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Workers Solidarity Network Conference

The first Workers Solidarity Network conference will take place Fri 20, Sat 21 and Sun 22 May at Trades Hall. All are welcome!

Friday 20th May

6.30pm The history of Union Solidarity and the need for community action

Dave Kerin kicks off the conference with a discussion of the history and legacy of Union Solidarity, its successes, flaws and impact.

Saturday 21st May

9-12 Community and Industrial Cooperation

A historical look at community support in industrial campaigns and industrial support in community campaigns.

The BLF green bans and black bans – Davey Thomason

The MUA Patricks Dispute – Kevin Bracken

1-3pm WSN and past disputes

Reports back from and detailed discussions of WSN’s involvement in recent disputes

Kennon Auto dispute – Emma Kerin

Swift Australia dispute – Alex Sproule

Action Bus depot dispute (Canberra) – Louise Passant

3.30-6.30pm Democratic engagement and organising in unorganised industries

UNITE Brunswick Street Campaign – Anthony Main

Wave Hill, Indigenous rights, Northern Territory workers and union support – Tanya McConvell

8pm Drinks and Fundraiser

Sunday 22nd May

9am A Forum for Clarity

A forum to discuss and clarify WSN’s aims, goals, and role. How will we continue to agitate for industrial action and organise non-unionised sectors? Should we form a national network? What role will we play in future industrial disputes? Join this open discussion of ongoing questions concerning the network.

2pm San Churro protest

In the spirit of direct action, come and support cafe workers at San Churro on Brunswick street. These UNITE members are demanding their penalty rates and back pay, and need our support!

Tickets    One day: $5/$10   Weekend: $15/$20

Email enquiries to or call 0431 445 978

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