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An ongoing diary of stuff, allsorts, and things wot happen ......

By: Alan Lodge

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Tuesday, 5-Dec-2006 19:38 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Window On Your World

Window On Your World

BBC Radio 4, asking for listeners to send in pix of what they're doing, or find interesting at 5PM today.


This is my contribution.

Here's how to send us your picture for Window On Your World.

By Post: Window On Your World, PM, Room G601, BBC News Centre, London W12 7RJ.
Sorry - we can't return any...in the style of Vision On.

By email: pm@bbc.co.uk - please put Window On Your World in the subject line.

From your mobile phone - 07725 100 100 - you must mark it Photo for PM.

However you send them, feel free to add any information you like. Maybe you can tell us what the picture shows, or where it was taken, or whether it's typical of your view of the world at 5pm - or how long you've been listening to us. It's up to you.

Thank you for taking part. Tomorrow, we'll let you know where the pictures can be seen.



Hi there
Please accept my offering to your "Window On Your World" report
Well, in common with many, here I am at 5pm, sitting in front of a computer in my living room / office. Hopefully a slight variation from some, in that there are two cameras involved. The one I took it with, and the other, a webcam enabling me to have a video conversation, discussing some work.
Alan Lodge, Nottingham

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I forget what I was doing yesterday at 5:00p-m.. maybe I should be taking pictures so I can remember... Wed 6-Dec-2006 15:46
Posted by:lance  - [Link]

Thursday, 26-Jan-2006 19:29 Email | Share | | Bookmark
No2ID Graffiti found in Nottingham

No2ID Graffiti found in Nottingham

As I wandered about in Nottingham this afternoon, my eye was attacted to the stenciled graffiti near the shops in Bottle Lane of Briddlesmith Gate.

It appears that a pixie, with a political stance on the subject of ID cards, had put this up while no-one was looking.

Such a passing pixie, might oppose the governments proposed scheme, a few reasons. Such as:

An ID scheme won't stop terrorists.
An ID scheme will not eliminate benefit fraud.
An ID scheme will cost billions in taxpayers money.
An ID scheme will mean your most intimate details will be controlled by the government forever.

You will have to pay for an ID scheme out of your own pocket.

If you agree with this, and are concerned, please check out

The national campaign site at: http://www.no2id.net

Nottingham NO2ID - anti Identity Card Group

The Lords have recently rejected the proposals as they are currently constituted, but bilieve me when I say that this is not the end of the arguement, we are still at the begining......


BBC - The government's ID cards scheme has suffered three defeats in the Lords.


I really like your photos, nice work!
( My Photography Homepage )
Sun 19-Feb-2006 23:54
Posted by:jo
When do they put the computer chips in our hands? Sat 1-Jul-2006 13:12
Posted by:Love  - [Link]
Great blog! Don't know nuttin bout no creeping police state but i have seen some creeping state police, Fri 18-Aug-2006 02:14
Posted by:Tremblant  - [Link]
View all 4 comments

Thursday, 19-Jan-2006 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Nottingham Indymedia Exhibition opens at the ASBO

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Nottingham Indymedia Exhibition opens at the ASBO

A exhibition, describing the work and objectives of Nottinghamshire Indymedia has opened to some acclaim at the ASBO Centre. Please go and take a peek!


The normal opening times are on tuesday, thursday and saturday from 2pm - 7pm...

During these times, 'Broadbean Internet Workspace' [ http://www.asbocentre.org.uk/internet/index.html ] computing and internet services are provided, so why not get down there and meet people. While there, you can post stories to Nottinghamshire Indymedia that you think the community will be interested in. Please use the facilities .....

33Burns Street, Arboretum, Nottingham
asbo< AT >squat.net


Asbo Community Space
A Simple Building Occupation...

Asbo Community Space has been opened up in the Arboretum / Radford area after a group of local people moved into three empty council buildings in August 2005...

The three adjoined houses had previously been abandoned for seven years, suffering from vandalism and misuse. With a large homeless problem in Nottingham, and the neighbourhood suffering from lack of community space - we felt this was a crime! So we moved in and, with lots of help from our very supportive neighbours, we opened up the ground floor as a community space.

