lands and springs. The Bil'in struggle continue week after week and in addition to being a symbol for the struggle against the separation fence, robbery of lands by settler colonialists and the occupation, it is also a focus of defamation of our struggle by the Israeli Prime minister and his servants. The Israeli courts system that usually serve whole heartedly the transfer of Palestinian had a glitch when a judge refused to evict Palestinians from two hoses in occupied East Jerusalem.


16 Dec. The 360th Friday demonstration against the separation wall/fence and the occupation in Bil'in. At noon, some drove directly to the new separation wall, most of us marched the long way towards it. We were about 15 Israelis, similar number of internationals and few dozens Palestinians. Many of us held the picture of Mustafa Tamimi murdered last Friday demo in Nabi Saleh. Soon after we arrived at the wall the state force "warned" us with tear gas grenades but due to a friendly wind that carried the gas towards them they refrained for a while from shooting us. Many of the shabab who started earlier confrontation with the soldiers at the south end of the reservation moved towards our location and had a long and intense "communication" with the soldiers who had to hide behind the wall.
Few of the shabab and one of the main demonstration carrying a flag even succeeded to enter the forbidden zone between the spools of barbed wire and the wall. After long while, as the state force failed to disperse us with the shower of tear gas they shoot from behind the wall, they crossed the wall and came with their armed cars and by foot to threat us...
At this stage most of the participants dispersed on the surrounding hills and returned to the village.

Rani http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2911056178629


Demo against the new checkpoint this Sunday at !6:00
Representatives of the Palestinian community in Shuafat have invited Israelis and Internationals to come to the weekly demo against the new checkpoint constructed by the Israeli military. The demonstration will be held on Sunday at 3. A transportation will pick up attendees from the Bell Garden at 1:45. To register for the transportation/directions please contact Michael at 0507750754
Approximately 30 Palestinians, Israelis, and internationals gathered at the edge of Shu'fat refugee camp today to demonstrate against the new Israeli checkpoint, which opened last Monday, December 12 and that an Israeli activist referred to as ethnic cleansing.
Pictures - http://www.alternativenews.org/english/index.php/topics/jerusalem/3993-in-photos-palestinians-israelis-and-internationals-protest-new-checkpoint-at-shufat
Haim Schwarczenberg - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2927781712925.2154116.1212414101

Sheikh Jarrah
We will meet at the Sheikh Jarrah Garden, Nablus Road and Dahlmann St.


The weekly demonstration against the Wall and settlements in Ma'asara commenced peacefully, like on any other week in the past five years. Some 50 protesters marched from the center of the village towards the main road, aiming to reach their agricultural lands, confiscated to build the Wall.
Chanting slogans and raising banners, the demonstrators soon met a military battalion that was standing in a line on the road, aiming to prevent the march from passing through. As they reached the soldiers, Hassan Breijieh approached them and asked might he be allowed to cross to his lands. The soldiers replied, apparently mockingly, that he may. As soon as Breijieh took two steps forward he was immediately arrested.
The demonstration continued for some time following this event. As most of the protesters were heading back into the village, soldiers arrested a local youth, Ibrhaim Fawaja, claiming that he had thrown stones. While soldiers told the demonstrators that they will be released shortly, both remain in custody and it is still unclear when they will be brought before a judge.
Weekly demonstration, Dec. 16, 2011 Photos by Yousef Shaheen

Nabi Saleh

Thursday evening - commemoration for the martyr Mustafa Tamimi murdered last week end.

The village of is calling for a central demonstration this Friday to protest the killing of Mustafa Tamimi and show their resolve in the face of IDF murderousness.
The people of this small village have been assaulted endlessly in the nearly two years since they started to demonstrate regularly for their rights and for their lands. They have been arrested and injured countless times and now the IDF has done its' worse.
Still, they remain committed to their struggle and are calling on their supporters to join them this Friday to show that they and their supporters will not be give in.
Please let us know early if you can come so transportation can be arranged. Contact N

Text by Jonathan Pollak on Mustafa Tamimi:

Palestine-Israel: Nabi Salih, the death of a stone-thrower

at: http://www.anarkismo.net/article/21384


More than 100 Israelis joined the heroic people of the village and activists from Bilin and the region (including international activists).

