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IOPS and ZSocial are Beta Testing



IOPS, a web system able to serve not only the encompassing international organization, but also nationals and cities, composing it - giving each its own venue, combining all when that makes sense, having tools for dues collection, discussion and debate, member engagement, and so on, is now beta testing.

If you look up above, in the left menu system, under IOPS Project, you will see links to  information about various facets.


ZSocial is also beta testing. Once that is well along, our plan is to enlarge it first by inviting, via email, about 100 Z Sustainers to use it. They will use its various aspects and even invite others who they know well to do so. We will accumulate their reactions, notices of bugs, etc. and adapt the system accordingly. Then we will open it to all Z Sustainers and not long after, to all Z Free Members, and then to everyone.

ZSocial will replace many of the interactive features of ZCom with better versions, adding much that is new, as well. We will release it in stages - the initial opening will have most, but not all features. The rest will be added in part as users prefer. We hope ZSocial will become the means by which everyone on the left interacts with others also on the left.

ZSocial will provide all the usual features of social networking, and then some - plus it will be really really easy to use.

What ZSocial won't do is sell you or your friends to corporations as targets for ads and other commercial pursuits. It will not make your private lives and information fodder for profit, and will even give you simple control over what you make available to whom. Nor will ZSocial surveil you including turning over information about you to states and security agencies. And finally, ZSocial will not bias against substantive content, by length or substance, but will welcome it, of course.

It will still make good sense to use mainstream social networking as a way to find old friends or socialize with apolitical friends or family, or as a way to publicize left ideas and efforts to potentially large audiences. But we hope it will no longer make sense to compromise your privacy and commercialize your politics as a condition of relating to one another within the broad left - because ZSocial will aid you in doing that, without the debits, and with added benefits.


Barbara Ehrenreich: Rediscovering Poverty

If we look closely enough, we’ll have to conclude that poverty is not, after all, a cultural aberration or a character flaw. Poverty is a shortage of money Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Lee Sustar: A Struggle for Education Justice

A look at the looming confrontation between the Chicago Teachers Union and Mayor Rahm Emanuel Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Paul Street: Chicago Protest Reflections

Run by a corporate-Democratic machine that has faced no serious Republican opposition for more than half a century, Chicago is a monument to that power and control Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Michael T. Klare: A Tough-Oil World

Why twenty-first century oil will break the bank -- and the planet Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Medea Benjamin: Busted at Bank of America

The banks that were too big to fail then are even bigger now Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Tom Engelhardt: The 0% Doctrine

It is no longer a matter of “we,” but of a presidential “I” when it comes to unleashing attacks in what has become a global free fire zone for drones and special ops f... Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Arundhati Roy: Capitalism - A Ghost Story

A speech made by Arundhati Roy as a part of the 4th series of lecture under the Anuradha Ghandy Memorial Trust Lecture  Menu_arrow_right_red_2
