Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Photo: Homeless in Las Vegas


The thing about Las Vegas is that behind the scenes, the city is pretty brutal. This man sleeps beneath a bridge in front of New York, New York. A thousand people pass him by every hour. Few people pay him any attention. There were dozens of men and woman just like him hidden here and there. You just needed to look.

I watched two cops talk to a homeless man on a walkway over the Strip near the new Cosmopolitan hotel. They were so nice. It was like watching a movie. They even warned the man to stay out of the sun and gave him water. The only thing was, well, they were being filmed for Cops (or something like it). Las Vegas is a show. It’s all for show.

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Pastor Ron Burning update

Pastor Ron Burning, profiled here, was convicted on 13 of 14 charges. He faces life in prison… twice over. Burning was a Baptist pastor who was arrested crossing an international border between the USA and Canada. It is widely believed he was attempting to flee his crimes.

The jury did not waste much time. It took a day to sort out the charges, which were pretty intense.

Burning, pastor of Johnsfield Baptist Church, was found guilty on three counts of sexual assault, four charges of indecent assault, sexual intercourse with someone under the age of 14, forcible confinement, indecent assault, voyeurism, criminal harassment, indecent assault and gross indecency. These charges, some committed on men and some on women, related to incidents that took place between 1971 and 2009.

There is another story here. Burning was a missionary for the Old Time Baptist church (OTBC) for 12 years. That’s ample time to perpetuate his form of Christianity. There is also his link to OTBC’s school administrator Pastor Robert Piwowar, who murdered his wife and hid her body. I’m thinking OTBC might not be a happy place.

OTBC is silent. Nothing on the blog. No press releases. It’s as if they want to bury their association with Burning. I listened to a few sermons there is nothing there either. There are questions to answer.

Why did they stand by Burning? Did they know of the abuse allegations? Did they report allegations? Were there allegations from Burning’s missionary work? What about their duty of car as mandatory reporters?  The questions are endless, but so is the silence.

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Photo: Bad Choices


It was 8:45 am on the Las Vegas strip when I shot this photo. This young man is about to make a few bad life choices. Will it be porn, prostitutes or beer?.  

You see all types in Las Vegas. It really is an interesting place to watch people. For every homeless person sleeping in the shadows, there is a bachelorette party staggering back to their hotels, or I could be a tourist from Maine shopping for trinkets. I could shoot all day.

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White lies

I talked to a Christian woman today at lunch. She wanted to know how I felt about lying. I told her that I find liars intolerable. It seemed like common sense to me. If you are a liar, you are not to be trusted. She went on to ask about white lies. I told her that white lies are a necessary social lubricant. Everyone tells white lies, except for some people I know with Asperger Syndrome. She was shocked and claimed that she never told white lies… I knew she was lying though, because she had complemented me earlier in the day on losing weight when I know my ass is still enormous…. just saying.

It's funny though. People cannot be honest about lying because it paints an un-Chirst like picture in the eyes of others. Of course they tell white lies. Everyone does. But admitting to a lie puts your soul at risk. Does that make any sense?

Take this one, 'Your hair looks nice today honey." When you are judged, God will call our your lie, call you a sinner and then cast your ass in a lake of fire… for a white lie? ..but not if you've asked forgiveness first, but what if you forget some small transgression? How does that work again?
Oh wait… it does not work. That's why i'm on the A-Team.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Photo: Road to Baker, CA


We were delayed on the the road out of Las Vegas to Los Angeles at Halloran Summit east of Baker on Sunday. There was a horrible accident. Two children Sonya De Anda Martinez, 15, and Jesus De Anda Martinez, 6, died at the scene. A LifeFlight helicopter flew in to take the surviving victims to the hospital.

I was stuck for 45 minutes. I shot a few pictures so that I could remember the event. I don’t know why I document my life like this. It’s a bit of a compulsion. Five years from now I want to be able to remember this trip. This is one piece of the story.

The haze at the end of the road is the town of Baker, Ca. The accident was over just over the horizon.

My mind does not let things go. I had to find out what happened. Now I’m sorry I did. My grandmother died the same way back in the 60s. A rollover on the road to Las Vegas. What a horrible way to die.