Hundreds joined the weekly demonstration in Nabi Saleh today, including more than 100 Israelis, and a contingent of activists from Bil'in for marking the killing of Mustafa Tamimi (28), who was shot in the face during the weekly protest in the village last Friday. Tamimi was shot from a distance of less than 10 meters behind the semi-open door of an armored military jeep.

The demonstration held today commenced peacefully from the center of the village towards the spring confiscated by the nearby settlement Halamish. Shortly after arriving to the point where Tamimi was shot last week, the march was attacked by a shower tear-gas, shot by Border Police soldiers - both in arch and directly towards protesters. Massive amounts of tear-gas were shot continuously for approximately 30 minutes, despite the fact that no stone throwing was taking place. In addition, the "Skunk" truck carrying foul-smelling water was used to spray the entire area including the large crews of press present.
During the same time, a group of Palestinian, Israeli and international activists were blocking the entrance to the settlement of Halamish, built adjacent Nabi Saleh, on privately owned Palestinian land. 10 protesters were arrested in this attempt.
In the village, clashes started erupting between local youth and the army. A small group of protesters, who managed to get quite close to the spring, were also arrested. A Palestinian woman was pepper-sprayed by a Border Policemen for no evident reason. Several protesters and media personnel were slightly injured by tear gas canisters. One of them was evacuated to receive medical treatment.

Another group of Palestinian protesters were arrested while already leaving the village, when a taxi going to Ramallah was stopped by the army. All commuters were taken off the car and a number of them were arrested. All arrestees were taken to the Benyamin police station and most of them are charged with road blocking and entrance to close military zone.

‎25 arrested/detained - including Palestinians of the village and from Bil'in, Israelis and internationals - preliminary reports are that the majority of those detained are being held in the illegal Israeli colony of Halamish. Later, 8 of 10 Palestinians were released while two were taken with most of the internationals and Israelis to Benyamin police station. Later, most released with 14 accepted ban of 15 days on returning to Nabi Saleh. 2 Israeli women detainees remained in custody as they have refused to sign conditions of being banned from the area for a certain period of time and are staying in jail In solidarity with Mohammad Tamimi and Mohammad Khatib. They will be brought before a judge this evening in Jerusalem.

the internationals and the Israelis were released except 2 who refused to sign on two weeks ban on returning to Nebi Saleh.

Fadi Arouri - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150473279093088.396263.16160983087
guybo111 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOOFHpwQyFo
davidreeb - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB4QcYyjb3g
RT - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5HOajv2c4c
Israel Putermam video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnD8biAA3FY

From Mohammed Khatib 18-12-11
I have just been released from jail, after three days inside. I was arrested last Friday, together with 22 others, in the village of Nabi Saleh, during a demonstration commemorating the murder of Mustafa Tamimi. Our arrest took place as we peacefully protested near the entrance to the Jewish-only settlement of Halamish, which is built on lands stolen from Nabi Saleh.

Minutes after we got to the gate, Israeli Border Police officers moved in to remove us from the scene. Palestinians, Israeli and international activists, we were all shackled and dragged away into military jeeps that transported us to the adjacent military base, which is in fact part of the settlement.

In the military base, still shackled, I was assaulted by a settler who hit me in the face, leaving me with a bloody nose. Shortly after, the settler also attacked a female Israeli activist who was by my side. The soldiers and policemen present did not prevent the attack, nor did they bother to detain the settler after the fact. Instead, the zip-tie locks on my hands were removed, only for my arms to be bound again, this time behind my back.

Hours later, at the police station, I learned that to cover up their responsibility for my attack, the soldiers have laid a bogus complaint against me for assaulting them. My hands were tied, my face was bleeding, but it was I who spent the night in the inside of prison cell.

Mohammed Tamimi from Nabi Saleh was also arrested during that same demonstration. While the police decided to release all the others, he and I were to remain in jail. During our demonstrations, soldiers often take pictures, to later use them as "incriminating evidence". This time, the soldiers used one such picture to accuse Mohammed of throwing stones during a demonstration a few weeks or months back. The man pictured in that photograph is not Mohammed Tamimi from Nabi Saleh, regardless, he remains in jail. Military law allows Israel to keep us Palestinians in jail for eight days before seeing a judge, and even then, it is a soldier in uniform who is the so called neutral arbitrator.

