
Polarization and Birefringence at home
Polarization and Birefringence demos you can do at home. also explanation of circular pola...
published: 11 May 2008
author: sciguy2222
Polarization and Birefringence at home
Polarization and Birefringence demos you can do at home. also explanation of circular polarizers
published: 11 May 2008
views: 8562

Demonstrating Birefringence or Birefraction
Birefringence or birefraction, with a icelandic spar rhombohedron. Belongs to logpost at w...
published: 18 Jun 2011
author: Tim Zaman
Demonstrating Birefringence or Birefraction
Birefringence or birefraction, with a icelandic spar rhombohedron. Belongs to logpost at www.timzaman.com
published: 18 Jun 2011
author: Tim Zaman
views: 1111

Birefringence Demonstrated
Birefringence (also known as double refraction) is demonstrated using a calcite crystal....
published: 02 Jan 2011
author: Jeff Regester
Birefringence Demonstrated
Birefringence (also known as double refraction) is demonstrated using a calcite crystal.
published: 02 Jan 2011
author: Jeff Regester
views: 7762

Birefringence, Polaroids and Polarization
Well it's really not a acid trip just a phenomenon called birefringence. The white backgro...
published: 23 Jul 2011
author: Hazhar Ghaderi
Birefringence, Polaroids and Polarization
Well it's really not a acid trip just a phenomenon called birefringence. The white background is an LCD-screen, and I'm holding several different object in between the LCD screen and polaroids. Here's the original video from where this is chopped: watch?v=5jgF-cjfX9M
published: 23 Jul 2011
author: Hazhar Ghaderi
views: 1603

Launchpad: Thin Ice - Looking at Birefringence
Join teacher scientists as they learn what ice can tell us about the history of winter. Fi...
published: 31 Jul 2009
author: NASAeClips
Launchpad: Thin Ice - Looking at Birefringence
Join teacher scientists as they learn what ice can tell us about the history of winter. Find out why NASA studies ice and what thin ice sections observed through polarizing filters can help us learn. See how to use bubble patterns in ice core samples to show long-term weather patterns.
published: 31 Jul 2009
author: NASAeClips
views: 1316

Photoelasticity Birefringence Photography Tutorial
PhotoExtremist.com Photography tutorial describing how to take a photo of the colorful rai...
published: 03 Mar 2011
author: PhotoExtremist
Photoelasticity Birefringence Photography Tutorial
PhotoExtremist.com Photography tutorial describing how to take a photo of the colorful rainbow patterns found in in stressed plastic when placed between two polarizing filters.
published: 03 Mar 2011
author: PhotoExtremist
views: 24501

Polarized light from the LCD monitor is rotated as it passes though the polystyrene(?) CD ...
published: 13 Mar 2009
author: syme4284
Polarized light from the LCD monitor is rotated as it passes though the polystyrene(?) CD case by an angle related to the wavelength of the light and the stress in and thickness of the plastic before reaching the polarizing filter in front of the camera lens, resulting in a rainbow effect. en.wikipedia.org skip to 0:45 if you're impatient. The filter is a small LCD display I salvaged from a broken digital clock. I think the liquid crystal material is toxic and/or carcinogenic, so don't do that. tl;dr: look, pretty colors!
published: 13 Mar 2009
author: syme4284
views: 3851

Birefringence - St. Mary's HS Physics
The crystal used in this video was calcite. www.stmary.ws Soundtrack - One of them - Commo...
published: 06 Apr 2011
author: tonymang2
Birefringence - St. Mary's HS Physics
The crystal used in this video was calcite. www.stmary.ws Soundtrack - One of them - Commons License - incompetech.com
published: 06 Apr 2011
author: tonymang2
views: 805

Shear-induced birefringence - bentonite, montmorillonite water suspension 3
Shear induced birefringence effect as seen in crossed polarizers. The water suspension of ...
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: kosmasz
Shear-induced birefringence - bentonite, montmorillonite water suspension 3
Shear induced birefringence effect as seen in crossed polarizers. The water suspension of bentonite (montmorillonite) was used.
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: kosmasz
views: 69

