A series of web hosting nightmares have forced us to temporarily take the forum offline.

LiteJazz 0.12 Released

The LiteJazz and WhiteJazz themes have been updated to resolve numerous problems. Version 0.12 of LiteJazz and Version 0.12 of WhiteJazz are now available on the download page. RoopleTheme strongly urges everyone who is currently using version 0.11 of these themes to upgrade to the new version. We will be updating the LiteJazz project page on on the drupal.org website later today (assuming we don't discover any major problems.)

In addition to fixing several problems, we've taken a page from the NewsFlash theme and given LiteJazz a new red color scheme. LiteJazz users can easily switch between the red and blue schemes by simply selecting the color from the theme administration page. See the demo site for a visual.

Important: The CSS code for the LiteJazz and WhiteJazz themes was completely overhauled. If you're upgrading from version 0.11 to 0.12, you're likely to see some strange things because your browser is caching the old CSS files. Be sure to force your browser to reload once you've completed the update. If you're an Internet Explorer user, press Ctrl-F5. If you're a Firefox user, press Ctrl-Shift-R. If you use another browser, do a Google search!

Finally, it would benefit us greatly to hear some reports about your experience installing or updating LiteJazz (and NewsFlash too!) Drop by the RoopleForum, create an account, and tell us how it went!

Introducing NewsFlash

RoopleTheme announces the alpha release of NewsFlash version 0.11, a Drupal 5.x theme released under the terms of the GPL.

NewsFlash is a beautiful theme that features 3 built-in color styles, 12 fully collapsible regions, fluid or fixed widths, easy configuration, and more. To take a look at NewsFlash in action, visit our demo site. We're still developing the content, so check back often for new demos and tutorials.

NewsFlash is free to download and use on your own Drupal site. Visit our download page to get the latest version. NewsFlash will be contributed to the drupal.org site one week following its release.

For support, answers to questions, and other information about NewsFlash, visit the RoopleForum.

Coming Soon!

We've been working hard to get a few items out in the next day or so.

First, we intend to release a new version of the LiteJazz theme that corrects several problems with version 0.11. Thanks to all of the people that have tried Litejazz and reported issues on the RoopleTheme forum.

Second, we're releasing a new theme called NewsFlash. We're still a day or two away from an initial release, but you can take a first peek on the demo site. We hope to have a release available on the download page sometime this weekend.

NewsFlash is based on the BlueMarine code from the Drupal distribution. This means that it is a table-based layout. By contrast, LiteJazz was based largely on the Zen theme, and is (in the 0.11 release) largely a CSS floating layout. Once we have a base of CSS-based layout code that is less fragile (because of our code, not the Zen code), more compatible, and requires less IE hacks, we will move all of our themes towards a table-less format. But until then, tables work, they're well supported, and they don't require a lot of hacks.

With that in mind, we are re-working the LiteJazz theme with the BlueMarine code as a base. The main reason that we are doing this is so that we can provide a stable version as quickly as possible.

Quite honestly, we've been surprised by the popularity of the LiteJazz theme. We've had about 450 combined downloads of the LiteJazz and WhiteJazz themes from our site in two weeks. We have no way of knowing how many more people have downloaded LiteJazz from the Drupal.org website. A Google search turned up several dozen production websites that are currently using the theme. Had we known that we would receive that type of attention, we probably would have held off the release to work out some more bugs. Now that we're here, we'll try to quickly release a version that is stable enough for production use.

Finally, we will be adding a tutorial or two to the collection.

Stay Tuned!

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