All the events put on at the ASBO Space are to try and build a better community for everyone. No one gets paid for their work, and all money received goes straight back into the project. Help and donations are always welcome.

Everyone is invited and the space is there to be used as creatively as possible. From art and cookery workshops to bike maintenance and internet access... if you have ideas of stuff you would like to see or do in the space, come along on, or email us @ asbo< AT >squat.net.


Previous posts on Indymedia, showing the content of the exhibition, can be seen at:

Nottinghamshire Indymedia IMC Exhibition pages

web version of exhibition :: http://indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/05/310947.html?c=on#c115253

PDF version :: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/media/2005/05/310948.pdf

oh, and another form of exhibition[ism]

Indymedia Stickers Pixie : been around Nottingham


ASBO Centre :: Previous posts, about the project: "The Squat's progress"


ASBO welcomed by community!

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Wednesday, 21-Dec-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Deer in Woolaton Park, Nottingham

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Deer in Wollaton Park, Nottingham

They are lovely creatures. I've watched them in the park from time to time, for years. But today, out on my bike, I rode into the park, and was amazed that they didn't spook and run away, [as usual]. A couple of them continued to graze as I edged a little closer. Thus, i managed to get these, the best piccys, that i've taken of them.

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nice pics.... looking forward for more wildlife pics from you Thu 22-Dec-2005 01:13
Posted by:zul  - [Link]
Mon 9-Jan-2006 17:07
Posted by:fariborz  - [Link]

Thursday, 15-Dec-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Land Roots: Benefit gig in Nottingham, Wholesome Fish etc

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Land Roots: Benefit gig in Nottingham, Wholesome Fish etc

Land bought by the people for the people and protected through common ownership and good stewardship for cooperative and creative sustainable living forever!

We are part of a growing movement of people and grass roots organisations that are holding out the seeds of hope for a healthy future for us all. LAND ROOTS invites you to help plant these seeds in the rich Earth, that is our home.

At present Land Roots owns no land. This is the beginning. Where will the land be? Well, as yet we cannot know. That will be dependant on many things:
· What land is up for sale at a time when there is enough money to be able to buy?
· Environmental suitability of these areas.
· Planning permission, precidents and attitudes of local councils, in these areas.

Areas being considered are mostly within half a days drive of Nottingham like: Wales, the West Country, Shropshire, Lincolnshire wolds, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, the Scottish borders, etc. It will definitely be:
· Somewhere beautiful, and where a sustainable lifestyle would be possible.
· Somewhere with buildings to make planning applications easier.
· Somewhere that has areas of established broadleaf woodland and fresh water.
· Somewhere that is secluded enough for the eco-community members to live as they wish.

Some people have expressed a wish to co-own land outside the UK, and when we have grown sufficiently to be able to do this, then buying outside the UK will be wholly appropriate and within the aims and objectives of LAND ROOTS.

If you are a part of a group that are aiming to buy land with similar aims to those of LAND ROOTS, then maybe there is a way of linking together, to the advantage of us all. Check out the website for ideas, and keep in touch.

If you want to know more, check out .......


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Saturday, 10-Dec-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
East Midlands Vegan Festival, Nottingham Council House

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East Midlands Vegan Festival, Nottingham Council House

The East Midlands Vegan Festival is fast becoming a regular event, promoting a healthy diet that doesn’t compromise on taste.

Whether you’re a committed vegan or vegetarian or simply interested in finding new ways to make your healthy lifestyle more fun, they came along and saw what was on offer.

* see – and taste – a range of veggie & vegan food
* find information for caterers who want to provide better variety on their menus
* explore ways to make the provision of other veggie goods and services more viable
* create business opportunities between fellow veggies and vegans
* discover all the positive benefits of choosing a healthy and ethical diet
* and share a smile with new friends. We’ll see you there.

This event was held to:
* increase the availability of veggie & vegan food in shops
* encourage more caterers to provide excellent choices on their menus
* make the provision of other veggie goods and services more viable
* create business opportunities for fellow veggies and vegans
* further all the positive benefits of choosing a healthy and ethical diet.

All of this will make it easier for you to be vegetarian or vegan yourself.