"Birefringence" trailer
Trailer for my new short film...
published: 06 Aug 2010
"Birefringence" trailer

Streaming Birefringence Device @ Machine Project
from a demo at Machine Project (machineproject.com) in Los Angeles, by Robert K. Blackstoc...
published: 07 Jan 2007
author: Douglas Welch
Streaming Birefringence Device @ Machine Project
from a demo at Machine Project (machineproject.com) in Los Angeles, by Robert K. Blackstock of Laminar Sciences Corp (laminarsciences.ccom)
published: 07 Jan 2007
author: Douglas Welch
views: 939

birefringence of sticky tape
Birefringence is an optical phenomenon that is easily observed with most crystals. Any dev...
published: 23 Apr 2009
author: hboy007
birefringence of sticky tape
Birefringence is an optical phenomenon that is easily observed with most crystals. Any deviation from the cubic system leads to anisotropic optical behaviour which means different diffraction indices, along specific axes. Calcite and Quartz(rhombohedral ) are examples for this behaviour. Many other materials are not optically isotropic, just watch a CD jewel case at dusk light and you'll see beautiful colors. The polymer, most likely it will be polystyrol, is pressed into a negative form and chilled below softening point. You can see dramatic variations of hue at the inlet points and towards edges. partially uniform orientation of polymer molecules and mechanical stress cause this effect. You can even see the non-linear behaviour when playing around with sticky tape which is a stretched foil with glue on it. Stretching forces a preferred orientation of polymer chains. In this case, the axes lie in the plane of the tape, the optical axis points along the tape (the tape is optically uniaxial). Additional stress increases optical anisotropy. For all wavelengths the transit length is the same so in this case blue light expiriences the largest "rotation". More precisely we are talking about phase-shifting of one component of the electrical field in respect to the other because they pass the medium with different phase velocities. The scene is recorded through a second polarizer that is rotated 90° against the first one so we only observe rotated components. When the tape is ...
published: 23 Apr 2009
author: hboy007
views: 3466

Shear-induced birefringence - bentonite, montmorillonite water suspension 1
Shear induced birefringence effect as seen in crossed polarizers. The water suspension of ...
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: kosmasz
Shear-induced birefringence - bentonite, montmorillonite water suspension 1
Shear induced birefringence effect as seen in crossed polarizers. The water suspension of bentonite (montmorillonite) was used.
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: kosmasz
views: 34
Youtube results:

Fluroescent Birefringence in Calcite's and Changing Polarzatoin
405nm Laser incident on an optical calcite crystal. 4 beams of fluorescence are observed. ...
published: 24 Nov 2008
author: chopshopdaddy
Fluroescent Birefringence in Calcite's and Changing Polarzatoin
405nm Laser incident on an optical calcite crystal. 4 beams of fluorescence are observed. As the polarization of the laser is varied, beams pair fade in and out.
published: 24 Nov 2008
author: chopshopdaddy
views: 1948

Shear-induced birefringence - bentonite, montmorillonite water suspension 2
Shear induced birefringence effect as seen in crossed polarizers. The water suspension of ...
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: kosmasz
Shear-induced birefringence - bentonite, montmorillonite water suspension 2
Shear induced birefringence effect as seen in crossed polarizers. The water suspension of bentonite (montmorillonite) was used.
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: kosmasz
views: 38

Shear-induced birefringence - bentonite, montmorillonite water suspension
Shear induced birefringence effect as seen in crossed polarizers. The water suspension of ...
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: kosmasz
Shear-induced birefringence - bentonite, montmorillonite water suspension
Shear induced birefringence effect as seen in crossed polarizers. The water suspension of bentonite (montmorillonite) was used.
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: kosmasz
views: 31

Birefringence - Teaser [HD]
Teaser for my new film....
published: 22 Oct 2010
Birefringence - Teaser [HD]