Mar 03 2012

Righteous indignation

Righteous indignation

Your fellow citizen Holly expresses her dissatisfaction with my parking technique, and chronicles her suffering as a result of same, in this charming windshield chastisement.

The heart bleeds for Your fellow citizen Holly. It must have been bloody inconvenient, having to crawl in from the passenger side.

Holly, a woman of principle, simply cannot remain silent when it comes to her right to unobstructed access to her late model sedan. I wonder how she feels about unobstructed access to birth control.

Mar 02 2012

Spinster aunt gives relationship advice to no one in particular

Prickly pear margaritas

A prose poem by blamer Notorious PhD, hidden in yesterday’s comments, describes a tribal gathering on Savage Death Island.


Over tacos and margaritas, Sylvie announces to her radfem peers, “I’ve decided to take a Nigel.” Radfem besties exchange significant glances, then one says, “Are you sure that’s wise?” Sylvie whips out a pros and cons list, and they all debate it well into the night.


As long as you get out at the first sign of lobe leakage. Lobe leakage, as you know, is the result of shrapnel from the explosion and subsequent disintegration of your personal autonomy. Women are conditioned to stay in relationships way after the initial detonation, often soldiering on until their lobes are just festering, shredded bags of pus.

Don’t let this happen to you! Dump him!

Photo: Jill Psmith. “Prickly Pear Margaritas.” The Prickly Pear Margaritas of East Austin. The Spinstitute for the Study of Magentitude in Beverages, 2007.

Mar 01 2012

Monster truck

I offer this photo as proof of auntliness. Nothing cracks up a couple of nieces more than careening around a farm in a Gator full of horse poop.

Whenever I think about the rude awakening they’re about to get, patriarchy-wise, my lobe explodes and I have to beam back to Obstreperon for a transplant.

Feb 29 2012

Spinster aunt blows off php tutorial

Screw it. I’m just gonna keep this theme. It’s just a flippin blog.

Feb 29 2012

Remain calm

The old blog theme is broken. I am substituting this boilerplate WordPress theme until I can fix it. I agree that it is ugly. I know you will find a way to cope. Thank you.

Feb 28 2012

Shirt happens

If you are a lady whose heart’s desire is to buy a Boing-Boing T-shirt featuring a giant angry unicorn puking blood, the privilege will cost you $2 more than it will cost a dude. This is because, although the women’s shirts are smaller and use less fabric, women Boingers apparently must appease dudenation by spending more money and sporting a sex-identifying “deluxe baby doll fit.”

I guess the women’s “deluxe baby doll” shirt is actually a onesie, since as everyone knows, grown women identify with, model their lives on, and wish to resemble both babies and dolls.

Feb 27 2012

Spinster aunt admits she is entertained by sexist, honky TV show

The morning after the Oscars — no I didn’t watch it, as Angelina Jolie’s Leg is fairly irrelevant in the life of a reclusive dirt farmer — seems as good a time as any to trot out one of my favorite themes. Which is:

If misogyny didn’t exist, if the human uterus was not the property of male interests, if boinking were truly the apolitical, natural bodily function everyone always claims it is, Hollywood would be utterly bereft of subject material.

I mention this because to my great shame I have become a Downton Abbeyist. The outfits, the accents, the melodrama, the stereotypes, the primogeniture, the Gretna Green elopements. It’s mesmerizing, the shiniest thing in a room full of shiny things.

When stealing images of Maggie Smith off the Internet, one may choose between sexy ones and witchy ones.

I watch this show despite the fact that at the entire nub of the main plot is the ruined “purity” of the heroine.* Who will she marry? Also, who will her hot sister marry? Who will her homely sister marry? Who will her aging aunt marry? Will her saintly maid marry the saintly valet? Will the kitchen maid marry the brave young soldier to give him something to live for? Will the family heir marry the saintly London girl? What will the disgraced maid do with her bastard son of a wealthy Major, who she can’t marry because he’s dead?

Don’t try to tell me that the vadge-policing plot device only reflects the misogyny of a bygone era. If ours were a society in which women’s sexuality weren’t entirely co-opted by dudely interests, nobody would be watching “Downton Abbey.” Or anything else on TV.

Unless, possibly, one wished simply to behold the magnificent Maggie Smith at the top of her game. She is, in this series and in any other thing she’s ever done, like a perfect ripe strawberry in a gilded Spode bowl of Cool Whip.

Of course I hate myself for buying in. But if I didn’t hate myself, I wouldn’t be a citizen of the patriarchy.

* To say nothing of the racist elements: such as, the one ethnically non-British character, the “Turkish Ambassador,” is the one who defiles the daughter and immediately dies.

Photo of Maggie Smith in a witch’s hat stolen here.

Feb 22 2012

For your lady eyes only

Green fedora

No time to blame; I gotta spend another afternoon out in a pasture with a chainsaw, so I’m just gonna leave you with this link. Fine, it’s a cop out. You get what you pay for here at I Blame the Patriarchy.

Anyway, the linked blurb is about an experimental billboard in London that uses facial recognition to make its content visible only to women.

The £30,000 display is set up by Plan UK, a not-for-profit organization that helps children in third-world countries. Female passersby will be shown the full 40-second video of its ‘Because I’m a Girl’ campaign that promotes sponsoring a girl to receive proper education in a developing country. Males won’t be able to see the full ad and will be directed to Plan UK’s website instead. The purpose of this was to show men “a glimpse of what it’s like to have basic choices taken away.”

