Rahim ft Minix - OTC (official video) HD
Rahim ft Minix - OTC (official video) HD
Przed Panstwem najnowsze dzielo grupy filmowej Przedmarancza. W rolach glownych wystapili Rahim, Minix oraz tanczerze z tyskiej szkoly Tito Dance Studio. Wszystko to do akompaniamentu DiNO. Utwor promuje limitowany album Amplifikacja (jeszc...
OTC Tool Guy Pegisys Direct - Hit Technician 2003 Volkswagen Jetta 1.9 Ltr P0380
OTC Tool Guy Pegisys Direct - Hit Technician 2003 Volkswagen Jetta 1.9 Ltr P0380
2000 Volkswagen Jetta 1.9L TDI ALH Customer Complaint = Check engine light on, vehicle starts hard cold code P0380 stored Procedure: 1. With the ignition switch turned off, disconnect the Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS). 2. Turn the igniti...
Prilosec OTC - Project Fairbanks - FBXRG
Prilosec OTC - Project Fairbanks - FBXRG
This is a nationally produced TV spot for Prilosec OTC. It features Jump on Jen of the Fairbanks Rollergirls. This video was uploaded without the consent of its producers, and all content is property of Prilosec (or whatever giant pharmaceu...
OTC Fuel Injection Cleaner Kit
OTC Fuel Injection Cleaner Kit
OTC's Master Fuel Injection Kit Test fuel injection systems on most GMs, including GM TBI, Ford, Chrysler, and Jeep vehicles. Also works on imports, including CIS and CISE fuel systems. With this new kit you can diagnose fuel-related pr...
OTC 3111 Trilingual OBD II and ABS Scan Tool with CodeConnect
OTC 3111 Trilingual OBD II and ABS Scan Tool with CodeConnect
OTC 3111 Scan Tool Trilingual OBD II, CAN & ABS Scan Tool Place 3 million Verified Fixes in the Palm of Your Hand! The new OTC 3111 Scan Tool with CodeConnect™ and ABS displays not just the trouble code, but also can help prioriti...
OTC Leak Tamer™ Plus EVAP
OTC Leak Tamer™ Plus EVAP
A Truly Versatile Unit for Testing a Wide Range of Systems The OTC LeakTamerTM Plus EVAP can also locate vacuum/induction leaks, climate control vacuum leaks, exhaust leaks, wind and water leaks, and many other closed system leaks. All test...
Global Health Voyager (OTC:GLHV.OB)
Global Health Voyager (OTC:GLHV.OB)
Curtis Hollister interviews Global Health Voyager CEO, Ali Moussavi. GLHV.OB is a full service facilitator for companies seeking to reduce the cost burden of traditional healthcare expenses. Mr. Moussavi outlines the companies priorities to...