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Friday, 9-Dec-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Police escalates offensive crackdown culture poster drive

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Police escalates offensive crackdown culture poster drive

Nottingham Police, allied with authoritarians at the local council and the Home Office, have been wasting taxpayers' money on a wave of offensive posters intended to terrorise dissidents and the socially excluded. This campaign has escalated with attempts to terrorise those involved in subvertising the posters.

Recent instances have included the return of the especially sinister anti-begging campaign, where the state spreads slanderous accusations accusing beggars of bankrolling drug dealers. This campaign has been connected in previous years to deaths of homeless people in cold weather, and to physical assaults on homeless people due to incitement by the posters. The campaign even led to violence and reduced revenue for Big Issue vendors who are engaged in an entirely legal activity.

For some time now, Nottingham City Council and Notts Police have been abusing the resources they grab from Nottingham taxpayers to run vicious and offensive poster campaigns directed at demonising and terrorising the socially excluded and stirring up hysteria about petty and mainly harmless deviance.

There has also been an attack on drinkers, with threats to ban people from all pubs in Nottingham if they receive several warnings for being "drunk and disorderly" (a catch-all category which does not require any substantive harmful action, but rather, is subjectively judged by often corrupt and prejudiced police). This is an attack on the lifestyles of many young people, threatening to rob people of their way of life, and possibly cause problems for those who are genuine addicts. Another campaign encourages snitching of petty deviance including graffiti, drug use and even your neighbours - effectively inciting people to form into a region-wide Gestapo snoop network extending the police's already excessive surveillance capacities.

A number of these posters have repeatedly been subvertised over time, with comments such as "no police state", "hands off drinkers' civil liberties", "crackdowns KILL beggars", "give handouts to beggars not overpaid bureaucrats", "Defend civil liberties - abolish ASBOs", "war on drugs = massacre of Colombian peasants", and "the state - tough on petty deviance, soft on war crimes".

Now the state has initiated a new terror propaganda campaign apparently directed against subvertisers, placing posters threatening ASBOs against graffiti artists at locations previously targeted for subvertising. It is always hard to discern motives in statist crackdown terrorism - this may simply be the latest in a wave of consecutive poster campaigns - but the possibility should not be ruled out that the state is deliberately threatening and provoking the heroic people who have stood up to its fascistic policies and dared to speak back against its wall-adorning abuse against the excluded and the vulnerable.

There is an urgent need to respond to this insult from the state. Crackdown culture must be defied and overthrown - the French uprising shows a way forward. The campaign of subvertising of offensive statist posters must continue and indeed, increase in intensity. Any attempts at repressive action against this movement must be met by forceful action against the state and its allies - so that every act of violence bears a cost for the state, ultimately becoming too costly to maintain.

There is also an urgent need to develop a series of locally-targeted stickers for activists to use for speed-subvertising, to minimise risks of detection through surveillance or through handwriting analysis. Ideally stickers should be large enough to cover significant parts of the offending posters, and should target the statist propaganda head-on. Civil liberties versus ASBOs, pro drug legalisation, links of the drug issue to state violence in Latin America, and denouncement of campaigns which lead to violence against and deaths of homeless people, would all be ideal subjects for such stickers, which should be distributed to activists in the area as widely as possible.

It should not be underestimated, the extent to which these offensive state posters constitute a constant source of distress and discomfort for those who are already struggling at the periphery of capitalism. They are an ever-present declaration of dehumanisation and menace, a constant "conform or else" thrust into the vision of the system's enemies at every opportunity. They are, in short, a source of harassment, alarm and distress for those of us who genuinely value our civil liberties and who are offended by the constant liberticidal attacks made by an ever more aggressive and draconian state machine. In fact if the state consistently applied its own laws then Nottingham Council and Police would be in jail for causing harassment, alarm and distress, both to the bigots whose existing state of hysteria is exacerbated, and to the freedom-lovers who are offended at this constant assault on our visual senses by statist tyrants.