As the prison doors closed behind me, my happiness was clouded by the fact that Mohammed Tamimi was not released. The battle for his freedom is only beginning, as our lawyers prepare the petition for his release. If you can, please help us fund legal aid for him and for the countless others who are regularly arrested protesting Israeli Occupation.

I would also like to use this letter to extend my gratitude to Ayala Shani, an Israeli comrade who was arrested with me. She refused the injustice of being released while both me and Mohammed Tamimi were still detained. As these words are written, she is still in jail, despite having been offered her freedom twice already by Israeli courts.

Mohammed Khatib

Ayala, who refused to sign her release papers (with commitment not to return 15 days to Nabi Saleh) as solidarity with Mohammed Tamimi still jailed was literally kicked out of jail without signing any papers on 19-12-11 with Mohammed Tamimi the only one of Friday demo detainees still at jail.


Protesters in Manage to Open a Gate Long Closed by the Army.
Approximately 100 residents and activists in Ni'ilin for the Friday demonstration against the separation fence used to rob their lands and occupation. They also protested Israeli construction work in the Gates of the Temple Mount (Bab Al Magharbeh) in Jerusalem. Protesters managed to open an agricultural gate that has been closed for more than six months.

The demonstration commenced at the center of the village shortly after the Friday prayer, marching towards the concrete wall surrounding the separation barrier built on the village's agricultural lands. Upon arriving to the Wall, protesters burned tires as well as a cardboard-made model of settlements. A small group of youth then began throwing stones at the Wall, to which the army responded by shooting large amounts of tear-gas projectiles.
Despite the heavy fall of tear gas, protesters were able to reach an agricultural gate installed in the Wall. The gate is supposed to be open in fixed times to enable farmers to reach their lands, however it has been constantly closed for at least six months. Demonstrators were able to open up a passage of about half a meter in this gate. The army responded rapidly – for the first time in months soldiers passed the Wall and entered the village, shooting large amounts of tear gas and rubber coated bullets at the demonstrators. Clashes lasted for over an hour, through which at least one protester was slightly injured.

Kufr Qaddum

Dec. 16, 2011 Resistance Persists in Kufr Qaddum
Dozens join the weekly demonstration against land grab and closure in Kufr Qaddum. Army replies with a shower of tear gas and invades the village.
Weekly demonstrations in Kufr Qaddum Persist. Residents of Kufer Qaddum in the northern West Bank are protesting land grab by settlers and severe violations of their freedom of movement. Settlers of the adjacent settlement Kedumin have been long taking over privately owned Palestinian land in a manner that even the Israeli civil Administration called "theft". Moreover, since the beginning of the second Intifada the main road leading to the town has been blocked by the army, largely impeding transport in and out of town


Demonstration in Qalandia Town Dec. 16, 2011 Against the construction of the Separation Wall.

Photos by Nasser Shiyoukh, ''I love Ramallah" & Ahmad Gharabali


Don’t say we did not know #290

On Tuesday, 6th December, 2011, the IDF demolished two homes and three agricultural sheds (one of them without a military demolition order) in the Palestinian village El-Halaila, near the settlement Givat Ze’ev. One home owner who received a demolition order partially demolished his home in advance, hoping that this would give his family at least some sort of shelter. It did not help. Twelve souls were left without a roof over their heads.

Questions & queries: amosg@shefayim.org.il

See http://awalls.org
See Previous reports about the joint struggles of the Anarchists Against the Wall at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Palestine-Israel,Mustafa Tamimi of Nabi Saleh was added to the list of martyrs of the joint struggle

About 20 Palestinian people involved in the joint struggle were already murdered by the Israeli state forces. Due to differential orders about shooting Israeli participants, till now no Israeli activist was murdered, though few were operated in hospitals after being shot, two lost part of their sight, and three suffered brain damage. Last Friday, Mustafa Tamimi of Nabi Saleh was murdered during the weekly demonstration by direct fire from few meter distance from an armored car. His head was seriously injured and hours of operations failed to save his life. Few thousands participated in the procession in Ramalla and about thousand came to his burial in Nabi Saleh. Dozens activists of the anarchists against the wall who knew Mustafa from the Friday demonstrations were among the about 50 Israelis who came to pay the last honer to Mustafa.

