March 8, 2012

GEORGE: (sitting) So, guess where Mr ‘Ocean phoned’ turned up? He’s working for Firestone, in Akron, Ohio.
GEORGE: Yep. I’m leaving first thing tomorrow morning.
JERRY: (nonplused) You’re flying to Akron, just to zing a guy?
GEORGE: Don’t you understand? It’s not about him. To have a line as perfect as ‘jerk store’ and to never use it. I, I couldn’t live with myself.
ELAINE: See, there are no jerk stores.’s just a little confusing, is all.
GEORGE: (adamant) It’s smart. It’s a smart line, and a smart crowd will appreciate it. (shouting) And, I’m not gonna dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!
George realizes that everyone in the coffee shop is staring over at him, and has heard his shouts.
GEORGE: (waving apologetically) Not you.

(via The Comeback)

March 7, 2012
EMILY: So let me get this straight. You enjoy the lovemaking…KRAMER: Shh, shh.EMILY: (quieter) Well, do you?KRAMER: Oh yeah, like strawberry pie.EMILY: Okay, but you have a problem sharing a bed with me?KRAMER: I know it’s not what the ladies like. But without some solid sack time, I’m a zombie.EMILY: I don’t know.KRAMER: (pleading) Aww, c’mon, man. Meet me halfway.EMILY: You’re not easy, Kramer.KRAMER: I know.
(via The Money)

EMILY: So let me get this straight. You enjoy the lovemaking…
KRAMER: Shh, shh.
EMILY: (quieter) Well, do you?
KRAMER: Oh yeah, like strawberry pie.
EMILY: Okay, but you have a problem sharing a bed with me?
KRAMER: I know it’s not what the ladies like. But without some solid sack time, I’m a zombie.
EMILY: I don’t know.
KRAMER: (pleading) Aww, c’mon, man. Meet me halfway.
EMILY: You’re not easy, Kramer.
KRAMER: I know.

(via The Money)

March 6, 2012
JERRY: So you hurt Vincent’s feelings?ELAINE: (handing Jerry an envelope) Look what came in the mail today.JERRY: (taking the envelope) Wh..What’s this? Jerry opens the envelope and shakes a small object out onto his palm.ELAINE: It’s the play button, off his VCR.JERRY: (examining the button) Boy, look how far back it goes. It’s like          a tooth.
(via The Comeback)

JERRY: So you hurt Vincent’s feelings?
ELAINE: (handing Jerry an envelope) Look what came in the mail today.
JERRY: (taking the envelope) Wh..What’s this?
Jerry opens the envelope and shakes a small object out onto his palm.
ELAINE: It’s the play button, off his VCR.
JERRY: (examining the button) Boy, look how far back it goes. It’s like a

(via The Comeback)

March 5, 2012

ELAINE: What’re you doing?
The manager walks back to behind the counter.
ELAINE: Wha..wha…?
MANAGER: Vincent stopped making picks.
ELAINE: (upset) Well, how am I gonna know what movies to see?
MANAGER: We have a wide variety of Gene picks.
ELAINE: (dismissive) Gene’s trash.
MANAGER: I’m Gene.
Elaine looks sick at her error. Kramer smiles and raises his eyebrows.
ELAINE: (forcing a smile) Hi.

(via The Comeback)

March 4, 2012
KRAMER: Look at this place. It’s huge…
(via The Parking Garage)

KRAMER: Look at this place. It’s huge…

(via The Parking Garage)