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NPR: From minister to atheist

I listened to an interesting story on NPR this morning called From minister to atheist. It’s a story of a female pastor coming out to her congregation. It’s not pretty. In few short days she goes from life-long pastor to a shunned member of her own community. Life can be different once one rejects the church. Especially when one is leading the faithful. 

I’ve thought about this a great deal in my own terms. I was an active and focused Christian back in my teens. Once I rejected belief, I walked away from all of my Christian friends. I had no other choice. They no longer wanted to talk to me. The discomfort was painful. I think about it all the time, even 30 years later. I’m sure Teresa MacBain is feeling it much deeper. She has more to lose.

Teresa did something very different than I did. She turned her back on her church and did so in a very public. Maybe she did it for drama or for the shock value, the story does not go into her motives for coming out the way she did. The atheist conference sure treated her like a rock star. I understand that. It takes guts to throw your career away. Her church would have viewed her public admission as a direct attack. They circled the wagons and shunned her. What did she expect? Christians do this by rote. It’s a community survival strategy.

I don’t think it would have played out much better is she had come out to her church. Except for that she would likely have been goose-stepped off the property. Churches are not inclusive when it comes to those who reject core beliefs.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Introducing Football v. Religion

We’ve had a new blog join the Atheist blogroll: Football v. Religion

It may have been a slow burn since the mid 1800s, but since televised football started in the late 1960s and more recently live football matches became available via satellite, football is on the up, and religion is well and truly in the relegation zone.

This blog aims to help explain why football will eventually replace religion, while pointing out the main similarities and differences between them.

Strangely, until recently I thought little about religion, but much about football. However, after 'having' to study the Philosophy of Religion as part of a larger course, I was forced to consider 'the argument for god'. I am now consumed with the complete ridiculousness of organised religion, especially the 3 main Abrahamic religions, and I am astounded by the complete lack of critical thinking or questioning that accompanies religious belief.

If people are happy in this delusion, so be it, but they wish to use religion to influence laws and governmental decisions that effect me and my life. That is just plain stupid.

I would not say that I was a 100% ATHEIST, but what I am is 100% convinced that there is absolutely NO truth in Christianity, Islam or Judaism.

There is no benign, all powerful being watching our every move and intervening - if there was he would have an awful lot of explaining to do !!!

Are you interested in becoming a member? Visit the Atheist Blogroll for more information. or visit the the full Atheist Blogroll membership list.

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Hands that pray also prey

Karl Vanderwoude likes to hang out with friends, host bible studies, pray, and allegedly grope young women and snap upskirt photos. Don’t worry though, he’s a nice Christian.

"We had some meetings for bible study" in Vanderwoude's apartment, said Javier Maldonado, 38, a neighbor of the pair, who said he attended several Bible study groups at the apartment in recent months.

Maldonado said he was shocked to hear the news about Vanderwoude, adding, "He's a pretty quiet guy, a kind guy."

Read more: Accused 'Well Dressed' Groper Hosted Bible Studies, Neighbors Say

But wait. There is more. Vanderwoude, a graduate of Palm Beach Atlantic University, a Christian “university” in Florida, allegedly has a fetish problem (and impulse control issues).

On March 30, he allegedly grabbed a 22-year-old woman inside the subway station at Centre and Chambers streets, touching her buttocks and forcing her to stick her hand between her legs underneath her skirt while apparently recording with his cell phone, the complaint said. The woman then felt the man's hand near her groin while he had his cell phone underneath her skirt.

He’s friends think it is a case of mistaken identity because he’s too nice to do something like this and he’s a Christian…. as if that matters.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Love this…

The Dirty Heads Live From Daryl’s House singing Rich Girl
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Poem 13: My favorite Haiku

Celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day and National Poetry Month

summer grasses---
all that remains
of warriors’ dreams

Matsou Basho (1644 -1694)

While in Kyoto Japan in 1986, I took a tour of the stunningly beautiful Kiyomizu-dera temple. I mentioned that the view from the deck was visual poetry to a elderly Japanese man standing near me. He recited this poem, and two others in response.

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Poem 12: At Last the Secret is Out

Celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day and National Poetry Month

At last the secret is out,
as it always must come in the end,
the delicius story is ripe to tell
to tell to the intimate friend;
over the tea-cups and into the square
the tongues has its desire;
still waters run deep, my dear,
there's never smoke without fire.