Bi'lin weekly demonstration, Dec. 9, 2011

The new pattern of the Friday demonstration in Bil'in already established. As soon as the noon prayer ends a contingent of the shabab travel to the new separation wall, and start their action at the south end of the adjacent Abu Lamun nature reservation. When the nonviolence demonstrators march approach the reservation the Israeli state force already attack the shabab with tear gas grenades. When our march pass the reservation and approach the wall, the state force just wait for an excuse to open their tear gas fire on us.

This week we had a relatively lively demonstration. The Palestinian activists of the village and the 7 Israelis of the anarchists against the wall initiative were joined by about two dozens of Belgian media students and half a dozen of Japanese medical project people. Due to the wind, we had to cross a cloud of tear gas which was carried from the shabab confrontation. We could see but luckily not smell the stinking water cannon spraying the shabab. Not long after we reached the separation wall, an activist of the shabab walked from the south along the wall between it and the spools of barbed wire "protecting" it. As expected, when he arrived at the point between the demonstration and the wall, the soldiers started to shoot us with canisters of tear gas. Due to the western wind most of us could not resist the tear gas and after a while all of the non violent demonstrators started to return to the village.

PHOTOS | Bi'lin weekly demonstration, Dec. 9, 2011: http://on.fb.me/uZeVxJ


Shuafat - PHOTOS | Clashes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat, Dec. 11, 2011: http://on.fb.me/uuYehn — Richard Dufek's
Representatives of the Palestinian community in Shuafat have invited Israelis and Internationals to come to the weekly demo against the new checkpoint constructed by the Israeli military. The demonstration will be held on Sunday at 3. A transportation will pick up attendees from the Bell Garden at 1:45. To register for the transportation/directions please contact M.

Sheikh Jarrah
The residents of Sheikh Jarrah are continuing their protest vigils in the neighborhood every Friday, protesting their violent evictions from their homes, the taking over of the neighborhood by the settlers, and the Judaization of East Jerusalem. After the radical Zionist Solidarity ended its involvement in the Friday demonstrations, the number of participants is only around 100 but more Palestinians do come.


PHOTOS - Al-Ma’sara weekly demonstration, Dec. 9, 2011: http://on.fb.me/vWsdpE

Nabi Saleh

Today during the weekly demonstration, unarmed civilian, 28 year old Mustafa Tamimi, worker from Nabi Saleh was shot at close range (less than 10 meters according to eyewitness) and with precision and intent right in the face with a tear gas projectile and mutilated him for the rest of his life.
"Just got back from the hospital, where Mustafa Tamimi was taken after being hit in the face with a tear gas canister fired directly at him by a solider, during the weekly protest at a-Nabi Saleh. Here is the footage I filmed of the seconds after he was hit": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ5DipqScyE He was severely injured and is now undergoing emergency surgery right now. The footage is very hard to watch".

PHOTOS of the weekly demonstration
tamimi1966 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzSL-uWuV7I
David Ribb video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RcibVRrT_4

"Mustafa Tamimi, a 28 year old resident of Nabi Saleh, was shot in the face yesterday, during the weekly protest in the village of Nabi Saleh. He sustained a critical head injury, under his right eye, and was evacuated to the Belinson hospital in Petah Tikwa. The severe trauma to Tamimi's brain, caused by the shooting, left the doctors with little to do to save his life, and he eventually passed away at 09:21 AM today. Tamimi's funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday), leaving Ramallah at 10:00 AM towards Nabi Saleh, where it is expected to reach at around 11:00 AM"

Sunday, Few dozens of us (AAtW) participated in his funeral in the village. Few of our people were arrested after the clashes of the shabab and the Israeli army and one comrade (the spokesperson of the grass root popular comities - see his article at: http://www.anarkismo.net/article/21384) was rushed to the hospital for treatment after being suffocated tear gas combined with pepper and beaten by soldiers.