I always get a bang out of it when people shake up the genderized status quo. My original reaction was twofold.

1. What exactly makes a face look like a lady to a computer? (see photo, above). Do I get to watch the video?

2. Dudes are probably glad they’re being spared a 40-second video about “third-world” girls, who are arguably the last thing most dudes give a shit about unless they’re in a brothel.

I look forward to your usual pithy analyses. Or, feel free to prattle about anything you want in a sort of open-threadish way.

P.S. Thanks to Aunti Disestablishmentarian for hipping me to the NYTimes paywall hack.

Feb 21 2012

Rabbi takes down King Leer

The spinster aunt doesn’t give a flip about the corny-ass sacred texts of the world’s great religions. This is because the world’s great religions without exception do double-duty as the world’s great repositories of misogyny. And also because belief, without exception, subverts truth. Take, for example, the habit of godbags to dress women in bags and keep them locked out of the public eye, supposedly in order to prevent dudes from thinking impure thoughts. The habit of blaming women for dude’s impure thoughts is not limited to godbags, of course, but that’s another post.

As the world’s leading expert on comparative religion, I am hard-pressed to come up with an example of an orthodoxy that doesn’t blame women for all men’s failings. So, when banned-for-life blamer Mar Iguana sent in this link I was intrigued. It’s an opinion piece in the New York Times on the subject of the Talmud and an interpretation of same that suggests dudes knock if off already with the leering and ogling, rather than spit on little kids who aren’t dressed “modestly” enough.

It seems, then, that a religious tenet that begins with men’s sexual thoughts ends with men controlling women’s bodies. This is not a problem unique to Judaism. But the Talmud, the basis for Jewish law, offers a perhaps surprising answer: It places the responsibility for controlling men’s licentious thoughts about women squarely on the men. Put more plainly, the Talmud says: It’s your problem, sir; not hers.

For the convenience of those who, like me, have already blown through their New York Times access points for the month, banned-for-life blamer Mar Iguana stole the whole article and included it in her comment, here.

Enjoy. Auntliness requires my attention to matters other than patriarchy blaming just now.

Feb 16 2012

Spinster aunt prattles on about pornography

Metal Teapot, in the comments to a recent post, sez:

I have grown up to believe that if a man says he doesn’t watch porn he is lying to you. I think, I’d rather a partner didn’t watch porn, but I’d also like several million dollars and to never have to work again. I certainly get the impression that men just tell you what you want to hear then continue to act the same. I guess that is where trust comes in but once again my cultural programming tells me that I’m not meant to see a guy lying about porn use as a violation of trust because I was being unreasonable.

Convincing women that they are being unreasonable, that dudely porn use is natural, normal, and even necessary-for-his-health behavior, and therefore you should support his porn use, and by the way you’ll never even find a dude who doesn’t use porn — this is one of the most successful misogynist campaigns of the modern megatheocorporatocracy.

The truth is that if you’re with a guy who uses porn, you’re with a guy who at his core believes that women are subhuman fucktoilets.

Women never want to believe this, for about 386 reasons. The idea of being objectified by the entire ruling class of default humans is too awful to contemplate. The implications are unthinkable. Women disdain to consider that life under the auspices of a culture of domination inexorably taints all relationships. But mostly they just don’t want to have to confront the porn-usin’ dude they love, the dude who will think they are being unreasonable, the dude they know will dump them before he’ll give up his porn.

So they think maybe their Nigel is different. A dude who believes that women are subhuman fucktoilets would have to be a mean, nasty sociopath, right? But their Nigel isn’t that guy; their Nigel is nice and smart and funny. He’d never dream of being violent. He makes great hummus. People like him. He’s a progressive. Sometimes he even does housework. He voted for Hilary. Yes, this Nigel uses porn, but he’s a great guy, so his porn use cannot possibly indicate that he eroticizes misogyny. And even if he does eroticize misogyny, that must mean that the eroticization of misogyny is no big whoop, or possibly even a swell thing for all concerned, because a guy as great as Nigel would never do anything to hurt anyone.

Nope, sorry. I will now unleash the aphorisms.

Pornography is the graphic representation, not just of violence against women, but of male supremacy. It degrades all women. It erodes the humanity of all women. Porn use fetishizes violence and supports male supremacy. Porn is the expression of patriarchy. Porn use is the practice of patriarchy.

You get the gist.

Nigel, in other words, gets off on practicing patriarchal oppression. He is actively antifeminist. He is actively wielding privilege. I don’t give a shit about this Nigel’s feelings, so I am free to assert that his indulgence in this entirely voluntary behavior somewhat mitigates his greatness. Proceed with caution.

Many women would sooner run me through a cheese grater and call me a man-hating prude who is too ugly to get laid than consider this: that global patriarchal oppression has effected between Nigels and women an intransigent opposition of interests. Women’s health and well-being depend on our acquiring fully human status, whereas male privilege depends on confining women to the sex underclass. For women to achieve human status we must dismantle male privilege, not acquiesce to the mania that celebrates pornography as awesome health-giving fun. Sex can never be a politically neutral interaction as long as the interests of one party are by universal decree prioritized over the interests of the other.

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