Behind the corpse in the reservoir,
behind the ghost on the links,
behind the lady who dances
and the man who madly drinks,
under the look of fatigue
the attack of migraine and the sigh
there is always another story,
there is more than meets the eye.

For the clear voice suddently singing,
high up in the convent wall,
the scent of the elder bushes,
the sporting prints in the hall,
the croquet matches in summer,
the handshake, the cough, the kiss,
there is always a wicked secret,
a private reason for this.

W.H. Auden (1907 – 1973)

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Poem 11: Poetry Slam - Shane Hawley

Celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day and National Poetry Month

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Poem 10: Sonnet XXV

Celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day and National Poetry Month.

Let those who are in favour with their stars
Of public honour and proud titles boast,
Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars,
Unlook'd for joy in that I honour most.
Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spread
But as the marigold at the sun's eye,
And in themselves their pride lies buried,
For at a frown they in their glory die.
The painful warrior famoused for fight,
After a thousand victories once foil'd,
Is from the book of honour razed quite,
And all the rest forgot for which he toil'd:
Then happy I, that love and am beloved
Where I may not remove nor be remove

William Shakespeare

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Poem 9: The Ideal

Celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day and National Poetry Month.

This is where I came from.
I passed this way.
This should not be shameful
Or hard to say.

A self is a self.
It is not a screen.
A person should respect
What he has been.

This is my past
Which I shall not discard.
This is the ideal.
This is hard.

James Fenton

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Poem 8: Rebirth

Celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day and National Poetry Month.

My entire verve–
is a dark verse.
It will take you–
to the unending dawn–
of blooms, flight and light.

In this verse,
I heaved you a sigh, sigh.

In this verse,
I tied you to the trees,
Water and flames.

Life perhaps,
is that long, shady road,
where every day, a woman wanders–
with her basket of fruits.

Life perhaps, is that rope;
the one that a man would hang himself with–
in a gray, rainy day,–
from a thick branch.

Life perhaps,
is that child who is running back home.

Life perhaps,
is those brief smokes,
in the lazy, idle times–
stolen from two making-loves.

Life perhaps,
is that still instant,
when my eyes sink–
in the reflection of your sight.

Life perhaps,
is its sheltering sense;
I will merge it- with the flood of moonlight–
and the frozen abode of night.

In my little,
lonely room,
my heart is invaded–
by the silent crowd of love.

I am keeping track of my life:
The beautiful decay of a rose, in this antique vase;
the growing plant that you brought;
and those birds in their timber cage.
They are singing every hour,
up to the full depth–
of the view.

This is my share.
This is my share.

My share,
is a piece of sky–
and a little shade–
can take it away.

My share,
is a gradual descent–
from some deserted stairs.
It is a sudden landing–
in some forsaken,
exiling place.

My share,
is a gloomy march–
in the distant garden of my past.

My share,
is a slow death–
for the advent of a voice.
The voice–
who once said:
“I love your hands”.

I will plant my hands.
I will grow, I know, I know,
I know.

And a lost bird-
will lay lots of eggs–
in my inky palms.

I will pick a pair of twin cherries,
and I will hang them on my ears.
I will take two white oleanders,
And I will put them charily–
on my fingertips.

There is a road,
full of young, vulgar boys.
I used to be their sole muse.
They are still hanging–
with their untidy hair,
with the same thin legs,
about the same square.

they are still thinking–
of that little girl, with a shy beam;
the girl that one day–
faded in the breeze.

There is a congested road that my heart,
kept it from my childhood neighborhood.

The journey of a mass in the row of Time;
And loading this arid line,
with the weight of its shape;
a polished, smooth, even shape–
coming from a place, just after the village–
of the mirrors.

And it is so–
that some will remain–
and others die.

Did you ever meet a fisher who caught a pearl
in the yellow, inert, close-by river?

I know a sad, little fairy.
She is living in a remote ocean.
And she is playing her heart
into a wooden flute.

A sad little fairy
who dies every dusk.
She is reborn the day after
right at the dawn,
from a slight kiss.

Forough Farrokhzad (1935 – 1967)
Translation: Maryam Dilmaghani

Read more here.

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