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This is probably the best justification ever for gaining the support of communities to deal with the offenders ("graffiti art" = criminal damage, the worst sort: making communities look crime-riddden and run down). I take it the reference to "harassment, alarm, and distress" is a reference to sections of public order legislation? Those that act outside the law can hardly expect the protection of the law! That's where the term "outlaw" came from, and it seems time to revive the legal meaning of the word... Sat 1-Jul-2006 15:18
Posted by:Willie Old

Saturday, 3-Dec-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Sneinton's Rubbish Day Out in Nottingham

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Sneinton's Rubbish Day Out in Nottingham

Day of recycling fun in Sneinton to oppose incinerator expansion

On Saturday 3rd December, a community day was held in Sneinton, Nottingham, to raise awareness of the proposed expansion of the Eastcroft incinerator and promote recycling through fun and games. Sneinton's Rubbish Day Out was an event organised by the local community and the NAIL campaign.

Artists worked to put new use to waste materials as lantern making, basket weaving, banner painting and wallet making workshops will take place throughout the day. Other activities included poetry, speakers, live music and refreshments from the new Sneinton community cafe collective.

A day to show people there are better and more positive ways of dealing with waste other than incineration.

Sneinton's Rubbish Day Out was held at the Old School Hall, Windmill Lane, Sneinton, Nottingham. With workshops and info from 11am to 4pm. Admission free.

Later, we had some live music, with some assorted bands, all played with some enthusiasm!!

A good time was had by all.


Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill (NAIL) has been campaigning to stop the proposed expansion of Eastcroft Incinerator for the last year. The group recently stepped up it's campaign and erected a large banner on Sneinton Boulevard. Other activities included a well attended public meeting, a gathering on the Market Square and a picket at a presentation organised by the Waste Recycling Group (WRG) who own the incinerator and has submitted the application for expansion.

We say: "The council should make a bigger effort to provide recycling facilties instead of taking the easy option of burning all our waste".

It is expected the council will make a decision on the application early next year. The NAIL campaign will continue to oppose the expansion and promote waste management alternatives.


Nottingham's Eastcroft municipal incinerator is proposing to expand its facility, please support our campaign to prevent the expansion of this unnecessary, highly polluting, poorly regulated plant.

Our Labour City Council is supporting the expansion that will see other people’s waste being imported from the surroundings counties, to be incinerated in Nottingham to pollute our air. At NAIL we want our City to enter into the 21st Century and put incineration in the past, where it belongs.

We are campaigning to get our City Council to stop supporting the incinerator, oppose the expansion plans and end its contract with Waste Recycling Group and improve on its appallingly low recycling rate of 9 only %.

We must end the madness of incineration and the continued pollution of our most precious resource, air the substance of life.

We have a right to breath air free of dust, heavy metals, chemicals and substances that we know are highly poisonous and cause cancer.

Incinerators do NOT destroy waste, it is one of the fundamental principles of science that matter can never be destroyed; it can only ever be transformed. Incinerators basically turn rubbish into ash, gases and particulate matter. These gases and the poisons are spewed into the atmosphere, to the air, which we breathe. Eventually they fall to earth where we consume the poisons through our food.

Incinerators DO NOT destroy waste, our rubbish still exists we may see less of it, but we’re inhaling and eating it instead.

Why should the expansion be stopped.

Nottingham City has one of the lowest recycling rates in the country, only 9%. Instead of increasing this to a more acceptable level, it is proposed to increase the incineration rate by building a third line and importing other people’s waste! Proposals could mean that waste is imported in Nottingham from Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire and incinerated in Nottingham to poison the residents of Nottingham.

Incinerators are highly polluting and poorly regulated.

They contribute to global warming.

They produce ‘Acid Rain’ gases.

Other wastes include toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, tin, and other poisons such as PCB's and Dioxins, which are extremely cancerous.

The most poisonous substances, such as PCB's and Dioxins are only spot measured twice a year, so the overall discharged levels are estimated levels.

Traffic delivering rubbish to the plant and removing ash will increase by 50 % leading to local disturbance and pollution.

The incinerator costs Nottingham's Council Tax payers around a £1,000,000 per year.

Much of what the incinerator burns waste, which could otherwise be recycled, thereby reducing pollution & employing more people.

The current plant regularly breaches its authorised emission levels.

Recycling paper uses 67% less energy than manufacturing it from raw wood pulp.

Recycling 1 aluminium drink can save enough energy to run a TV for 5 hours.

Did you know?

