The Electronic Intifada


Tom Friedman's latest advice to Palestinians: accept a farce of a state

Titus North
23 April 2012

In a recent op-ed, the New York Times’ Thomas Friedman smugly offers the Palestinians how to settle their “conflict” with Israel: accept the settlements and the violent settlers, give up a large part of East Jerusalem, and forget about the refugees’ right of return.

Pointing to Syria to divert attention from Israel's crimes

Jamil Sbitan
20 April 2012

The Israeli government and its supporters now feel justified in exploiting the Syrian people’s suffering and resistance in order to further their own political agenda, depicting Israel as a “vibrant democracy” in comparison to Syria.

Israel rides the rollercoaster of mass hysteria

Ilan Pappe
18 April 2012

French grandmas, a retired poet and nuclear holocaust are all threats of the same magnitude in the post-modern world of the current captains of the Israeli Titanic.

Palestinian family portrait

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Diaries: Live from Palestine

Our day will come (and soon)

Yousef M. Aljamal
Nuseirat refugee camp
19 April 2012

Despite it all, hope is on the rainbow, writes Yousef M. Aljamal from Gaza, as his mother enjoys a long-awaited reunion with her family in the West Bank.

"Present absentee" keeps fighting against Israel's wall in al-Walaja

Tanzil Chowdhury
18 April 2012

Sheerin al-Araj, a resident of al-Walaja village, is fighting tooth and nail against Israel’s encroaching settlement projects and the wall, which both continue to rapidly confiscate more village land.

Human Rights

Palestine football star seriously ill from four-week hunger strike

Rami Almeghari
20 April 2012

Imprisoned by Israel, footballer Mahmoud Sarsak has never been tried for any recognizable offense, and his detention has been continuously renewed every six months. He is one of many prisoners depriving himself of food to demand liberty and justice.

"I will never give up our house": Sabri Gharib kept promise to resist Israeli settlement until his final day

Hilde Reksjø and Maria York
Beit Ijza
20 April 2012

Surrounded on all sides by an Israeli settlement, a fence, walls and gates, the Gharib family’s situation is one of the most extreme and unsettling cases highlighting the effects of Israel’s illegal settlement building in the West Bank. Gharib died just days after this interview.

Activism News

How California uni chief conflates real bigotry with criticism of Israel

Dalia Almarina
18 April 2012

University of California President Mark Yudof has double standards when it comes to on-campus criticism of Israeli policies.

Art, Music & Culture

Against the engine of violence: New book explores history of unarmed resistance in Palestine

Jimmy Johnson
23 April 2012

Wendy Pearlman’s new book describes how the historical organizational structures of the Palestinian liberation struggle help to determine the methods of resistance against the British, the Jordanians and the Israelis.

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