PHOTOS - Mustafa Tamimi's Body In Ramallah: http://on.fb.me/t5c3TX
PHOTOS - The Funeral of Shaheed Mustafa Tamimi in Nabi Saleh, Dec. 11, 2011: http://on.fb.me/skj17P
haithmkatib http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z1rnRewoUA
Israel Putermam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSV-3LXBIlQ
David Ribb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYOgKE9q3HI

Update on arrests: 7 arrested/detained yesterday in Nabi Saleh, including 3 Israelis, 3 internationals and 1 Palestinian. Fortunately, the Palestinian boy was released shortly after his detention. 3 of the others detained were released when they signed papers imposing a 15 day exclusion period from Nabi Saleh. Others are being brought before detention hearings today. Not much information on the situation of Jonathan Pollak who was hospitalized after being beaten and suffocated but initial reports are that he is okay.


PHOTOS - Ni'lin weekly demonstration, Dec. 9, 2011: http://on.fb.me/tJC6tf


PHOTOS - Demonstration against the wall in Qalandia, Dec. 7, 2011: http://on.fb.me/ssLTNt
there will be a demo at the Qalandia village tomorrow (9-11-11 not in the camp or checkpoint) - if you can make it please let me know.
PHOTOS - Qalandia demonstration, Dec. 9, 2011: http://on.fb.me/rAYsOg


firing tear gas directly at demonstrators is a regular thing. yesterday, around the time tamimi was shot, the army used the exact same method in kfur Qaddum. read: http://popularstruggle.org/content/kufr-qaddum-army-fires-teargas-directly-protesters
PHOTOS - Kufr Qaddum demonstration Dec. 9, 2011: http://on.fb.me/sXv2DK
At Kufr Qaddum Army Fires Teargas Directly at Protesters. See http://t.co/aXY1DFYo

South of Hebron Hills

Saturday activity to enable tilling the lands of villages near colonial settlements
Guy Butavia http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150467708512138.387555.779192137

Tel Aviv

Friday, a five thousands strong demo for human rights. The real radical left gave its unique contribution.
Israel Putermam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD3I0dJa7fQ

Saturday evening, about 200 activists converged in a demonstration in front of the war compound (called by the anarchists against the wall) to protest the murder of Mustafa Tamimi of Nabi Saleh.
Israel Puterman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PS36WrP5Ts
PHOTOS - http://on.fb.me/sE9zEm


Don't say we did not know #289

Here's another way of making life hard on the Palestinians of the South Hebron Hills region:

On Monday, 28th November, 2011, Civil Administration supervisors confiscated a Palestinian truck carrying construction materials to one of the cave-dweller villages in the South Hebron Hills region. They had no problem finding something out of order. So they confiscated the lorry. Past experience has shown that if an Israeli human rights organization sends a lawyer, it is interpreted as meaning that the Palestinian is wealthy, and so he can pay the fine to release his lorry. To avoid that, the Palestinian driver had to negotiate himself, and after a while the fine was decreased so that he could pay it. The driver then had to pay for the parking space as well.

The next day another lorry was confiscated.

Questions & queries: amosg@shefayim.org.il
See http://awalls.org
See Previous reports about the joint struggles of the Anarchists Against the Wall at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle persists

All along the Zionist settler colonialist project in Palestine there were from time to time waves of onslaught and in between periods of persistent pressure for expanding the areas colonized and to transfer Palestinians from their lands... and persistent resistance (Tsumud) of the Palestinians. Last few weeks are an in between waves period of persistent pressure of Israel and persistent resistance (Tsumud) of the Palestinians. The joint struggle of the activists of the anarchists against the wall initiative with the grass root Palestinian activists during the last 8 years is part of the persistent resistance.... The main focuses of resistance are still Arakib and the Bedouins (in Israel mainly), Beit Ummar, Bil'in, Ma'asara, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, occupied East Jerusalem (Silwan and Sheik Jarrah), Qaddum,South Hebron hills, Walajeh.


Dear friends,
We are planning to hold a larger demonstration in Bil'in this Friday because of the demolition of the "Bil'in Outpost" last Monday.
The building that the army demolishes was built long before the old route of the Wall was demolished, in order to highlight the illegal construction (even according to Israeli law) that was taking place in the settlement at that time.
Now, the land the the Outpost was standing on until last Monday is no longer between the Wall and the settlement as it was supposedly given back to us after the rerouting, but as the demolition proves - Israel still views it as its own and we are not allowed to use it as we wish.
Please come and support us this Friday in demanding that we are allowed to use our land, and in the continued demand to dismantle the Wall and the settlements.
Mohammed Khatib
PHOTOS http://on.fb.me/v7wFs0
Rani Abdel Fatah http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2803842018342&set=a.2803831058068.295783.1327358013
Chen Misgav http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150494343946803.421346.770301802


Silwan: The struggle is lately around few houses whose residents were issued eviction order. "We are still missing people for a few shifts - Tuesday Evening, Wednesday Morning, Thursday Morning and Thursday Evening."