Most of Nottingham City’s waste is incinerated, NOT recycled.
The proposed expansion will lead to industrial waste being imported from the surrounding area.
Manufacturing paper from recycled material not only save forests, but uses a third of the energy requirements than manufacturing it from wood pulp.
Up to 80 % of household waste can be recycled.
The City Council is losing £1 million per year of your money as a result of its heating contract with the incinerator
A British study of municipal incinerators published in 2000 found that children living within 5km of an incinerator had twice the rate of leukaemia and cancers of other children.
The Sint Niklaas incinerator in Belgium met E.U safety limits but was shown to cause a 480% increase in cancer amongst local residents and shortened life spans by 12 years - it was shut down.

Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] 0845 458 2813
email: mail@nail.uk.net
web: http://www.nail.uk.net

Nottingham Friends of the Earth http://nottfoe.gn.apc.org/index.htm

Waste Recycling Group Ltd. Eastcroft Incinerator http://www.wrg.co.uk/eastcroft


and ....... earlier on Indymedia about this issue, see:

NAIL campaign 'banner drop' at Sneinton Boulevard

Previous 'Feature Article'

Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL], Market Square Protest

Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] - Public Meeting in Sneinton

Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] Protest against expansion

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Friday, 25-Nov-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Nottingham Critical Mass Bike About in the city [November CM]

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Nottingham Critical Mass Bike About in the city [November CM]

Critcal Mass is a regular event. The meeting point in Nottingham is the Savoy cinema on Derby Road in Lenton, on the last Friday of every month now at 5.30pm.

It is becoming a more popular event with many more riders turning out each time .....

This time, we headed off into the city centre, via 'The Park' [to annoy the rich folks living there ] and Castle Boulevard. We had a sound system trailer on tow, with some chunes to peddle to. Some motorist were a little annoyed with us, bumpers touching back wheels a couple of times, a couple of cars trying to roar through our band, overtaking with wheel spins etc. and a few rude remarks and gestures. So, not much new there then.

Anyway, we took a random route around and about in the city, taking in such features as the Castle, MacDonalds, and a peddle through the inside of the Broadmarsh Shopping Centre )))

So, if you want to draw attention to transport policy, issues around climate change, health and fitness, pollution and the fact that cars keep injuring cyclists ...... Then please join in.

As a photographer, I've covered this and many similar direct-action events in a 'documentary style'. This time, I thought I would come over all 'arty' and this time present the event in an 'impressionistic style'. Street light colour, long shutter speeds [1/4 - 3/4 sec], giving a feeling of energy, vibrancy, colour and action. An event that is fun to be at, in fact.


What's it all about?

Critical Mass is often described as an 'unorganised coincidence'. It happens when a lot of cyclists happen to be in the same place at the same time and decide to cycle the same way together for a while.

What's the purpose?

"Everyday, all over the world, people are resisting the problem culture of the car by getting on their bikes and riding, instead of driving.

Critical Mass is a celebration of the alternatives to cars, pollution, accidents and the loss of public spaces and freedoms.

Not an organisation or group, but an idea or tactic, Critical Mass allows people to reclaim cities with their bikes, just by getting together and out-numbering the cars on the road"

What happens on a Critical Mass?

Each one is different and they follow no set route, with the direction being spontaneously chosen as people cycle along. Anyone is free to join or leave the ride as it pedals along.

See also http://www.critical-mass.org


You can see more piccys of an earlier Critical Mass in Nottingham at:







and a Nottingham Indy feature about the whole shebang at:



Bicycle repair and support, at the ASBO Centre, check out:


Please Note: "We are not blocking the traffic - We are Traffic!"

[ps. think I've mentioned this before, but some bastard has stolen my bike!]

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Very, very nice... Tue 29-Nov-2005 21:56
Posted by:Ulisses  - [Link]

Sunday, 13-Nov-2005 00:00 Email | Share | | Bookmark
Remembrance Parade :: Remembrance Sunday

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Remembrance Parade :: Remembrance Sunday

Armistice day on the 11 hour of the 11day of the 11 month ..... Armistice [11th November 1918]

However, sunday has become a larger event, including more poeple, being at the weekend.

They shall not grow old as we grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
we will remember them......


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