Sheikh Jarrah: The struggle include the Friday weekly demonstrations. Since the mildly radical Solidarity deserted the Friday afternoon demos, the numbers shrink to less than hundred... but more local Palestinians participate. This week we came after the Bil'in demo to enforce the comrades in Sheikh Jarrah.

Kufr Qaddum Dec. 2, 2011

Nabi Saleh weekly demonstration, Dec. 2, 2011

Dozens participated in this week's demonstration in Nabi Saleh against the theft of its lands and spring by the Halamish Israeli settlement and the Israeli occupation that sustains it. Nabi Saleh residents, other Palestinians, and international and Israeli supporters marched peacefully from the center of the village.
This time the procession headed directly towards the hilltop overlooking Nabi Saleh's spring. The approaching protesters caused settlers who were there to run back to Halamish, but the procession was stopped by Israeli soldiers. At this point Israeli forces also raided the village and besieged the protesters, taking over rooftops and shooting tear gas canisters directly at people: unarmed or peaceful demonstrators and residents of the village. However, some people managed to evade the army and place rocks on its way out. Clashes between soldiers and stone throwers erupted, and after a while, the army managed to take control of the main junction. By then it rushed outside the village. Protesters then burned tires and placed rocks on the main road to prevent the army from raiding the village again. During the raid two Palestinian journalists were arrested and taken by the Israeli army: Majd Mohammed from AP and Mohammed Razi from the Palestinian Television. Clashes then erupted beyond the burning tires line. Soldiers advanced on foot and shoot volleys of tear gas canisters by a cannon installed on a jeep. At this phase Israeli forces also used extensively their “scream” machine, which produces a deafening alarm sound.
PHOTOS http://on.fb.me/vze9kH
Haim Schwarczenberg http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2806029349192.2152141.1212414101
Video - http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=228644653873395
Israel Putermam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bINP2lSu2vE

Ni'lin weekly demonstration, Dec. 2, 2011
Hassan Daboos http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.320787671264877.87455.136633479680298

Kufr Qaddum demonstration Dec. 2, 2011


South Hebron hills

This week we will accompany Palestinians farmers and shepherds to their lands in several locations in South Hebron hills. Harassment of Palestinian farmers and shepherds in the area by both settlers and the army continues.

Tel Aviv

29-11-11 Demo at Halamish in Jaffa - the municipal agency of dwelling for the needy
Israel Putermam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fROOFZJMoA
Saturday evening, about two hundred activists of the Social Justice struggle converged
at the main government offices building in Tel Aviv for a noise demo. The police tried on us the imported "kettle" tactic and for more than an hour prevented us from leaving the area. After we were let go, some marched to the head quarters building of the ruling party and had there confrontation with the police.

Al Walajeh

This Friday the 2nd of December we will join the residents at 1200 at the first Mosque in the village.
Its still to be confirmed but there might be a meeting for activists and members of the village on Friday after the demo. To participate then please let me know by email by Thursday night. Thank you. If there is rain before or on the day please wear suitable clothing.


Don’t say we did not know #288

On Thursday, 24th November, 2011, IDF forces arrived in the Palestinian village Umm Fuqra, situated in the South Hebron Hills region, and demolished a mosque, a home, a reception room for guests (madafe) and a rabbit shed. They attacked a young girl with pepper spray. They arrested her and her friend and injured her mother.
On Wednesday, 23rd November, 2011, Civil Administration supervisors arrived in the Palestinian village Sussya, situated in the same area, and handed out orders for the cessation of construction work of a school, a cistern, and toilets. The next day IDF forces arrived and demolished two tents in the village, which were used as living quarters.
On Wednesday, 23rd November, 2011, government representatives arrived, escorted by police, and demolished, yet again, the Bedouin village El’Araqib in the Negev .
Questions & queries: amosg-A-shefayim.org.il

See http://awalls.org
See Previous reports about the joint struggles of the Anarchists Against the Wall at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com